The Prestigious Smithsonian Environmental Research Center


Well-known member
At first I thought this was parody, but this is actually f$cking serious and for real.

For scientists at SERC, global warming is more than an idea. It is a reality they have seen and felt. The decade from 2001 to 2010 was the warmest decade on record, and while not all places are feeling the heat equally, on average the temperature of the Earth is climbing.

Around the globe, SERC scientists have watched plants and animals move to new territory as regions grow warmer. Closer to home, they have seen evidence of global warming on SERC’s Maryland campus. Since 1987, the growing season at SERC has become a week longer, enabling the trees to grow larger and faster.

The science is simple: Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap energy from the sun. As greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continue to spike, more heat energy from the sun remains trapped in the lower atmosphere, where it warms the planet below. Since the Industrial Revolution, the global average temperature has risen by almost 1° Celsius. If nothing changes, by 2100 that figure is likely to pass 2° Celsius, enough to melt ice sheets, drown island communities and strain the water supply of billions of people.

SERC researchers investigate how environments are reacting to global warming now, and how they may respond in the future. For decades, they have tracked the swelling of trees in SERC forests and the northward migration of Florida’s tropical mangroves, no longer held back by winter cold snaps. They have uncovered the possibility of dead zones expanding as oceans warm. They’ve also set up warming experiments to examine how various plants and microbes will behave in a future, warmer climate. Explore the projects below to learn more about their work.,it%20warms%20the%20planet%20below.

Some of you might be asking "Why does this matter to you?" and the answer is that some rational people with common sense don't want to see science perverted; this of course, is beyond the level of comprehension of the mindless, undereducated leftist thought-collective. What the religious fanatics won't do to mask theology as science. When fanatical leftists stop trying to introduce their Global Warming religion and its Climate goddess denominations into public science classrooms, using the religious church material these so called "Education Boards" provide, I will stop caring. Leftists are quite alright with left wing interest groups using their Climate faith to render our children scientifically illiterate so as to be able to convince kids their gender is a choice and they should lop off body parts because of their feelings. Sorry but I don't buy the bullsh*t.
Have the perps responsible for this organization been rounded up

and isolated from the general population?

Probably not, and there's yet another indication that this republic is doomed.

Tolerance is regarded a virtue, and the general population

is infested with people who will tolerate this nonsense.
I presume that rather than being rounded up, they will be granted ever-increasing shares of money, all politically motivated.
@IBDaMann --- I see what you did here. What's funny is that leftists such as Crypress are too stupid to realize that they are being even more religious than the very Christians that they foam at the mouth towards...
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At first I thought this was parody, but this is actually f$cking serious and for real.

Some of you might be asking "Why does this matter to you?" and the answer is that some rational people with common sense don't want to see science perverted; this of course, is beyond the level of comprehension of the mindless, undereducated leftist thought-collective. What the religious fanatics won't do to mask theology as science. When fanatical leftists stop trying to introduce their Global Warming religion and its Climate goddess denominations into public science classrooms, using the religious church material these so called "Education Boards" provide, I will stop caring. Leftists are quite alright with left wing interest groups using their Climate faith to render our children scientifically illiterate so as to be able to convince kids their gender is a choice and they should lop off body parts because of their feelings. Sorry but I don't buy the bullsh*t.

What planet are you from??????
@IBDaMann --- I see what you did here. What's funny is that leftists such as Crypress are too stupid to realize that they are being even more religious than the very Christians that they foam at the mouth towards...


This buffoonery is quite hilarious.
@IBDaMann --- I see what you did here. What's funny is that leftists such as Crypress are too stupid to realize that they are being even more religious than the very Christians that they foam at the mouth towards...
I consider Nifty Niblick's post to be a masterpiece, when put into the correct thread, that is.
Isn't it ironic, I was wondering the same about you.
No you weren't. You aren't capable of such a complex thought on your own. You read my post, marveled at the independent thinking, and adopted it as your own. This is why you were originally targeted by leftists for indoctrination, i.e. you are cognitively malleable and can be made to believe anything you are told to believe, e.g. Global Warming, Climate Change, Woke, Biden won the election, etc. It doesn't matter how absurd, if you are told to believe it, you will OBEY.

You read my post and your natural OBEDIENCE kicked in.
No you weren't. You aren't capable of such a complex thought on your own. You read my post, marveled at the independent thinking, and adopted it as your own. This is why you were originally targeted by leftists for indoctrination, i.e. you are cognitively malleable and can be made to believe anything you are told to believe, e.g. Global Warming, Climate Change, Woke, Biden won the election, etc. It doesn't matter how absurd, if you are told to believe it, you will OBEY.

You read my post and your natural OBEDIENCE kicked in.

You poor lost soul, you've never have got nothing of consequence post; just pointless nonsense.
It would help greatly if you got help for your mental issues.
Fine, I'll take a guess at what your first language is. Let's see, ... in what country or countries is it culturally acceptable, maybe even cultivated, to routinely pretend to be a psychiatry professional? Hmmmm ... I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Fine, I'll take a guess at what your first language is. Let's see, ... in what country or countries is it culturally acceptable, maybe even cultivated, to routinely pretend to be a psychiatry professional? Hmmmm ... I'll have to get back to you on that one.

All you need is commonsense to see that you're sick in the skull, and need help.
Fine, I'll take a guess at what your first language is. Let's see, ... in what country or countries is it culturally acceptable, maybe even cultivated, to routinely pretend to be a psychiatry professional? Hmmmm ... I'll have to get back to you on that one.

You and JesusAI, are quite the couple, when is comes to being weird.