The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

Thank you for letting Democrats win. The GOP needs to disappear.
That's not the Democrat position, which holds that the Republicans need to be taken over by Marxists ... just like the Democrat party. The Democrats far prefer having the Republicans as their obedient pets than not being around at all.
That's not the Democrat position, which holds that the Republicans need to be taken over by Marxists ... just like the Democrat party. The Democrats far prefer having the Republicans as their obedient pets than not being around at all.

Again, thank you for not voting.
You are wasting your time. Doc Dutch thinks there are only two people in the world, and that the other guy is running around posing as millions of socks. Doc Dutch is never going to fall for this ruse, which is yours and my ruse as well since we are two of the socks.

A more insightful way to look at it is to recognize that Doc Dutch is too stupid to distinguish between different people, and his screaming accusations of "SOCK!" are just a desperate cry for help. Pity him.

That seems strangely on-point!

Yeah, Doc has some issues. He's also fond of playing "Junior Sykologist" as well.
This thread continues onward, and STILL there is no leftist able to answer the question that makes cowards out of leftists... I will meanwhile continue making cowards out of willfully ignorant and unprincipled righties in my "once you see the strings" thread...

Threads such as these are quite fun. :)
This thread continues onward, and STILL there is no leftist able to answer the question that makes cowards out of leftists... I will meanwhile continue making cowards out of willfully ignorant and unprincipled righties in my "once you see the strings" thread...

Threads such as these are quite fun. :)

I have repeatedly answered the question.
Is it because God created a soul to enter the world and abortion is defiance of God?
I haven't the slightest qualms over abortion--we're ass-deep in babies anyway--
but I do care about malignant, perverted theocrats trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies.
Your brainless, virtue-signalling inputs are dismissed. You had your opportunities to answer the proper question, i.e.

Do you oppose the killing of a living human* who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die, ... and would your answer change any if the killing would make a third living human's life more convenient?

"living" defined by "there exists a pulse"
"human" defined by the species homo sapiens

You avoided the question altogether. Your unimaginative regurgitating is ignored.
Your brainless, virtue-signalling inputs are dismissed. You had your opportunities to answer the proper question, i.e.

Do you oppose the killing of a living human* who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die, ... and would your answer change any if the killing would make a third living human's life more convenient?

"living" defined by "there exists a pulse"
"human" defined by the species homo sapiens

You avoided the question altogether. Your unimaginative regurgitating is ignored.

you are a moron
I have repeatedly answered the question.
Nope. You ALWAYS ensure you add a qualifier that cancels your answer. Ergo, you have never answered the question. If you'd ever like to answer the question without any answer-canceling qualifiers, please don't hesitate to let me know.
you're a dumb shit
Too funny! Hey genius, "dumbshit" is one word.

Are you familiar with the word "irony"?
