The "Romney has no details" meme

Repeatedly, we've been hearing the pinhead masses argue that Romney hasn't articulated any specific details for his ideas. If this sounds familiar, it's because the very same thing was said about Obama by his detractors, as has been said about every presidential candidate through the years. The reason this tired old meme keeps resurfacing, is because it is largely true and can't really be refuted. Presidential candidates never have specific details of what they are going to do, because they don't yet know the specific details.

You see, we have a representative republic form of government, not a dictatorship. If we were electing a dictator, he could give us specific details of what he plans to do, because in a dictatorial system, the dictator decides those details. However, in a representative republic like ours, the details and specifics have to be ironed out by Congress. This long and arduous process involves a lot of give and take on the specifics, and there is also a lot of nuance in the details. How can Romney possibly tell us what a majority Democrat Senate is going to pass? If he were certain he would have a super-majority in both houses, perhaps he could boldly proclaim details and specifics, but that's just not the case. He will likely be faced with a split Congress whose Democrat side won't be any more cordial and accepting of his ideas as they have been, there isn't some miracle going to happen to cause the Democrats to suddenly start going along with Republicans. Therefore, it is impossible for Romney to give you specifics and details at this time. But again, it's been this way since we started electing presidents, and it isn't going to change.

You will note, Obama lacked detailed specifics regarding Obamacare, in fact, when the 2,200-page bill passed, even those who voted for it, couldn't tell us the specifics and details. Also noteworthy, is the fact that Obama isn't currently laying out details and specifics for his next 4 years. All he has advocated is raising taxes and cutting defense spending. No specific details on what defense cuts he wants to make, or how much he wants to raise taxes on whoever... those 'details' are not given. Everytime he speaks of these things, it is wrapped in platitudes and rhetoric and lacks any specificity whatsoever. But of course, this is normal and expected from presidential candidates, because the president is not a dictator, and he doesn't know what Congress is going to do. The recent failure of libtards to grasp this age-old concept and cling to the "no details" meme, is indicative of their mindlessness.

Yet another right wing sociopath who lives in a tank full of lies.

you swim arround in your tanks like so many guppies slurpping the lies in your little controled world.

Bullshit mountain

the bubble

what ever you call it its NOT reality and that is why you cling to historically failed ideas