The queen's jet


This is QUEEN PELOSI'S NEW JET!!! And the Democrats talk about Sarah's dresses???


Queen Pelosi wasn't happy with the small USAF C-20B jet, Gulfstream III that comes with the Speaker's job ... OH NO! Queen Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat, 200-seat, USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back toCalifornia without stopping! I understand that a former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, flew commercial most of the time.

Many, many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone of what Queen Nancy's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American tax payers, literally thousands of gallons of fuel every week.
Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California every Friday and returns every Monday, at a cost to the taxpayers (YOU and ME are those taxpayers!) of about $60,000, one way!

As Joe put it ...."Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night and that costs us another $60,000!" Taxpayers, that is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to us of $5,760,000!!!

No wonder she complains about the cost of this war ... it might cramp her style and she is styling on my back and yours. I think of the military families in this country doing without and this woman, who heads up the most corrupt Congress in the history of our country, keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.

Queen Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires. Who do these people think they are??? Their motto is ... Don't do as I do ... JUST DO AS I SAY!

This is outrageous! Keep in mind the figures abovedo NOT include the cost of plane or crew ... just the fuel!!! One has to wonder what the total package costs us?

And on top of that ... now she wants to tax our IRA's & 401K's!
How much did the smaller plane cost, including security as it refueled? I may not support her positions, but I do realize that sometimes some of these things are posturing.

In order to refuel there would need to be security contingencies at each point of refueling that would cost us, as well as the fact that it still needed fuel. What is the comparative cost between the two planes?
I thought this nontroversy died a long, long time ago. Whomever is emailing Ice Dancer this silly shit is a little late.
I thought this nontroversy died a long, long time ago. Whomever is emailing Ice Dancer this silly shit is a little late.

Three years is but three minutes in rightie universe.

Q: Did Nancy Pelosi order up a 200-seat jet for her personal use?
Is it true that Nancy Pelosi travels from California three times a week on a private jet (200-seat size) at a cost to the taxpayers of $60K per flight? If so, this would total $480K per month or $5.7M per year. This comes from taxpayer money? If true, how can we criticize others? Is this a good use of taxpayers' hard-earned money and what about the carbon footprint?

A: The Democratic House speaker normally flies in a 12-seat Air Force jet, just as her Republican predecessor did. This rumor stems from a request by the House sergeant at arms, not Pelosi, for a jet large enough to reach California without refueling.

Reports like this one, saying Pelosi routinely flies about in her own 757-size jet, have been floating around for almost two years. The claims were revived when Democrats complained that CEOs of the Big Three U.S. automakers had used their corporate jets to come to Washington to seek billions in federal aid. But the rumors are incorrect. Spokespeople for Pelosi and Andrews Air Force Base say that the speaker has used the big Air Force jet once, but she normally uses a much smaller plane, the same one used by the previous speaker of the House, Republican Dennis Hastert.

The spread of this rumor – and its first debunking – dates back to February 2007. At that time, the speaker of the House had had access to an Air Force craft for about five and a half years. Hastert had been issued a plane after Sept. 11, 2001, for security reasons (the speaker of the House is next in line after the vice president for presidential succession). Hastert used an Air Force C-20B, a small 12-seater based on the Gulfstream III, to travel to his home district in Illinois. (Ford and GM auto executives, incidentally, travel in the slightly larger Gulfstream IV.)

When Pelosi became speaker, House Sergeant at Arms Bill Livingood, according to his own account, worried that the small craft would be unable to travel to her home district of San Francisco without stopping to refuel. Livingood, who was first elected by a Newt Gingrich-led House in 1995, asked the Air Force and the Department of Defense about getting a bigger plane. He also requested clarifications of other rules regarding the aircraft – for instance, whether family members would be allowed to accompany Pelosi on her flights.

According to ABC News' Jake Tapper, Capt. Herb McConnell of the Air Force said that the C-20B is sometimes able to make cross-country flights without refueling, but that it depends on headwinds. The much larger C-32, a military version of a Boeing 757 that's usually used by the vice president and the first lady, is easily able to make a nonstop flight across the country. But it's also on the lavish side. It's not quite a 200-seater, but it does include 50 business-class seats and a full stateroom with a private lavatory and entertainment system.

We've seen no evidence, however, that Livingood specifically requested for Pelosi to have access to the C-32, which is the largest plane available at the 89th Airlift wing at Andrews Air Force Base. According to his statement, he requested a plane that was able to fly cross-country. Pelosi spokespeople at the time said that the speaker would be happy to use a smaller plane that could make a nonstop cross-country flight.

(Article continues)
How much did the smaller plane cost, including security as it refueled? I may not support her positions, but I do realize that sometimes some of these things are posturing.

In order to refuel there would need to be security contingencies at each point of refueling that would cost us, as well as the fact that it still needed fuel. What is the comparative cost between the two planes?

There are already "security contengencies" on runways Damo...she stops and gets refueling. I think that hardly impacts the already exhorberent costs...The extreme arrogance and hypocrisy of this congress is underscored by this type of spending.

I did find this other snipit:

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House. The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country. But, Pelosi wants routine access to a larger plane. It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the-art communications system, and a crew of 16. Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time", including weekend trips home to San Francisco . Pretty nice but very expensive perk!

Her Air Force C-32 costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.
There are already "security contengencies" on runways Damo...she stops and gets refueling. I think that hardly impacts the already exhorberent costs...The extreme arrogance and hypocrisy of this congress is underscored by this type of spending.

I did find this other snipit:

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House. The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country. But, Pelosi wants routine access to a larger plane. It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the-art communications system, and a crew of 16. Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time", including weekend trips home to San Francisco . Pretty nice but very expensive perk!

Her Air Force C-32 costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.

Why do you enjoy being lied to and to repeat the lies you are told as if they are truth? I don't understand it.
"Queen" Pelosi?

who appointed her fucking queen?

She was democratically elected to office and is serving her term by fullfilling her voters wishes.

Bush was NOT elected and you thought he was just great.
There are already "security contengencies" on runways Damo...she stops and gets refueling. I think that hardly impacts the already exhorberent costs...The extreme arrogance and hypocrisy of this congress is underscored by this type of spending.

I did find this other snipit:

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House. The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country. But, Pelosi wants routine access to a larger plane. It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the-art communications system, and a crew of 16. Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time", including weekend trips home to San Francisco . Pretty nice but very expensive perk!

Her Air Force C-32 costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.
There are not contingencies that relate to the 3rd in line to the oval office, the VP or the President. At each point of landing security is increased when these people landed.

However, this accounting ignores several things.

1. Pelosi doesn't fly in a 757.
2. She uses the same plane that was assigned to Hastert after 9/11. A 12 seater that sometimes may need to refuel.
3. Newt was pre 9/11 and therefore never had a plane assigned to him like Hastert and Pelosi have.
4. Her office never requested any access to the C-32 like the VP and first lady have access to.

Again, I don't support Nancy Pelosi's opinions or positions, but I don't fall for every "report" that falls in my lap. This one is posturing and isn't very accurate.
There are already "security contengencies" on runways Damo...she stops and gets refueling. I think that hardly impacts the already exhorberent costs...The extreme arrogance and hypocrisy of this congress is underscored by this type of spending.

I did find this other snipit:

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House. The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country. But, Pelosi wants routine access to a larger plane. It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the-art communications system, and a crew of 16. Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time", including weekend trips home to San Francisco . Pretty nice but very expensive perk!

Her Air Force C-32 costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.
There are not contingencies that relate to the 3rd in line to the oval office, the VP or the President. At each point of landing security is increased when these people landed.

However, this accounting ignores several things.

1. Pelosi doesn't fly in a 757 (C32).
2. She uses the same plane that was assigned to Hastert after 9/11. A 12 seater that sometimes may need to refuel.
3. Newt was pre 9/11 and therefore never had a plane assigned to him like Hastert and Pelosi have.
4. Her office never requested any access to the C-32 like the VP and first lady have access to.

Again, I don't support Nancy Pelosi's opinions or positions, but I don't fall for every "report" that falls in my lap. This one is posturing and isn't very accurate.
Where's the lie?

There are not contingencies that relate to the 3rd in line to the oval office, the VP or the President. At each point of landing security is increased when these people landed.

However, this accounting ignores several things.

1. Pelosi doesn't fly in a 757 (C32).
2. She uses the same plane that was assigned to Hastert after 9/11. A 12 seater that sometimes may need to refuel.
3. Newt was pre 9/11 and therefore never had a plane assigned to him like Hastert and Pelosi have.
4. Her office never requested any access to the C-32 like the VP and first lady have access to.

Again, I don't support Nancy Pelosi's opinions or positions, but I don't fall for every "report" that falls in my lap. This one is posturing and isn't very accurate.

Aaaaaaaaaand just like a roach scurries away from the harsh light of truth, so too does the Little Prancing Phony when shown how wrong she is.
This is QUEEN PELOSI'S NEW JET!!! And the Democrats talk about Sarah's dresses???


Queen Pelosi wasn't happy with the small USAF C-20B jet, Gulfstream III that comes with the Speaker's job ... OH NO! Queen Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat, 200-seat, USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back toCalifornia without stopping! I understand that a former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, flew commercial most of the time.

Many, many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone of what Queen Nancy's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American tax payers, literally thousands of gallons of fuel every week.
Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California every Friday and returns every Monday, at a cost to the taxpayers (YOU and ME are those taxpayers!) of about $60,000, one way!

As Joe put it ...."Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night and that costs us another $60,000!" Taxpayers, that is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to us of $5,760,000!!!

No wonder she complains about the cost of this war ... it might cramp her style and she is styling on my back and yours. I think of the military families in this country doing without and this woman, who heads up the most corrupt Congress in the history of our country, keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.

Queen Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires. Who do these people think they are??? Their motto is ... Don't do as I do ... JUST DO AS I SAY!

This is outrageous! Keep in mind the figures abovedo NOT include the cost of plane or crew ... just the fuel!!! One has to wonder what the total package costs us?

And on top of that ... now she wants to tax our IRA's & 401K's!

Speaker Pelosi won election by her constituents and is not a quitter.

Paylin lost and quit.

See the difference?
Why are the taxpayers paying for this at all? If I got a job in DC I'd have to move there and provide my own transportation. Why is Congress any different?
Why are the taxpayers paying for this at all? If I got a job in DC I'd have to move there and provide my own transportation. Why is Congress any different?
They gave Dennis Hastert (and subsequently following Speakers) a plane because of security, they being the 3rd in line. If all of congress had one of these, and nobody was upset you may have a point.

Again, I dislike Nancy's politics, but that plane in the picture isn't hers, she still flies in a 12 seater that sometimes has to refuel. She isn't getting something any other Speaker will not get.