The Racist Party

People who vote in rigged elections are duped fools who only encourage the duopoly dictators. Participating in their scam justifies the racket!

I care because I'm a patriot. There's no honor in justifying and voting for corruption.

California would register a toad if they thought it'd vote for a Democrat.

you hate democracy

you hate the American people for not agreeing with your flat out stupid fucking ass

fuck you very much traitor

I don't indulge in left/right propaganda sites. I have enough to do just educating the partisans here.

You just relied on wiki, which is entirely propaganda since anyone can write those articles. Then you reject the National Black Republican Association, that directly confronts the wiki bullshit with facts.
you hate democracy

you hate the American people for not agreeing with your flat out stupid fucking ass

fuck you very much traitor


America was founded as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC madam and not a democracy. A democracy is mob rule and two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch.

I pity the ignorant, apathetic America's voters that participate in rigged elections encouraging the dictatorship and voting for BIGGER and BIGGER government and trashing the Constitution and their own rights and freedoms.
You just relied on wiki, which is entirely propaganda since anyone can write those articles. Then you reject the National Black Republican Association, that directly confronts the wiki bullshit with facts.

So there was no Nixon Southern Strategy, right? LBJ didn't say the Civil Rights Act "would keep the niggers voting Democrat for a hundrd years" either right?
America was founded as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC madam and not a democracy. A democracy is mob rule and two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch.

I pity the ignorant, apathetic America's voters that participate in rigged elections encouraging the dictatorship and voting for BIGGER and BIGGER government and trashing the Constitution and their own rights and freedoms.

we are a democracy you fucking history rewrite asshole

you know who else hated democracy like you do evil fuck ?

You just relied on wiki, which is entirely propaganda since anyone can write those articles. Then you reject the National Black Republican Association, that directly confronts the wiki bullshit with facts.

are all encyclopedias hated by idiots like you?
So there was no Nixon Southern Strategy, right? LBJ didn't say the Civil Rights Act "would keep the niggers voting Democrat for a hundrd years" either right?

There was a southern strategy. Read for an explanation from one of its architects. Or, read wiki and be lied to
we are a democracy you fucking history rewrite asshole

you know who else hated democracy like you do evil fuck ?


If We're a democracy, How come a presidential candidate can win the popular vote and still lose the presidency? (ask Al Gore), he'll give ya a clue. If we're a democracy, why do we have the electoral college? If we're a democracy, how come we elect "representatives" sworn to protect and defend "THE CONSTITUTION" and not the whims and wishes of The People?" If we're a democracy why aren't we governed by referendum Madam?

Oh! That's right you never have any rational answers to those kind of questions, huh Madam?:rofl2::cof1:
There was a southern strategy. Read for an explanation from one of its architects. Or, read wiki and be lied to

So you're denying that Nixon's Southern Strategy wasn't about convincing Southerners that Republicans were the "States Rights" party and opposed federal laws that prohibited racial discrimination? Why did Strom Thurmond and several other southern KKK Democrats switch parties? Are you saying it had nothing to do with racial ingredients? Correct the history for the class.
So you're denying that Nixon's Southern Strategy wasn't about convincing Southerners that Republicans were the "States Rights" party and opposed federal laws that prohibited racial discrimination? Why did Strom Thurmond and several other southern KKK Democrats switch parties? Are you saying it had nothing to do with racial ingredients? Correct the history for the class. a co-architect of the Nixon strategy that gave the GOP a lock on the White House for a quarter century, let me say that Kristol’s opportunism is matched only by his ignorance. Richard Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column on the South (by this writer) that declared we would build our Republican Party on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounces of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice.”

Senator Thurmond was never in the Ku Klux Klan and, after he became a Republican, Senator Thurmond defended blacks against lynching and the discriminatory poll taxes imposed on blacks by Democrats.