The Pope is a Republican ?

Disagree with him, but don't act like he is a stupid man. He just believes differently.


umm you could take your own advise when dealing with some of my replies there ....

Prove to me that you aren't (although I don't even know who you are, so I don't get where you are coming from). One does not become Pope without being intelligent. People can believe differently and be stupid just as they can believe differently and be intelligent. We weren't talking about you.
This is total garbage.

Pedophiles talk to each other and form groups like NAMBLA. Those groups suggest certain areas to work where you are more protected. The Priesthood was perfect for them as the higher-ups worked to hide rather than to out and punish those who abused children. They therefore attracted even more of them to their ranks.

Buddhist Monks are even more strict on sex, they do not have this problem, it is because the rules set up long ago would have them kicked out and prosecuted for such activity. Therefore the groups like NAMBLA and other places where these sickos meet to talk would tell them to avoid that as a profession as they will be in jail and victimized themselves.

I think you misusderstood me Damo I meant to convey that it would seem like a perfect place for a devout chatholic kid who realises they are gay to go get cured and forgiven by God. They have no interest in marrying a woman and if they become a priest that solves that one and they an emerse themselves in their religion and seek to rid themselves of the "gayness".

Then they get stuck sextually in the few sexual experiences of their lives (young boys). The urges dont go away and their sexuality never progresses into adulthood. Pedophiles are sexually stuck in youth. I dont know if there is any cure to it but that is what is happening to them. Im not saying the preists go into the priesthood to become pedophiles, I think they are drawn to a cure and then the cure never comes.
I think you misusderstood me Damo I meant to convey that it would seem like a perfect place for a devout chatholic kid who realises they are gay to go get cured and forgiven by God. They have no interest in marrying a woman and if they become a priest that solves that one and they an emerse themselves in their religion and seek to rid themselves of the "gayness".

Then they get stuck sextually in the few sexual experiences of their lives (young boys). The urges dont go away and their sexuality never progresses into adulthood. Pedophiles are sexually stuck in youth. I dont know if there is any cure to it but that is what is happening to them. Im not saying the preists go into the priesthood to become pedophiles, I think they are drawn to a cure and then the cure never comes.

Again, you are an offensive bigot. Homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia, whether open or closeted.
Prove to me that you aren't (although I don't even know who you are, so I don't get where you are coming from). One does not become Pope without being intelligent. People can believe differently and be stupid just as they can believe differently and be intelligent. We weren't talking about you.

LOL, yep we onetime thought the same thing about being president of the USA>
I think you misusderstood me Damo I meant to convey that it would seem like a perfect place for a devout chatholic kid who realises they are gay to go get cured and forgiven by God. They have no interest in marrying a woman and if they become a priest that solves that one and they an emerse themselves in their religion and seek to rid themselves of the "gayness".

Then they get stuck sextually in the few sexual experiences of their lives (young boys). The urges dont go away and their sexuality never progresses into adulthood. Pedophiles are sexually stuck in youth. I dont know if there is any cure to it but that is what is happening to them. Im not saying the preists go into the priesthood to become pedophiles, I think they are drawn to a cure and then the cure never comes.
I am saying that the vast majority of pedophiles who became Priests did so to practice their sicko-style in relative privacy. That they heard of this practice of protecting the pedophiles and became Priests because of it.
Again, you are an offensive bigot. Homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia, whether open or closeted.

The only connection I have drawn is that Homosexuality is normal and hetrosexuals as well as homosexuals sometimes get stuck sexually in childhood.

When you stigmatize sex in the human mind as bad it ups the chances that for someone to get stuck in at an early age. I think this is at least one cause for pedophilia.

I dont think homosexuals are predisposed to this condition because they are homosexual. I do think that society stigmatizing homosexuality increases the numbers of people who get stuck and or fixated at a young age.

I think homosexuality is a normal and healthy as hetrosexuality my friend.
The only connection I have drawn is that Homosexuality is normal and hetrosexuals as well as homosexuals sometimes get stuck sexually in childhood.

When you stigmatize sex in the human mind as bad it ups the chances that for someone to get stuck in at an early age. I think this is at least one cause for pedophilia.

I dont think homosexuals are predisposed to this condition because they are homosexual. I do think that society stigmatizing homosexuality increases the numbers of people who get stuck and or fixated at a young age.

I think homosexuality is a normal and healthy as hetrosexuality my friend.

I'm not sure you have any science to back up that opinion, but at least it is slightly less inflammatory.

However, you are still somewhat implying that pedophilia is a homosexual problem, because you are referring to men becoming pedophiles because of the stigma or repression of homosexuality.
I am saying that the vast majority of pedophiles who became Priests did so to practice their sicko-style in relative privacy. That they heard of this practice of protecting the pedophiles and became Priests because of it.

Im just dont think so Damo. It would be a very hard tradeoff for someone who did not believe in the catholic religion to live in the middle of such a restrictive world.
Im just dont think so Damo. It would be a very hard tradeoff for someone who did not believe in the catholic religion to live in the middle of such a restrictive world.

Catholicism is not restrictive. Have you ever met any Catholics? They are some of the least fundamentalist people in existence.
Im just dont think so Damo. It would be a very hard tradeoff for someone who did not believe in the catholic religion to live in the middle of such a restrictive world.
Not if they wanted access to the kiddies.

It's like saying it is restrictive to be a teacher. Many pedophiles become teachers because they get access to children, but it is harder for them to hide themselves. It is not difficult if you have a whole huge organization hiding you and your perversion.

Those who were pedophiles may have been catholic to begin with, but they chose this profession in a large part because they had heard and knew they would be protected by the institution if they were caught. This is why they don't become Buddhist Monks as those who would be caught doing this not only wouldn't be Monks any longer, they'd immediately be handed over to police.
I found the Popes comment...........

to be a little annoying...being that I am a non-practicing Roman Catholic...the chuch is supposed to set the example...not blame the example on others...this also applies to the church violating US immigration laws...harboring violators...until the church corrects it's hyprocrisy I will remain a lost Christian!:eek:
I'm not sure you have any science to back up that opinion, but at least it is slightly less inflammatory.

However, you are still somewhat implying that pedophilia is a homosexual problem, because you are referring to men becoming pedophiles because of the stigma or repression of homosexuality.

I do think I have heard that the accepted thought on it is that they have an early sexual experience etched into their memory. This can also be triggered by being molested and then not ever developing a normal adult sex pattern.

I no more would say that all molested childern turn out to be pedophiles than all homosexuals turn out to be pedophiles.

It is having your association of sex trapped in a memory of childhood. Sex then seems only fulfilling if it involves images of children.

I really hope that it is curable but it is also why we try to treat and council kids of abuse like this. They can become self distructive or repete the pattern.

I would really like to see some studies done with pedophiles to see what can be done.

Not if they wanted access to the kiddies.

It's like saying it is restrictive to be a teacher. Many pedophiles become teachers because they get access to children, but it is harder for them to hide themselves. It is not difficult if you have a whole huge organization hiding you and your perversion.

Those who were pedophiles may have been catholic to begin with, but they chose this profession in a large part because they had heard and knew they would be protected by the institution if they were caught. This is why they don't become Buddhist Monks as those who would be caught doing this not only wouldn't be Monks any longer, they'd immediately be handed over to police.

They wouldn't do a Chuck Norris on them?
Maybe they can be asked to take part in the study of their own free will.

There are also people who have these feelings which never act on them.

Killing pedophiles who have offended and left the child alive is asking offenders to kill the child and leave no witness.
Alot of them..............

Maybe they can be asked to take part in the study of their own free will.

There are also people who have these feelings which never act on them.

Killing pedophiles who have offended and left the child alive is asking offenders to kill the child and leave no witness.

already do this desh...!