The real religion of the USA


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The real religion of the USA is the religion of Helios and the heavenly Bull, the religion of Great Babylon. The towers of ancient America are the Babylonian towers - ziggurats. This symbolism is depicted on the American dollar, where it says "New Order".

The feds hide it, but it has always been the spirit of America.

The real religion of the USA is the religion of Helios and the heavenly Bull, the religion of Great Babylon. The towers of ancient America are the Babylonian towers - ziggurats. This symbolism is depicted on the American dollar, where it says "New Order".

The feds hide it, but it has always been the spirit of America.


Nothing you say makes any sense.
This is exactly the same architecture that is found in the Babylonian ziggurats

This is exactly the same architecture that is found in the Babylonian ziggurats. These are towers with stairs to the sky.
That is why the first skyscrapers were in the USA.
This is exactly the same architecture that is found in the Babylonian ziggurats

This is exactly the same architecture that is found in the Babylonian ziggurats. These are towers with stairs to the sky.
That is why the first skyscrapers were in the USA.

These are the people who were considered in ancient times the children of the sky, and whose god is the Sun
The word india comes from the self-name of the Apaches - Indi.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't......the word India comes from the British......before anyone knew there even WERE Apaches.....
The name of India is a corruption of the word Sindhu. Neighbouring Arabs, Iranians uttered's' as 'h' and called this land Hindu. Greeks pronounced this name as Indus.

Sindhu is the name of the Indus River, mentioned in the Rig-Veda, one of the oldest extant Indo-European texts, composed in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent roughly between 1700-1100 BC. There are strong linguistic and cultural similarities with the Iranian Avesta, often associated with the early culture of 2200-1600 BC.

The English term is from Greek Ἰνδία (Indía), via Latin India. Iindía in Byzantine ethnography denotes the region beyond the Indus (Ἰνδός) River, since Herodotus alluded to "Indian land". Ἰνδός, Indos, "an Indian", from Avestan Hinduš refers to Sindh and is listed as a conquered territory by Persian emperor Darius I (550-486 BC) in the Persepolis terrace inscription.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't......the word India comes from the British......before anyone knew there even WERE Apaches.....

The British always lie. They have a direct interest in this - they want to restore the empire.

There is no doubt about this, ancient America and ancient Asia coincide literally in everything, and this is still visible. Like carnivals. And genetically, Americans are connected precisely with Asia. This is the source of ancient military culture as well.
The British always lie. They have a direct interest in this - they want to restore the empire.

There is no doubt about this, ancient America and ancient Asia coincide literally in everything, and this is still visible. Like carnivals. And genetically, Americans are connected precisely with Asia. This is the source of ancient military culture as well.

you sound almost as stupid as Nomad.....
In general, Indian iconography depicts rather feminine faces of male gods.

The ancient Indians were similar to the Apaches, the "white" native americans also have feminine beautiful faces. And European women without makeup look more like men.
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But everything else is the same. It is not entirely clear whether there is a breast there, it is barely noticeable. In India, Surya was also in the form of a woman in later times.

well, yeah, except for the gender, the clothes, the bow and arrows, the torch, the way the statue stands, where its located, what it was made of, why it was built........and then there's the fact no one actually knows what it looked like because there aren't any pictures and it fell down and all......but sure they are both statues I guess......
Most likely, what we usually consider as femininity is actually a racial trait, it’s just that there are much more women of that people than men. There were many wars and genocides in India, the American Apaches also fought with everyone other peoples of America and European colonists, and most of them died from the wars and repressions of the left