The Republican Healthcare Plan???


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The health care system indeed needs some reform, but not in the direction liberal democrats want to take it. Instead of addressing the fundamental problems, they want to claim it is simply unaffordable, and should be paid for by government. Rather than looking at why health care and health insurance is so high, it is easier to just tax the rich some more.

You have all seen the commercials... If you suffered following the use of Acme Pharmaceutical Products, please contact our offices, you may be entitled to money damages! These commercials run non-stop day and night in my area, I am sure it's like that all over the country. Now, these commercials are running, because they are effective... they bring in "clients" for the attorneys, who spend all of their time, suing hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical industries. They spend all of their time doing this, because it is very lucrative, they make a great deal on settlements and judgments. All of this money is paid for by the doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical industries, through purchase of insurance. Because the claim rates are so high, and the punitive amounts are insane, the subsequent cost to insure against it, is also very high. And if you are unfortunate enough to be zapped with a court ordered award, the cost of insuring you goes through the roof.

Now, whenever any business incurs cost associated with doing that business, it is reflected in the prices charged for the service or product. The more billions we allow ambulance-chasing lawyers to win for their sorry-ass clients, the more the doctor has to charge for a routine examination. This is fundamentally, the main reason health care costs are unaffordable. This is the problem we should be addressing and finding solutions for.
You are correct as usual Dixie. The whole health care thing would go away if the government instituted tort reform and relaxed regulations on insurers.
The health care system indeed needs some reform, but not in the direction liberal democrats want to take it. Instead of addressing the fundamental problems, they want to claim it is simply unaffordable, and should be paid for by government. Rather than looking at why health care and health insurance is so high, it is easier to just tax the rich some more.

You have all seen the commercials... If you suffered following the use of Acme Pharmaceutical Products, please contact our offices, you may be entitled to money damages! These commercials run non-stop day and night in my area, I am sure it's like that all over the country. Now, these commercials are running, because they are effective... they bring in "clients" for the attorneys, who spend all of their time, suing hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical industries. They spend all of their time doing this, because it is very lucrative, they make a great deal on settlements and judgments. All of this money is paid for by the doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical industries, through purchase of insurance. Because the claim rates are so high, and the punitive amounts are insane, the subsequent cost to insure against it, is also very high. And if you are unfortunate enough to be zapped with a court ordered award, the cost of insuring you goes through the roof.

Now, whenever any business incurs cost associated with doing that business, it is reflected in the prices charged for the service or product. The more billions we allow ambulance-chasing lawyers to win for their sorry-ass clients, the more the doctor has to charge for a routine examination. This is fundamentally, the main reason health care costs are unaffordable. This is the problem we should be addressing and finding solutions for.

Tort reform would go a long way in curbing the high costs of insurance via more affordable coverage for liability that phycisians and hospitals are forced to carry. Another angle however would be to reform how much big pharma can charge for drugs. I say this not because I don't believe in the free market, but because we in the US pay high prices so that countries that have socialized systems can have lower costs. I say we take lower costs here and let them (big pharma) pass more of their costs off to those other countries. We should also deregulate state laws so that the smaller private companies who wish to offer coverage at better prices, but are hampered by interstate regulators who work for the special interests of large companies. All of these things are what have driven up the costs of insurance.
Tort reform would go a long way in curbing the high costs of insurance via more affordable coverage for liability that phycisians and hospitals are forced to carry. Another angle however would be to reform how much big pharma can charge for drugs. I say this not because I don't believe in the free market, but because we in the US pay high prices so that countries that have socialized systems can have lower costs. I say we take lower costs here and let them (big pharma) pass more of their costs off to those other countries. We should also deregulate state laws so that the smaller private companies who wish to offer coverage at better prices, but are hampered by interstate regulators who work for the special interests of large companies. All of these things are what have driven up the costs of insurance.

I have to disagree with price controls. Big Pharma has to pay for Big Research, which is very expensive to do. There is also the matter of governmental red-tape and hoop-jumping required for FDA approval of your new drug, these costs have to be recovered, or the pharmaceutical company has no motivation to research new drugs. Whatever is the best commercial strategy for the Big Pharma's to recoup the costs, is fine by me.

What is really amazing is, this whole entire problem can be summed up in two words... compounded liberalism. Through the years, liberals have pushed and pushed for more and more frivolous lawsuits, advocating for the victims of mean old doctors, cheering the liberal court awards of billions in silly ridiculous cases across the country... and it has created a nightmare for legitimate doctors trying to maintain sufficient malpractice insurance. All the cumulative costs the medical industry has to incur, just to ensure they won't be run into court on some stupid-ass lawsuit, has caused the price of health care to skyrocket. Now that it has gone completely haywire, the liberals argue the only solution left, is to 'socialize' medicine, and have the government pay for it.
The health care system indeed needs some reform, but not in the direction liberal democrats want to take it. Instead of addressing the fundamental problems, they want to claim it is simply unaffordable, and should be paid for by government. Rather than looking at why health care and health insurance is so high, it is easier to just tax the rich some more.

You have all seen the commercials... If you suffered following the use of Acme Pharmaceutical Products, please contact our offices, you may be entitled to money damages! These commercials run non-stop day and night in my area, I am sure it's like that all over the country. Now, these commercials are running, because they are effective... they bring in "clients" for the attorneys, who spend all of their time, suing hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical industries. They spend all of their time doing this, because it is very lucrative, they make a great deal on settlements and judgments. All of this money is paid for by the doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical industries, through purchase of insurance. Because the claim rates are so high, and the punitive amounts are insane, the subsequent cost to insure against it, is also very high. And if you are unfortunate enough to be zapped with a court ordered award, the cost of insuring you goes through the roof.

Now, whenever any business incurs cost associated with doing that business, it is reflected in the prices charged for the service or product. The more billions we allow ambulance-chasing lawyers to win for their sorry-ass clients, the more the doctor has to charge for a routine examination. This is fundamentally, the main reason health care costs are unaffordable. This is the problem we should be addressing and finding solutions for.

Malpractice types of settlements cost maybe 3-5 % max of total health care costs.
If that was cut out do you really think the medical/insurance industry would pass the savings on to us or just keep the extra profit?
Malpractice types of settlements cost maybe 3-5 % max of total health care costs.
If that was cut out do you really think the medical/insurance industry would pass the savings on to us or just keep the extra profit?

And for every frivolous lawsuit there are probably dozens of examples of bad medical practice and lousy doctors.
Malpractice types of settlements cost maybe 3-5 % max of total health care costs.
If that was cut out do you really think the medical/insurance industry would pass the savings on to us or just keep the extra profit?

It's not the settlements, it's the insurance to protect against one. You have courts ordering billions of dollars to be paid by corporate entities, who don't have the means to pay. They must carry insurance to protect themselves, to protect their business. Since this is mandatory for them, and the insurance providers know this, the cost is astronomical. That is sort of how the whole "insurance" thing works.

As I said.... all day long, non-stop commercials on TV... I see them, others surely see them... someone is making some money from suing pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and hospitals. This is an entire industry! Where does the reward money come from? I mean, come on, you aren't so retarded you can't figure this out, it's really very simple, there is only one place the money can come from, ultimately, isn't there?
It's not the settlements, it's the insurance to protect against one. You have courts ordering billions of dollars to be paid by corporate entities, who don't have the means to pay. They must carry insurance to protect themselves, to protect their business. Since this is mandatory for them, and the insurance providers know this, the cost is astronomical. That is sort of how the whole "insurance" thing works.

As I said.... all day long, non-stop commercials on TV... I see them, others surely see them... someone is making some money from suing pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and hospitals. This is an entire industry! Where does the reward money come from? I mean, come on, you aren't so retarded you can't figure this out, it's really very simple, there is only one place the money can come from, ultimately, isn't there?

From irresponsible drug manufacturers and incompetent drs?

Most lawsuits that result in large settlements are because someone was negligent. If a drug manufacturer sold a drug with unacceptable side effects or risks to patients, without telling making sure the risks were known then they pay.

If a dr is negligent then the dr pays.
I have to disagree with price controls. Big Pharma has to pay for Big Research, which is very expensive to do. There is also the matter of governmental red-tape and hoop-jumping required for FDA approval of your new drug, these costs have to be recovered, or the pharmaceutical company has no motivation to research new drugs. Whatever is the best commercial strategy for the Big Pharma's to recoup the costs, is fine by me.

What is really amazing is, this whole entire problem can be summed up in two words... compounded liberalism. Through the years, liberals have pushed and pushed for more and more frivolous lawsuits, advocating for the victims of mean old doctors, cheering the liberal court awards of billions in silly ridiculous cases across the country... and it has created a nightmare for legitimate doctors trying to maintain sufficient malpractice insurance. All the cumulative costs the medical industry has to incur, just to ensure they won't be run into court on some stupid-ass lawsuit, has caused the price of health care to skyrocket. Now that it has gone completely haywire, the liberals argue the only solution left, is to 'socialize' medicine, and have the government pay for it.

I understand your disagreement as I am a Free Market believer myself. My point was/is that Pharma gives lower costs to socialized countries and do not give us the same. Because of our consumerism we could probably force them to offer us those same lower costs. They would/could recoup those costs by increasing costs to socialized countries making the distribution of costs more fair. Research is important, though it is actually not best served by big pharma, but by universities who go beyond the magic pill money maker that Pharma does.
From irresponsible drug manufacturers and incompetent drs?

Most lawsuits that result in large settlements are because someone was negligent. If a drug manufacturer sold a drug with unacceptable side effects or risks to patients, without telling making sure the risks were known then they pay.

If a dr is negligent then the dr pays.

The problem is that the only ones who really actually get paid are the lawyers! Tort Reform that would end ridiculous settlements that only make attorneys wealthy while class action clients get a pittance, is needed.
From irresponsible drug manufacturers and incompetent drs?

Most lawsuits that result in large settlements are because someone was negligent. If a drug manufacturer sold a drug with unacceptable side effects or risks to patients, without telling making sure the risks were known then they pay.

If a dr is negligent then the dr pays.

Well the US justice system is unique in that we allow for civil penalties that vastly outweigh any 1:1 compensation for harm. And that allows the potential for jackpot justice; a poor girl who gets hurt isn't getting anything, someone with enough money to pay a snazzy lawyer gets way more than they could possibly deserve under any reasonable standard.
The health care system indeed needs some reform, but not in the direction liberal democrats want to take it. Instead of addressing the fundamental problems, they want to claim it is simply unaffordable, and should be paid for by government. Rather than looking at why health care and health insurance is so high, it is easier to just tax the rich some more.

You have all seen the commercials... If you suffered following the use of Acme Pharmaceutical Products, please contact our offices, you may be entitled to money damages! These commercials run non-stop day and night in my area, I am sure it's like that all over the country. Now, these commercials are running, because they are effective... they bring in "clients" for the attorneys, who spend all of their time, suing hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical industries. They spend all of their time doing this, because it is very lucrative, they make a great deal on settlements and judgments. All of this money is paid for by the doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical industries, through purchase of insurance. Because the claim rates are so high, and the punitive amounts are insane, the subsequent cost to insure against it, is also very high. And if you are unfortunate enough to be zapped with a court ordered award, the cost of insuring you goes through the roof.

Now, whenever any business incurs cost associated with doing that business, it is reflected in the prices charged for the service or product. The more billions we allow ambulance-chasing lawyers to win for their sorry-ass clients, the more the doctor has to charge for a routine examination. This is fundamentally, the main reason health care costs are unaffordable. This is the problem we should be addressing and finding solutions for.
Dixie it's amazing how you never allow your ignorance to get in the way of your opinions. You just flat out don't know what your talking about and you should spend some time studying the matter before you pop off.

Tort reform is a serious issue and a serious cost but in the grand scheme of things it's just a small percentage (1 maybe 2 percent) of the over all cost of health care costs in this nation. It's a literal drop in the bucket.

At present the US spends more money and more money per capita vs our GDP on health care then any other country. A whoping 15% of GDP. That's about double what most developed, wealthy nations are spending per capita and most of those developed nations achieve a higher level of quality in providing health care services than the US does.

Each year the US spends a staggering 2 trillion dollars in health care costs. Nearly 80% of that cost (1.6 trillion dollars) wil be spent on Hospital care, physician and clinical services, nursing home costs and perscription drugs. 75% of that annual health care cost, 1.5 trillion dollars will be spent on providing health care for those over 65 years of age. That is to say, we are spending 75% of our health care dollars on the oldest 12.5% (1/8th) of our population. Most of that cost being spent on the elderly is all ready being subsidized by the federal government for the elderly via medicare/medicaid. So tax payers are all ready paying a huge sum.

So what your saying is pretty much typical wingnut shit or as I like to say "Simple Solutions for Simple Minds".

It won't work because it doesn't even begin to address the real costs of health care in this nation. It only scratches the surface of the huge costs we pay each year.

To put things in perspective. Just the simple measure of changing paper administrative forms at hospitals for electronic forms would save us more on our national health care costs ( approximately $30 billion) then it would if we eliminated medical malpractice law suits all together.

My suggestion is that you actually try to study the facts of this issue instead of parroting what Rush Limbaugh is telling you.
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You can disagree with your pansy ass liberal opinions all you want but that doesn't make the other guy wrong.
Since when is being objective and factually correct pansy ass liberal shit? Dixie is, as usual, just plain factually wrong and doesn't know what he's talking about, again!
From irresponsible drug manufacturers and incompetent drs?

Most lawsuits that result in large settlements are because someone was negligent. If a drug manufacturer sold a drug with unacceptable side effects or risks to patients, without telling making sure the risks were known then they pay.

If a dr is negligent then the dr pays.

Irresponsible drug companies and doctors get their money from the same source the legitimate ones do, consumers. But now, I would just venture to guess, with all the laws on the books, and entire cottage industry devoted to litigation of irresponsible companies and doctors, it's probably not a real lucrative plan, to go into the "irresponsible medicine" business. I would imagine, the vast and overwhelming majority of companies and doctors being sued, were not intentionally being negligent.

I'm not a pharmaceutical expert by any means, but I do know, most every drug has side effects. Everyone has different chemistry going on in their body, and the potential for any particular drug to react adversely, is just there. But common sense never applies to liberal thinking. If there is any chance at all, that harm can come from a drug, it is the sole responsibility of who made that drug, and nothing else matters. They become a demonized "irresponsible" drug company, and must be sued for billions to teach them all a lesson. THAT is liberal mentality, and you guys illustrated your whining about it beautifully. Thanks for confirming my point!

It is because of this inept liberal stupidity, and liberal judges supporting a sue-happy cottage industry of bilking medical professionals, that we have enormous health care costs. Your idiotic "nationalized health care" plans, don't address this problem at all, they simply pass the problem on to government. Now... part 2 of the economics lesson... where will the reward money come from, when government owns the problem?