The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

The other question you should be asking is Why do abortion advocates want it both ways in favor of women?

Let me explain:

Conception and pregnancy doesn't happen on its own to a woman. It requires the involvement of a man--well, unless you believe in immaculate conception I suppose. The Left / abortion advocates say It is a woman's right to choose. It is her decision, and her decision alone, whether to have an abortion or not. For them, the man is essentially a sperm donor and has no say in the pregnancy. But, should the woman decide to have the child, all of a sudden the same people are saying it's the man's responsibility to pay child support and give other compensation to the woman for his involvement in having the child.

This runs completely and totally counter to all contract law in existence. Either the man gets a say in the abortion process and he and she come to an agreement as to what is to be done, or if it is the woman's decision alone then she bears the total responsibility for the outcome. In the later, we should eliminate child support entirely between unmarried couples that have a child. The woman alone is responsible for all decisions as the Left wants.

On the flip side, if it is a couple's decision, then the man gets a say in the abortion process just as the woman does. If he wants the child and she doesn't then she carries it to term and he is responsible for the costs involved and is sole parent with custody of the child afterwards. If she wants the child and he doesn't same thing only she bears all costs and gets sole custody.
If she's sleeping with the trailer park and doesn't know who the father is, it is on her to do due diligence and get DNA tested on the child ASAP before birth and try her best to determine who the father is so a timely decision can be made. Otherwise, she gets sole custody and that's that. NO CHILD SUPPORT in such a case because she didn't do due diligence.

That's fair and equal. The current system is unfair and unequal treating the man as nothing but a sperm donor and cash cow. That's wrong.
The other question you should be asking is Why do abortion advocates want it both ways in favor of women?

Let me explain:

Conception and pregnancy doesn't happen on its own to a woman. It requires the involvement of a man--well, unless you believe in immaculate conception I suppose. The Left / abortion advocates say It is a woman's right to choose. It is her decision, and her decision alone, whether to have an abortion or not. For them, the man is essentially a sperm donor and has no say in the pregnancy. But, should the woman decide to have the child, all of a sudden the same people are saying it's the man's responsibility to pay child support and give other compensation to the woman for his involvement in having the child.

This runs completely and totally counter to all contract law in existence. Either the man gets a say in the abortion process and he and she come to an agreement as to what is to be done, or if it is the woman's decision alone then she bears the total responsibility for the outcome. In the later, we should eliminate child support entirely between unmarried couples that have a child. The woman alone is responsible for all decisions as the Left wants.

On the flip side, if it is a couple's decision, then the man gets a say in the abortion process just as the woman does. If he wants the child and she doesn't then she carries it to term and he is responsible for the costs involved and is sole parent with custody of the child afterwards. If she wants the child and he doesn't same thing only she bears all costs and gets sole custody.
If she's sleeping with the trailer park and doesn't know who the father is, it is on her to do due diligence and get DNA tested on the child ASAP before birth and try her best to determine who the father is so a timely decision can be made. Otherwise, she gets sole custody and that's that. NO CHILD SUPPORT in such a case because she didn't do due diligence.

That's fair and equal. The current system is unfair and unequal treating the man as nothing but a sperm donor and cash cow. That's wrong.

Sex isn't a contract. The woman has a say because SHE IS CARRYING THE CHILD. When you're ready to walk around for nine months with a bowling ball strapped to your gut you can whine and complain. Until that time, deal with it.
Sex isn't a contract. The woman has a say because SHE IS CARRYING THE CHILD. When you're ready to walk around for nine months with a bowling ball strapped to your gut you can whine and complain. Until that time, deal with it.

Your answer completely ignores that this is between two people. That makes it legally a contract just like marriage or a formal civil union. It is an unwritten contract. Her biology doesn't enter into the legal part of this. Deal with it. Right now the legal arrangements are completely contrary and unfair to the man involved. It's that simple.
Your answer completely ignores that this is between two people. That makes it legally a contract just like marriage or a formal civil union. It is an unwritten contract. Her biology doesn't enter into the legal part of this. Deal with it. Right now the legal arrangements are completely contrary and unfair to the man involved. It's that simple.

False. A contract requires consideration from both sides. There is no contract created between the two people. None. Not a written contract and not an unwritten contract. There are laws that govern the interaction, not contract terms.
False. A contract requires consideration from both sides. There is no contract created between the two people. None. Not a written contract and not an unwritten contract. There are laws that govern the interaction, not contract terms.

You are dead flat wrong.

Consensual sex is an unwritten contract, but can be formalized with a written contract.

Just like any other agreement between two people where consideration is exchanged, it is a contract, and you are dead, flat, wrong.
You are dead flat wrong.

Consensual sex is an unwritten contract, but can be formalized with a written contract.

Just like any other agreement between two people where consideration is exchanged, it is a contract, and you are dead, flat, wrong.

Okay, fair point. The sex is an agreement. The pregnancy is not. The only 'contract' established in a consensual relationship is that both sides are agreeing to the SEX.
Okay, fair point. The sex is an agreement. The pregnancy is not. The only 'contract' established in a consensual relationship is that both sides are agreeing to the SEX.

Pregnancy is the result of sex. If sex is a contract, then pregnancy is one outcome of that contract and has to be likewise negotiated.
The other question you should be asking is Why do abortion advocates want it both ways in favor of women?

Let me explain:

Conception and pregnancy doesn't happen on its own to a woman. It requires the involvement of a man--well, unless you believe in immaculate conception I suppose. The Left / abortion advocates say It is a woman's right to choose. It is her decision, and her decision alone, whether to have an abortion or not. For them, the man is essentially a sperm donor and has no say in the pregnancy. But, should the woman decide to have the child, all of a sudden the same people are saying it's the man's responsibility to pay child support and give other compensation to the woman for his involvement in having the child.

This runs completely and totally counter to all contract law in existence. Either the man gets a say in the abortion process and he and she come to an agreement as to what is to be done, or if it is the woman's decision alone then she bears the total responsibility for the outcome. In the later, we should eliminate child support entirely between unmarried couples that have a child. The woman alone is responsible for all decisions as the Left wants.

On the flip side, if it is a couple's decision, then the man gets a say in the abortion process just as the woman does. If he wants the child and she doesn't then she carries it to term and he is responsible for the costs involved and is sole parent with custody of the child afterwards. If she wants the child and he doesn't same thing only she bears all costs and gets sole custody.
If she's sleeping with the trailer park and doesn't know who the father is, it is on her to do due diligence and get DNA tested on the child ASAP before birth and try her best to determine who the father is so a timely decision can be made. Otherwise, she gets sole custody and that's that. NO CHILD SUPPORT in such a case because she didn't do due diligence.

That's fair and equal. The current system is unfair and unequal treating the man as nothing but a sperm donor and cash cow. That's wrong.

Here's fair and equal: when a pregnancy isn't wanted, BOTH parties use protection each and every time. At least that will shut down some of the arguments from the patriarchs about women spreading their legs, sleeping with the trailer park, looking for a free financial windfall, etc.
Here's fair and equal: when a pregnancy isn't wanted, BOTH parties use protection each and every time. At least that will shut down some of the arguments from the patriarchs about women spreading their legs, sleeping with the trailer park, looking for a free financial windfall, etc.

There's women that make a living out of it. They're right down there with welfare moms. In fact the 2 crossover each other often.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?


Is this about abortion?
Pregnancy is the result of sex. If sex is a contract, then pregnancy is one outcome of that contract and has to be likewise negotiated.

Nope. That consensual contract ends when the sex does. If the woman gets pregnant, the law assigns rights and responsibilities to the parties.
Nope. That consensual contract ends when the sex does. If the woman gets pregnant, the law assigns rights and responsibilities to the parties.

Unfairly and unequally. That is usually something the Left wants to eradicate. Here they celebrate and encourage unequal treatment under the law.
^^^^So stupid he expects someone to take advice in a situation where it doesn't apply.

I told you it was a good advice. Something you need to take heed. But of course you don't think it applies to you because you're too stupid to recognize the need.
Your answer completely ignores that this is between two people. That makes it legally a contract just like marriage or a formal civil union. It is an unwritten contract. Her biology doesn't enter into the legal part of this. Deal with it. Right now the legal arrangements are completely contrary and unfair to the man involved. It's that simple.

Both parties would have to agree to planned pregnancy for it to be any kind of "contract".
Is this about abortion?
Just read the question. It is an easy, simply and straightforward two-part question.

Do you believe it should be legal to kill a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die? How does your answer change if said killing clearly makes some other living human's life more convenient?

You don't have to change any words. This is not a trick question. There are no semantic games being played. It's a straightforward question.

Once you answer this question, we can thereafter discuss "abortion" if you like.
