The Real TRUTH about What's HAPPENING to US


Verified User
This of course is just my opinion and opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one: I honestly believe that George Soros was behind this entire collapse of the economy, which made it possible for the Liberal agendas to surface, and up to now, flourish. Bush had 911 which set him back for years and then he started getting things going really good, and then Barney Frank started that "make it real easy to refinance your house with an adjustable mortgage". I believe that George Soros manipulated the stock market online, while the A-rabs hated the USA and saw the chance to ram it to US, up our ying yang, with oil price hikes. This entire mess was part of a Communist plot to undermine the USA and get a real hard core Leftist in the Presidency for Moore than two terms. I really hate to say this, butt Those "STUPIT" Women fell for the abortion issue and didn't give a sheet about anything else and helped vote Obama into Office. The "Plucking" Mexicans were promised Amnesty in the guise of Immigration Reform, and they also helped vote Obama into Office. Now the final Coup de Grace will be the disarming of US, so they can take US over, a la The French Revolution. Butt, and here comes the big butt, it ain't over till the FAT LADY SINGS, could the FAT LADY be reading a "FAT 30 Magazine" while stirring the sauce with an AK47?
Yes I agree you right wingers are so dumb and weak you can be easily manipulated. Dumbass teabagger
You were a fool on the old Boards and naturally you are still the fool on these Forums. I know exactly who you are, capisce? You used to be "my boy" on the old Boards, the one who crawled around reading my every post, trying to learn how to post. I think maybe you are the same gay dude, AKA Dudette, who now wants to bend over again like you used to do. I had you on a nice leash that I yanked on when I needed a whipping post, butt you always begged me to give it to you, you would beg me; "Give it to me SJJ", didn't you Fool?..........................TOUCHE...........Ja Ja Ja (Spanish for Ha Ha Ha)
You were a fool on the old Boards and naturally you are still the fool on these Forums. I know exactly who you are, capisce? You used to be "my boy" on the old Boards, the one who crawled around reading my every post, trying to learn how to post. I think maybe you are the same gay dude, AKA Dudette, who now wants to bend over again like you used to do. I had you on a nice leash that I yanked on when I needed a whipping post, butt you always begged me to give it to you, you would beg me; "Give it to me SJJ", didn't you Fool?..........................TOUCHE...........Ja Ja Ja (Spanish for Ha Ha Ha)

Dude wasn't part of the Netscape crew.

I still talk with Sweetshru, told her you were here stinking up the joint, just like you did RBB!
Dude wasn't part of the Netscape crew.

I still talk with Sweetshru, told her you were here stinking up the joint, just like you did RBB!
Well, I got along well with her. She even named a person in her book after me. I also bought her book and talked the Manager of The Temecula Barnes and Nobles to order more of her books, and she did.
Well, I got along well with her. She even named a person in her book after me. I also bought her book and talked the Manager of The Temecula Barnes and Nobles to order more of her books, and she did.

I have the book as well.
Dude wasn't part of the Netscape crew.

I still talk with Sweetshru, told her you were here stinking up the joint, just like you did RBB!

Evidently The Dude doesn't agree with you; because I refered to an "OP" that had been posted on the old AOL boards and he said he was the one who posted it.
This of course is just my opinion and opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one: I honestly believe that George Soros was behind this entire collapse of the economy, which made it possible for the Liberal agendas to surface, and up to now, flourish. Bush had 911 which set him back for years and then he started getting things going really good, and then Barney Frank started that "make it real easy to refinance your house with an adjustable mortgage". I believe that George Soros manipulated the stock market online, while the A-rabs hated the USA and saw the chance to ram it to US, up our ying yang, with oil price hikes. This entire mess was part of a Communist plot to undermine the USA and get a real hard core Leftist in the Presidency for Moore than two terms. I really hate to say this, butt Those "STUPIT" Women fell for the abortion issue and didn't give a sheet about anything else and helped vote Obama into Office. The "Plucking" Mexicans were promised Amnesty in the guise of Immigration Reform, and they also helped vote Obama into Office. Now the final Coup de Grace will be the disarming of US, so they can take US over, a la The French Revolution. Butt, and here comes the big butt, it ain't over till the FAT LADY SINGS, could the FAT LADY be reading a "FAT 30 Magazine" while stirring the sauce with an AK47?

Let me break this down:
1. Do not compare this country to a monarchy.
2. There is no communist plot to undermine the USA - I challenge you to prove otherwise.
3. Barack Obama is not "a real hardcore leftist". In fact, many experts consider the president right wing when compared against governments in Europe.
4. OPEC is an international entity. Also, Arab is spelled without a hyphen.
5. Women aren't any more unintelligent than their male counterparts.
6. 9/11 did not contribute to our economic problems.
7. We're in a gridlock, so the "liberal agenda" is not flourishing.
8. The economic decline lasted well into Obama's first term.
9. High oil prices wouldn't help communists restructure the government.
10 If communists could influence the commander in chief and other powerful members of government, they wouldn't need to disarm the citizens.
Dude, were you on the old Netscape/AOL boards?
I would tell you who the Dudette was, but last time I tried a friendly chit chat about the old Boards with an "old" FORUM member, I got "written up" about disclosing any personal info of current Forum members. From what I learned from the old Boards, I should have known better, that MOST Libs are not interested in old "friendships", they are only interested in promoting their Left Wing Agendas, and will turn you in, especially if you are a threat to their agenda, like I am, so I now mind my P's and Q's
This of course is just my opinion and opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one: I honestly believe that George Soros was behind this entire collapse of the economy, which made it possible for the Liberal agendas to surface, and up to now, flourish. Bush had 911 which set him back for years and then he started getting things going really good, and then Barney Frank started that "make it real easy to refinance your house with an adjustable mortgage". I believe that George Soros manipulated the stock market online, while the A-rabs hated the USA and saw the chance to ram it to US, up our ying yang, with oil price hikes. This entire mess was part of a Communist plot to undermine the USA and get a real hard core Leftist in the Presidency for Moore than two terms. I really hate to say this, butt Those "STUPIT" Women fell for the abortion issue and didn't give a sheet about anything else and helped vote Obama into Office. The "Plucking" Mexicans were promised Amnesty in the guise of Immigration Reform, and they also helped vote Obama into Office. Now the final Coup de Grace will be the disarming of US, so they can take US over, a la The French Revolution. Butt, and here comes the big butt, it ain't over till the FAT LADY SINGS, could the FAT LADY be reading a "FAT 30 Magazine" while stirring the sauce with an AK47?

none of this makes any sense and has no basis in fact.

Why would you think such things?

It shows how little respect for any verifiable fact you have.
I've never been on aol
Full politics is the only other board I've been on
You lie like a rug, everyone on here from the Old Board, AKA Netscape, remembers you as the little worm who kept following me around. I remember some of your own Cohors chastizing you, probably because you acted gay, always replying to my posts, just like you have been doing on this Forum. Why don't you come out Right now and admit your F'''ing ass full "BLOWN" gayness, your Cohors will understand and feel your pain? How does it feel to be pissed on and missed, butt shit on and hit....JA JA are still the same clown that you where at the Netscape Boards, does you still pee your pants, you inadvertently said as much one time? It was real late, and you sounded wasted, or your mouth was full, while you were trying to type?
none of this makes any sense and has no basis in fact.

Why would you think such things?
It shows how little respect for any verifiable fact you have.
I explained that it was my opinion, butt I honestly believe that billionaire George Soros is behind all of this. I also believe that some of you Leftists are getting payed to post your Liberal crap 24/7 all over the web, mainly to influence the dumb sheet women who voted for Obama. On the old Board I called your cohors Cabalistas(Kabalistas), and they are on here, outnumbering the Conservatives 10 to 1, from what I have seen in the short time since my return here. Why don't you come out and admit that I am RIGHT, I double Dog dare you?
This of course is just my opinion and opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one: I honestly believe that George Soros was behind this entire collapse of the economy, which made it possible for the Liberal agendas to surface, and up to now, flourish. Bush had 911 which set him back for years and then he started getting things going really good, and then Barney Frank started that "make it real easy to refinance your house with an adjustable mortgage". I believe that George Soros manipulated the stock market online, while the A-rabs hated the USA and saw the chance to ram it to US, up our ying yang, with oil price hikes. This entire mess was part of a Communist plot to undermine the USA and get a real hard core Leftist in the Presidency for Moore than two terms. I really hate to say this, butt Those "STUPIT" Women fell for the abortion issue and didn't give a sheet about anything else and helped vote Obama into Office. The "Plucking" Mexicans were promised Amnesty in the guise of Immigration Reform, and they also helped vote Obama into Office. Now the final Coup de Grace will be the disarming of US, so they can take US over, a la The French Revolution. Butt, and here comes the big butt, it ain't over till the FAT LADY SINGS, could the FAT LADY be reading a "FAT 30 Magazine" while stirring the sauce with an AK47?

I found you a new avatar...


You're welcome!!!