The Reason The World Is Fucked Up


Loves Me Some Souls
You're all natural born slaves. That's why the world is fucked up. 95% of you need to be told what to do. You don't like it though and that's where the problem lies. The slave gets upset when someone tells the slave what to do. The problem isn't the "elites''s're the problem. You pussies made your lie in it.
You're all natural born slaves. That's why the world is fucked up. 95% of you need to be told what to do. You don't like it though and that's where the problem lies. The slave gets upset when someone tells the slave what to do. The problem isn't the "elites''s're the problem. You pussies made your lie in it.

I think you're too harsh. I can certainly agree that a lot of people find it difficult if not impossible to buck the system and this can certainly be seen as a fault, but not as "their" fault, per se. I think that everyone does what they do to increase their happiness and/or decrease their unhappiness, which means that whatever they do or don't do in their lives is predicated on achieving those goals. I believe the problem for most is that they can't see any better way of doing things and so they just continue doing what they're doing, being the proverbial cog in the wheel as it were. What they need is better information to see that there are better ways for doing things. Some people have this better information and given the right circumstances can impart it to those who don't. Saving the world from its predicaments depends on this transfer of information from those who have it to those who don't.
I think you're too harsh. I can certainly agree that a lot of people find it difficult if not impossible to buck the system and this can certainly be seen as a fault, but not as "their" fault, per se. I think that everyone does what they do to increase their happiness and/or decrease their unhappiness, which means that whatever they do or don't do in their lives is predicated on achieving those goals. I believe the problem for most is that they can't see any better way of doing things and so they just continue doing what they're doing, being the proverbial cog in the wheel as it were. What they need is better information to see that there are better ways for doing things. Some people have this better information and given the right circumstances can impart it to those who don't. Saving the world from its predicaments depends on this transfer of information from those who have it to those who don't.

20 years ago i would have agreed with you, now I don't.

95% of humans are born to be slaves.
You're all natural born slaves. That's why the world is fucked up. 95% of you need to be told what to do. You don't like it though and that's where the problem lies. The slave gets upset when someone tells the slave what to do. The problem isn't the "elites''s're the problem. You pussies made your lie in it.


elites brainwashed people into it.

at least part of the problem is their machinations and massmurder.

why are you kissing so much ass?

libertarian fascist apologia.
What's your take on klaus shwab, the world economic forum, and Environment Social Governance, which is being evidently IMPLEMENTED VOLUNTARILY BY GLOBALIST FINANCIERS?

can you call out corporate tyranny or not?

you're compromised.
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You're all natural born slaves. That's why the world is fucked up. 95% of you need to be told what to do. You don't like it though and that's where the problem lies. The slave gets upset when someone tells the slave what to do. The problem isn't the "elites''s're the problem. You pussies made your lie in it.

You need some pot therapy, Guille. Either that or you woke up too early...or "on the wrong side of the bed."

Telling everyone else that they need "to be told what to do" just a coward's way of saying "I am better than everyone else." Telling everyone else that they "are the problem" just a coward's way of saying, "I am not the problem."

Apparently you are as ignorant as that avatar of yours makes you look to be. And it is almost certain that you are NOT better than everyone else...and that it is more likely that you are "the problem" than the others whom you derogate.
You need some pot therapy, Guille. Either that or you woke up too early...or "on the wrong side of the bed."

Telling everyone else that they need "to be told what to do" just a coward's way of saying "I am better than everyone else." Telling everyone else that they "are the problem" just a coward's way of saying, "I am not the problem."

Apparently you are as ignorant as that avatar of yours makes you look to be. And it is almost certain that you are NOT better than everyone else...and that it is more likely that you are "the problem" than the others whom you derogate.

so you're actually against culling herd?

you need to leave the envirowacko movement.

so you're actually against culling herd?

If by that you mean, "So you are actually against killing the people with whom you disagree?" (which IS what culling the herd means)...YES...I am against that.

You should be also, but you are an American conservative, so I guess we've gotta give you a pass on that.

you need to leave the envirowacko movement.

Give it up, AssWipe. All you ever do by posting is show yourself to be a fool. You are one of those people who do more for their cause by not posting.
If by that you mean, "So you are actually against killing the people with whom you disagree?" (which IS what culling the herd means)...YES...I am against that.

You should be also, but you are an American conservative, so I guess we've gotta give you a pass on that.

Give it up, AssWipe. All you ever do by posting is show yourself to be a fool. You are one of those people who do more for their cause by not posting.

do you agree with culling the herd indiscriminately?

for environment reasons?
You're all natural born slaves. That's why the world is fucked up. 95% of you need to be told what to do. You don't like it though and that's where the problem lies. The slave gets upset when someone tells the slave what to do. The problem isn't the "elites''s're the problem. You pussies made your lie in it.

Does this also apply to those who worship Trump?????