The Reality Disfunction.

Several atheists on this forum are militant atheists. Not content to join a thread to bash christians, they actully go out of their way to create their own threads, trying to tell everyone about those poor fools who believe in a 'sky fairy'. They belittle their intelligence every chance they get, even going so far as calling them insane. This, in spite of the fact that many of history's most intelligent and educated people, many of them scientists, believe in God. These same people are quick to defend Islam, calling it the religion of peace, while heaping coals of scorn on the real religion of peace. The religion whose God loved us enough to die for us and instructs us to love our neighbors. That other religion wants to kill everyone who is not a Muslim. Why do they behave this way? I have a theory. If there really is a God, as well as the Devil, Islam would the religion of choice for the Devil, the father of lies.

John 8:44

"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Now, I could care less what you atheists think about this. You can go hang yourself, and the world would be a better place. I speak the truth, but you do not care about the truth. Thus the title for this thread. You support a religion created by a murderer and a pedophile, while attacking a religion where God loves us and died for us. Those are the facts. I'll probably get a lot of flack for saying this, but it needed to said. Bring it on. You cannot suppress the truth. That truth is that Jesus died for you and wants you to turn away from sin. It's too late for some of you. Once you knowingly reject God, there is no turning back. Your course is set. You poor fools.

All religion requires voluntary retardation to participate.
Islam is no exception.
If you believe you are going to live forever, you are insane.
All religion requires voluntary retardation to participate.
Islam is no exception.
If you believe you are going to live forever, you are insane.

They have amazing geology exhibits in the KAUST (science and technology) in Arabia..

And below each exhibit there is a brass plaque with a verse from the creation account.

I don't think they have the same problem fundamentalists have in the US.. They don't take it literally.
They have amazing geology exhibits in the KAUST (science and technology) in Arabia..

And below each exhibit there is a brass plaque with a verse from the creation account.

I don't think they have the same problem fundamentalists have in the US.. They don't take it literally.

I beg to differ with you.
They commit suicide in order to kill others on a regular basis, because their insanity is believed to the core of their being.
Religion = insanity.