The Proof this whole mess was the Bush admins fault

Nothing to say now Desh?

Are you EVER going to actually ANSWER the questions to show us all you know what you are talking about regarding this issue?

Why are you scared to address the questions Desh? Are the FACTS getting in the way of your delusions?
Super save your insults for someone who falls for your idiot "im so smart and your not" bullshit line.

I have far more respect for this former SEC official.

Read what he says and then go ask him if he understand the terms.

You wonder why the kids in our schools bully each other?

Because many have parents that operate in the world like you do.

You try to intimidate and shift the focus of anyone you disagree with.

You think doing this "wins" the debate.

Just doing a double fist windmill at people pretending YOU know so many things they dont know as if that washes away the cold hard facts they handed you is what far too many kids have seen in their parents behavior.

Its people like you who think ANY tactic (no matter how silly and false) should be used to at least gain the apperance of a "win" in the debate that are reflected in how our kids treat each other.

Liberals have far too long fallen for this crap because we value education and knowledge.

For your side any lie and any tactic is fair game and facts mean nothing and can be tossed out the window at any point as long as you have the idiots who will follow.

Its time for this country to value facts once more.

I know that pains you because the facts are not in favor of your historically failed ideas.
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Super save your insults for someone who falls for your idiot "im so smart and your not" bullshit line.

I have far more respect for this former SEC official.

Read what he says and then go ask him if he understand the terms.

LMAO.... so this means you will NOT be answering the questions?

Again Desh, I do not disagree with him. The point you CONTINUE to fail to grasp is that NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF GLASS STEAGALL HAD NOT BEEN REPEALED.

the situation he describes WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE.

You wonder why the kids in our schools bully each other?

Because many have partents that opperate in the world like you do.

ROFLMAO... so asking you to actually back up your assertions is equivalent to bullying?

Your cutting and pasting articles is NOT equivalent to backing up your claims. Especially when your very own links PROVE my position and disprove yours. The fact that you continue to fail to grasp this is truly amusing.

You try to intimidate and shift the focus of anyone you disagree with.

You think doing this "wins" the debate.

The above is truly comical desh. I am NOT trying to shift focus. The entire focus of this thread is YOUR CLAIM that the economic meltdown was all because of Bush. While Bush certainly has his share of blame for the meltdown, the fact remains that the catalyst for ALL of this was the repeal of Glass Steagall. I have remained entirely on topic with my points. You on the other hand are the one who is trying to divert the topic now with the above. It is YOU who fails to address the questions that are ON TOPIC.

Just doing a double fist windmill at people pretending YOU know so many things they dont know as if that washes away the cold hard facts they handed you is what far too many kids have seen in their parents behavior.

The FACTS that I have mentioned and that YOU have provided show that YOU are WRONG. It is your complete lack of comprehension with regards to economics that is leading you to rant about things you don't understand. My degrees are in economics and finance desh..... I most certainly DO understand these issues.

Its people like you who think ANY tactic (no matter how silly and false) should be used to at least gain the apperance of a "win" in the debate that are reflected in how our kids treat each other.

Liberals have far too long fallen for this crap because we value education and knowledge.

LMAO... you 'value education' yet you continue to fail to be educated on a topic that you don't understand. If you would simply ANSWER the questions, you would be able to educate yourself on the issue. You would be able to see why it is that you are wrong.

For your side any lie and any tactic is fair game and facts mean nothing and can be tossed out the window at any point as long as you have the idiots who will follow.

Its time for this country to value facts once more.

Stop, you are killing me.... you 'value facts' by IGNORING them?
Heres a clue for you super.

what I know or dont know has nothing to do with the facts you are faced with here.

This isnt about what you know or I know and who is smarter.

Read the facts with one microcosim of the integrity you have left in that srunken shell of whats left of your humanity.

The facts are all there.

The investigations have begun.

You will some day have to incorporate these facts into your world or go insane.

Your insults for me mean about as much as your lack of integrity means to this whole mess.

neither one changes any of the facts.
Gramm leach biliely act which was signed by Clinton had protections in it that the Cox SEC did everything they could to postpone the implementations of so that the banks could play fast and loose.

That means the Bill Clinton signed would have avoided this mess.

The republicans worked to keep the entire bill from being implemented.
Heres a clue for you super.
what I know or dont know has nothing to do with the facts you are faced with here.

Here is a clue for you Desh. If YOU don't KNOW what the articles are actually saying, then it is quite reasonable that you are WRONG about what the FACTS are.

In this case, you are 100% WRONG in your assertion that it 'was all Bush's fault' and that you had 'PROOF' as you stated in the OP.

The FACT is again.... NONE OF THIS.... NOT ONE SINGLE THING YOU POSTED ARTICLES ON.... NOT ONE could have happened had Glass Steagall not been repealed.

This isnt about what you know or I know and who is smarter.

Wrong Desh. It IS about what I know and what you know. It is about the FACTS. The things you continue to ignore. I show you why you are wrong and you simply post more links pretending that makes you right. I show you why your very own links prove you to be wrong and you STILL ignore the FACTS because to acknowledge them would blow up your delusions.

Read the facts with one microcosim of the integrity you have left in that srunken shell of whats left of your humanity.
The facts are all there.
The investigations have begun.

The above is the most ironic of comments. Out of the two of us, it is YOU that is ignoring the facts. ALL OF THE PROTECTIONS WERE IN PLACE AS OF 1934. THOSE PROTECTIONS WERE REPEALED IN 1999.

As for integrity on the issue.... tell us Desh... is YOUR definition of 'integrity' when someone refuses to discuss the issue, refuses to actually address any questions posed to them and simply someone who continues to chirp away with talking points no matter how frequently she/he is shown to be wrong?
Gramm leach biliely act which was signed by Clinton had protections in it that the Cox SEC did everything they could to postpone the implementations of so that the banks could play fast and loose.

ROFLMAO.... again Desh..... it was GLB that REMOVED THE PROTECTIONS. Had that bill not been signed, the SEC would not have been in ANY position to have to rewrite the rules.

That means the Bill Clinton signed would have avoided this mess.

GLB was signed in 1999. Which means BILL CLINTONS SEC HAD AN ENTIRE YEAR TO TAKE CARE OF THIS. WHY DID CLINTON'S SEC NOT TAKE CARE OF IT DESH? Why did he not make sure it was in place when he signed it? Why do you continue to give him a pass desh? Dishonest much?
the facts are right there

yes, they are. They show conclusively that had Glass Steagall not been repealed, NONE OF THE ABOVE COULD HAVE OCCURRED.

AGAIN.... you blame Bush, but Clinton also had over a year to resolve this Desh, he also could have refused to sign the repeal until the issue was addressed..... but he did not.

Again, Bush has a lot of the blame on his shoulders as well, but this all began under CLINTON. That is the FACT that you continue to IGNORE.
Hang in there Desh. Super can repeat his mantra over and over, but is is the same as saying that the person who pulled the trigger isn't at fault because someone else invented gunpowder. He is using his expert knowledge to discredit incriminating information that he doesn't want to admit to. I would just let it go at this point, since you will never change his mind.

You know in your heart that you are right and that is all that matters.
Hang in there Desh. Super can repeat his mantra over and over, but is is the same as saying that the person who pulled the trigger isn't at fault because someone else invented gunpowder. He is using his expert knowledge to discredit incriminating information that he doesn't want to admit to. I would just let it go at this point, since you will never change his mind.

You know in your heart that you are right and that is all that matters.

Bad analogy. This is the dude that loaded then emptied 30 out of 50 clips. The next guy emptied the rest while promoting armor... It was Carter that invented the gunpowder.
Hang in there Desh. Super can repeat his mantra over and over, but is is the same as saying that the person who pulled the trigger isn't at fault because someone else invented gunpowder. He is using his expert knowledge to discredit incriminating information that he doesn't want to admit to. I would just let it go at this point, since you will never change his mind.

You know in your heart that you are right and that is all that matters.

explain how desh is right....this ought to be good
Bad analogy. This is the dude that loaded then emptied 30 out of 50 clips. The next guy emptied the rest while promoting armor... It was Carter that invented the gunpowder.

Raygun invented gunpower, Bush Sr. built the gun, Gingrich loaded it and primed it and BushII fired it over and over again till the barrel melted.
Raygun invented gunpower, Bush Sr. built the gun, Gingrich loaded it and primed it and BushII fired it over and over again till the barrel melted.

You are terrible at analogies. The "gunpowder" was most definitely "invented" by Carter if we use your analogy. Reagan improved the design by adding to the debt, but the genesis of the program that later became the insane sub-prime lending mess was definitely passed and signed under Carter. (Not blaming Carter any more than I blame the dude who invented gun powder for war. Just being realistic.)