the RNC , the FBI and the FEC

I have posted thread of democratic corruption in the past so where do you get off lying about it?

You are an adolesant mind who wants to act as if you are above it all.

When you put power in any hands you will get a certain amount of corruption.

Adults know this.

Adolesants like yourself pretend that only they know the truth and are worthy.

Democrats are not less corruptable because they are better humans. Democrats are less corruptable because the platform is less condusive to the monied interests interests.

When a democrat gets bought it is more plain to their constituients that they are pandering to the people who have the money to buy them.

When a Republican gets bought it is harder to tell because their platforms are already in line with the monied interests.

These are facts and if your adolesant mind cant handle them then go to a rave or something and let the adults fix the country.


Blah blah blah. You're not as old as I am!

I posted a thread about Democrats a while back... I think. You probably never saw it because it was the one Democrat thread in a sea of 10000000 threads I made criticizing Republicans, but it's probably there somewhere!

Republicans are more naturally corrupt. Your "adolesant" (lol) mind canT handle teh facts!

Adults will fix the country!!!!

You're a fucking moron, and if the country is relying on "adults" like you to repair it, we in are for an epic shitstorm because you cannot even spell adolescent correctly.
Then why dont you discuss the fucking thread subject asshole instead of just pretending passing judgement on anyone who doesnt agree with you?

If you have nothing intelligent to offer the VERY REAL subject at hand which is a brand fucking new incidence of wrongdoing which needs to be dealt with.

DO YOU FUCKING INDERSTAND that if we dont deal with the corruption we can never get rid of it?

What is your great plan to fix the country other than just pretending to yourself and everyone else you are just above it all?
Well for starters, I would suggest you take a look at both parties and the problems they each add to the system before you start thinking that you and you alone have it all figured out.

You like to ramble on about "facts". Well facts are better when you know more of them. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, Desh. You are a walking example of that. You learn just enough about an issue to find where you think the Republicans messed it up, without even bothering to consider that your revered party probably shared an equal or sometimes greater roll in the repeated fucking of this country the two-party system has given us.
Still cant comment on anything of substance huh?

How the fuck do you solve anything by being an eliteist who cant even say anything of substance about how to fix this country?
Still cant comment on anything of substance huh?

How the fuck do you solve anything by being an eliteist who cant even say anything of substance about how to fix this country?

You seem to be the one who lacks any substance other than "Republicans are evil and should not be elected."

What, in your opinion, is the most important issue facing this country?
You see the system is corrupted by the people with money who think that their money entitles them to own the government.

Not all the people with vast wealth are included here just the ones who try to purchase our government out from undeneath us.

The best way I can see to stop this is to do it through the democratic party who is easier to spot the corruption in because their platform is not in line with the aims of the monied interests. The monied interests will lose money if we have democrats in office and so they fight them harder and buy the ones who are easier to buy which is the Rs. Not all Rs are willing to sell out but many are.

If we can get enough dems in office to make a little headway we will then have to closely police the Dems vbecause then the interests will start buying them out. They are much easier to spot though.

Is there a perfect party?


If we managed to get the libertarian part elected in significant numbers then they would be just as easy as the others to buy. Probably easier than the dems because again their platform is already more in line with what the interests want.

As I see it the dems are the best bet.
You see the system is corrupted by the people with money who think that their money entitles them to own the government.

Not all the people with vast wealth are included here just the ones who try to purchase our government out from undeneath us.

The best way I can see to stop this is to do it through the democratic party who is easier to spot the corruption in because their platform is not in line with the aims of the monied interests. The monied interests will lose money if we have democrats in office and so they fight them harder and buy the ones who are easier to buy which is the Rs. Not all Rs are willing to sell out but many are.

If we can get enough dems in office to make a little headway we will then have to closely police the Dems vbecause then the interests will start buying them out. They are much easier to spot though.

Is there a perfect party?


If we managed to get the libertarian part elected in significant numbers then they would be just as easy as the others to buy. Probably easier than the dems because again their platform is already more in line with what the interests want.

As I see it the dems are the best bet.

We should and do have campaign finance laws. I am totally supportive of reasonable caps on the amount business interests and wealthy individuals can donate.

But once reasonable laws are in place, there is no reason that businesses should not be allowed to exercise their free speech just as I am for individuals.

But the whole problem goes back to the two party system. If we had a proportional representation, British-style system corruption would be more vigilantly exposed by many, viable competing parties rather than the Demopublican tactic of sweeping it under the rug.
This country gives people free speach and the right to vote.

Businesses are not people. The people who own ,run ,work for the Businesses already have a voice and a vote, They dont need a second one.

The people who own them have no right to have another voice. They have their one voice as a citizen.
Giving money = voice

I think that was already desided in by the scotus.

No one but individual people should be allowed to give to anything involving government and a voters choice.
Your example is absolutely assinine. The aren't getting twice the ability to give money to a campaign because they own a business. A lot of money, like it or not, is in the possession of business, and it has the right to use it however it wants.
Corporate personhood is completely anti democracy.

Corporations do not have a vote.

Corporations should not be giving money to anyone politically because they are not people with a voice.

The people who own and operate them already can vote and speak and donate money.

If you allow the owners and opperators to them have another voice by allowing them to give money then you have just increased the amount of money that owner and or opperator can donate(=speech ) a second voice that I am not allowed.

It is anti democratic.
This country gives people free speach and the right to vote.

Businesses are not people. The people who own ,run ,work for the Businesses already have a voice and a vote, They dont need a second one.

The people who own them have no right to have another voice. They have their one voice as a citizen.

The same can be said about PACs, Unions, Special interest groups.... and to be clear. I agree with you on the corporate side. I think it is the ability for these entities to hide behind free speech and thus funnel tons of money into the coffers of the two parties that is corrupting both parties.

I will disagree on your assertion that the Dems are less likely to be corrupted because of their platform. They just have different groups corrupting them than do the Reps. But that is what your natural blind spot prevents you from seeing. That your party is just as corrupt as the Reps.
Corporate personhood is completely anti democracy.

Corporations do not have a vote.

Corporations should not be giving money to anyone politically because they are not people with a voice.

The people who own and operate them already can vote and speak and donate money.

If you allow the owners and opperators to them have another voice by allowing them to give money then you have just increased the amount of money that owner and or opperator can donate(=speech ) a second voice that I am not allowed.

It is anti democratic.

How can any rational person say that giving people the oppurtunity to spend money not on their person is the same as giving a corporation a vote? Fucking retard.
Corporate personhood is completely anti democracy.

Corporations do not have a vote.

Corporations should not be giving money to anyone politically because they are not people with a voice.

The people who own and operate them already can vote and speak and donate money.

If you allow the owners and opperators to them have another voice by allowing them to give money then you have just increased the amount of money that owner and or opperator can donate(=speech ) a second voice that I am not allowed.

It is anti democratic.

How can any rational person say that giving people the oppurtunity to spend money not on their person is the same as giving a corporation a vote? Fucking retard.

It is not giving them an opportunity you do not have, but it is most certainly giving those with more money the ability to have more influence on policy of politicians. Just so you understand Water.... you have the ability to toss as much money as you want into a 527, a PAC or a special interest group and thus pump as much money into elections as you wish. The same as those corporate owners do.
The same can be said about PACs, Unions, Special interest groups.... and to be clear. I agree with you on the corporate side. I think it is the ability for these entities to hide behind free speech and thus funnel tons of money into the coffers of the two parties that is corrupting both parties.

I will disagree on your assertion that the Dems are less likely to be corrupted because of their platform. They just have different groups corrupting them than do the Reps. But that is what your natural blind spot prevents you from seeing. That your party is just as corrupt as the Reps.

They are less likely to be purchased by the monied interests because the are easier to spot when they do and then are more likely to not get relected.

Tell me what kinds of things that enities with money want to see happen?

They are all the things that Rs already stand for huh?
So if I grant two cents to someones campaign, I am being democratic, however, if I spend one cent, and then have my business spend another cent, I am being anti-democratic. That makes perfect sense.