The Senate


New member
With all of the focus on the White House race, there really hasn't been much focus on what's about to happen with the Senate.

This was a bad year for the GOP, anyway - more incumbents up for re-election, more open seats in states they have owned.

I just watched a rundown of the polls on Hardball, though; it's a total nightmare if you're a Republican. They're getting beat everywhere; in states like NH, NM and VA, they're getting positively shellacked. Most of the polls aren't even that close.

The Dems are going to pick up some serious margin in the Senate this year; the kind of margin that lasts for awhile. They might even get close to a filibuster-proof majority.

Haha, righties - told you that Bush was a bad choice. This is just another part of his legacy, and the GOP is reaping what it sowed. Karma is truly a bitch.
With all of the focus on the White House race, there really hasn't been much focus on what's about to happen with the Senate.

This was a bad year for the GOP, anyway - more incumbents up for re-election, more open seats in states they have owned.

I just watched a rundown of the polls on Hardball, though; it's a total nightmare if you're a Republican. They're getting beat everywhere; in states like NH, NM and VA, they're getting positively shellacked. Most of the polls aren't even that close.

The Dems are going to pick up some serious margin in the Senate this year; the kind of margin that lasts for awhile. They might even get close to a filibuster-proof majority.

Haha, righties - told you that Bush was a bad choice. This is just another part of his legacy, and the GOP is reaping what it sowed. Karma is truly a bitch.

Bush didn't cost the Republicans in the Senate the Senate. The Republicans in the Senate cost themselves the Senate. I don't even see how it is karma. The Republicans in Congress got fat, happy and complacent (among other things) and Republican voters rightfully got fed up and turned off by it. Even while in the minority the last year and a half they haven't acted like they want to change their ways at all and attempt to win back a majority.

So yeah, it could Obama as President with the Democrats having a strong majority in the House and fillibuster-proof majority in the Senate. I don't know when the last time that has happened. You can get a lot of things done when you have those type of numbers. The only thing is who is Desh going to blame if something doesn't go right under those circumstances?

Edit: Bush certainly did not help the Republicans in Congress but for Republicans that is too facile of an excuse to me. Those in Congress failed themselves.
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Bush didn't cost the Republicans in the Senate the Senate. The Republicans in the Senate cost themselves the Senate. I don't even see how it is karma. The Republicans in Congress got fat, happy and complacent (among other things) and Republican voters rightfully got fed up and turned off by it. Even while in the minority the last year and a half they haven't acted like they want to change their ways at all and attempt to win back a majority.

So yeah, it could Obama as President with the Democrats having a strong majority in the House and fillibuster-proof majority in the Senate. I don't know when the last time that has happened. You can get a lot of things done when you have those type of numbers. The only thing is who is Desh going to blame if something doesn't go right under those circumstances?

Edit: Bush certainly did not help the Republicans in Congress but for Republicans that is too facile of an excuse to me. Those in Congress failed themselves.

LOL, some bush apologists know no bounds.

With all of the focus on the White House race, there really hasn't been much focus on what's about to happen with the Senate.

This was a bad year for the GOP, anyway - more incumbents up for re-election, more open seats in states they have owned.

I just watched a rundown of the polls on Hardball, though; it's a total nightmare if you're a Republican. They're getting beat everywhere; in states like NH, NM and VA, they're getting positively shellacked. Most of the polls aren't even that close.

The Dems are going to pick up some serious margin in the Senate this year; the kind of margin that lasts for awhile. They might even get close to a filibuster-proof majority.

Haha, righties - told you that Bush was a bad choice. This is just another part of his legacy, and the GOP is reaping what it sowed. Karma is truly a bitch.

Its hard to imagine how much worse Bush could have destroyed the republican brand name. I'm hard pressed to find any proud republicans anymore - they've either become "independent conservatives", or Libertarians.

Onceler, with regard to the senate: somebody needs to send Obama a memo on this. This is a historic opportunity for the progressive movement. Perhaps, once in a lifetime. The Republican party is totally discredited, as are republican economic and deregulation schemes.

I want to know why Obama is playing footsy with all the post-partisan stuff. Why is he trying to put conservative Zell Miller Dems, or possibly even a republican corporate flack on his ticket? Being against NAFTA sells. Being pro-choice sells. Being for labor, homeowners, and single parents sells. Being for CHIPS and healthcare sells.

I don't know what the f*ck Obama is thinking. Does he really think if you be nice to republicans, they will accomodate and compromise with you? The only goal they'll ever have is to destroy liberals. Karl Rovian politics.

What happened the last time we had a "centrist" Democratic president, a Dem president who gave republicans 80% of what they wanted? They impeached him, smeared him, and called him a murderer. Clinton gave the GOP NAFTA, welfare reform, China MFN, telecom deregulation, banking deregulation, tough on drugs laws. And what was their reaction? They tried to remove a sitting president through a political coup.

What doesn't Obama get about this? What Obama needs to understand is that flirting with Cons and Zell Miller Democrats isn't going to buy him anything. They'll stab him in the back the first chance they get. What Obama needs to realize - and I fear he doesn't - is that a 100 seat Democratic majority in the house and a fillibuster proof majority in the senate is the only way to any sort of progressive legacy, and any sort of reversal of the disasterous consequences of reaganomics and bushonomics.
The Democrats are a lot more divided than the Republicans. You have to look at how each came to power - in 1994, the Republican came to power with a national campaign that specifically promoted the issues those Republicans would support if they came into power. The Republicans elected reflected that, and the moderate Republicans have dwindled down to a number you can count with the fingers on one hand since then.

The Democrats came to power in 2006 because people hated the Republicans. And they reflect that - extremely conservative Democrats who are Republican in everything but name. They number several dozen and hold the balance of power. If a progressive agenda is going to get passed, enough progressive Democrats need to take seats to hold a progressive majority, and I don't see that happening.
i use this site everyday and I love it as a general reference point. But for the record it was way off in 04' so take it with a grain of salt.

It was spot on in 06. It was only a little off in '04, and thats only because Bush stole Ohio.
Its hard to imagine how much worse Bush could have destroyed the republican brand name. I'm hard pressed to find any proud republicans anymore - they've either become "independent conservatives", or Libertarians.

Onceler, with regard to the senate: somebody needs to send Obama a memo on this. This is a historic opportunity for the progressive movement. Perhaps, once in a lifetime. The Republican party is totally discredited, as are republican economic and deregulation schemes.

I want to know why Obama is playing footsy with all the post-partisan stuff. Why is he trying to put conservative Zell Miller Dems, or possibly even a republican corporate flack on his ticket? Being against NAFTA sells. Being pro-choice sells. Being for labor, homeowners, and single parents sells. Being for CHIPS and healthcare sells.

I don't know what the f*ck Obama is thinking. Does he really think if you be nice to republicans, they will accomodate and compromise with you? The only goal they'll ever have is to destroy liberals. Karl Rovian politics.

What happened the last time we had a "centrist" Democratic president, a Dem president who gave republicans 80% of what they wanted? They impeached him, smeared him, and called him a murderer. Clinton gave the GOP NAFTA, welfare reform, China MFN, telecom deregulation, banking deregulation, tough on drugs laws. And what was their reaction? They tried to remove a sitting president through a political coup.

What doesn't Obama get about this? What Obama needs to understand is that flirting with Cons and Zell Miller Democrats isn't going to buy him anything. They'll stab him in the back the first chance they get. What Obama needs to realize - and I fear he doesn't - is that a 100 seat Democratic majority in the house and a fillibuster proof majority in the senate is the only way to any sort of progressive legacy, and any sort of reversal of the disasterous consequences of reaganomics and bushonomics.

Cypress, maybe Obama is a conservative democrat. that's what nobody wants to think about. But I see no reason to dismiss it.
With all of the focus on the White House race, there really hasn't been much focus on what's about to happen with the Senate.

This was a bad year for the GOP, anyway - more incumbents up for re-election, more open seats in states they have owned.

I just watched a rundown of the polls on Hardball, though; it's a total nightmare if you're a Republican. They're getting beat everywhere; in states like NH, NM and VA, they're getting positively shellacked. Most of the polls aren't even that close.

The Dems are going to pick up some serious margin in the Senate this year; the kind of margin that lasts for awhile. They might even get close to a filibuster-proof majority.

Haha, righties - told you that Bush was a bad choice. This is just another part of his legacy, and the GOP is reaping what it sowed. Karma is truly a bitch.

No doubt about it, Karma's a bitch. She was my Sales Rep for 2 years. Most arrogant woman I ever had to deal with. Customers loved her though.
Bush didn't cost the Republicans in the Senate the Senate. The Republicans in the Senate cost themselves the Senate. I don't even see how it is karma. The Republicans in Congress got fat, happy and complacent (among other things) and Republican voters rightfully got fed up and turned off by it. Even while in the minority the last year and a half they haven't acted like they want to change their ways at all and attempt to win back a majority.

So yeah, it could Obama as President with the Democrats having a strong majority in the House and fillibuster-proof majority in the Senate. I don't know when the last time that has happened. You can get a lot of things done when you have those type of numbers. The only thing is who is Desh going to blame if something doesn't go right under those circumstances?

Edit: Bush certainly did not help the Republicans in Congress but for Republicans that is too facile of an excuse to me. Those in Congress failed themselves.

Last time that happened was over 40 years ago when Johnson was President.
Bush didn't cost the Republicans in the Senate the Senate. The Republicans in the Senate cost themselves the Senate. I don't even see how it is karma. The Republicans in Congress got fat, happy and complacent (among other things) and Republican voters rightfully got fed up and turned off by it. Even while in the minority the last year and a half they haven't acted like they want to change their ways at all and attempt to win back a majority.

So yeah, it could Obama as President with the Democrats having a strong majority in the House and fillibuster-proof majority in the Senate. I don't know when the last time that has happened. You can get a lot of things done when you have those type of numbers. The only thing is who is Desh going to blame if something doesn't go right under those circumstances?

Edit: Bush certainly did not help the Republicans in Congress but for Republicans that is too facile of an excuse to me. Those in Congress failed themselves.

Yes, and they failed not by acting like Republicans, but by acting like democrats, see? The conservative ideology has never really been tested, see? Bush is a liberal see? Hold on my cigar went out...where was I? Oh right, Bush is a liberal see? The past eight years have been a historic failing of liberalism see? As soon as we get a republican adminstration this country will get back on track see? one thing we can't afford is four more years of liberalism see? so whatever you do, don't vote for the democrats see?
Yes, and they failed not by acting like Republicans, but by acting like democrats, see? The conservative ideology has never really been tested, see? Bush is a liberal see? Hold on my cigar went out...where was I? Oh right, Bush is a liberal see? The past eight years have been a historic failing of liberalism see? As soon as we get a republican adminstration this country will get back on track see? one thing we can't afford is four more years of liberalism see? so whatever you do, don't vote for the democrats see?

Where in there do you see me say we should vote for Republicans? Where in there did you see me say they actetd like Democrats? Nice projections Darla. What I said and have said is they were elected on a particular platform. They went away from those principles and are getting punished by voters as a result which is deserved. Is that hard to understand?
Virtually all of the republican senate did exactly what bush wanted them to do. they were willing puppets until very recently. Yes the senate did it under Bush's guidance.

You think they would have acted the same way had Gore been elected ?
Where in there do you see me say we should vote for Republicans? Where in there did you see me say they actetd like Democrats? Nice projections Darla. What I said and have said is they were elected on a particular platform. They went away from those principles and are getting punished by voters as a result which is deserved. Is that hard to understand?

No, I understand you perfectly. You believe they did not govern as conservatives. You are in complete denial about any failure of conservative ideology. In fact, they governed exactly as conservatives. They ran saying they hated government and that it doesn’t work. Then they proved it. It is not that they failed because they didn’t keep their campaign promises, they failed because they did. The conservative ideology is a failure.
Virtually all of the republican senate did exactly what bush wanted them to do. they were willing puppets until very recently. Yes the senate did it under Bush's guidance.

You think they would have acted the same way had Gore been elected ?

Most in the Senate were elected before Bush became President. They were not elected on a platform in the '80s or '90's on a 'support Bush in the future platform'.

Because they followed Bush on a lot of issues does not mean that is what the voters (or Republicans) wanted them to do. If someone in the Senate followed Bush on the pill bill for example, that is their own fault. Bush may pressure them but he doesn't vote for them. The fault is their own.

Edit: Yes I do believe they would have acted differently if Gore were President.
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