The Real TRUTH about What's HAPPENING to US

This of course is just my opinion and opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one: I honestly believe that George Soros was behind this entire collapse of the economy, which made it possible for the Liberal agendas to surface, and up to now, flourish. Bush had 911 which set him back for years and then he started getting things going really good, and then Barney Frank started that "make it real easy to refinance your house with an adjustable mortgage". I believe that George Soros manipulated the stock market online, while the A-rabs hated the USA and saw the chance to ram it to US, up our ying yang, with oil price hikes. This entire mess was part of a Communist plot to undermine the USA and get a real hard core Leftist in the Presidency for Moore than two terms. I really hate to say this, butt Those "STUPIT" Women fell for the abortion issue and didn't give a sheet about anything else and helped vote Obama into Office. The "Plucking" Mexicans were promised Amnesty in the guise of Immigration Reform, and they also helped vote Obama into Office. Now the final Coup de Grace will be the disarming of US, so they can take US over, a la The French Revolution. Butt, and here comes the big butt, it ain't over till the FAT LADY SINGS, could the FAT LADY be reading a "FAT 30 Magazine" while stirring the sauce with an AK47?

Bush sucks, and is a marxist.

Trust me. I'm from Texas.

So is Frank, and Soros.
They can't verify if you lie or not. I was right there with Zappy and Darla on AOL, there were times I questioned most of what you claimed.
You aren't going to ban me, are you? Everything that I haver ever said there or here is the truth. Name any one time, there on Netscape/AOL when you questioned my veracity?...that is about as "big" a word that I will ever use, like I have stated in the past and I am saying it now, you are all smarter than I when it comes to using big "show off" words. I know, you question my passing the Mensa Test, is that it, Zappy was always jealous of me on that one?....butt, it's All True, sorry, next????
none of this makes any sense and has no basis in fact.

Why would you think such things?

It shows how little respect for any verifiable fact you have.
Which issue bothers you? George Soros runs, a Hard Core Socialist Internet Site that I believe has connections with some of the "Pro" posters on here. Come on, many of the same 24/7 posters on the old Boards are here doing there thing, and since people have to eat, I am guessing that Georgee Porgy feeds them in a roundabout way, if you know what I mean. By the way, I will never ban you, no matter how biased you are.
You aren't going to ban me, are you? Everything that I haver ever said there or here is the truth. Name any one time, there on Netscape/AOL when you questioned my veracity?...that is about as "big" a word that I will ever use, like I have stated in the past and I am saying it now, you are all smarter than I when it comes to using big "show off" words. I know, you question my passing the Mensa Test, is that it, Zappy was always jealous of me on that one?....butt, it's All True, sorry, next????

Oh, I would never ban you.
This of course is just my opinion and opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one: I honestly believe that George Soros was behind this entire collapse of the economy,

I'm not even sure that counts as an opinion -- more like you vomiting insanity onto your keyboard.

There seems to be a great overlap between paranoia and stupidity.