The Shocking Redistribution of Wealth in the Past Five Years


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Anyone reviewing the data is likely to conclude that there must be some mistake. It doesn't seem possible that one out of twenty American families could each have made a million dollars since Obama became President, while the average American family's net worth has barely recovered. But the evidence comes from numerous reputable sources.

Some conservatives continue to claim that President Obama is unfriendly to business, but the facts show that the richest Americans and the biggest businesses have been the main - perhaps only - beneficiaries of the massive wealth gain over the past five years.

1. $5 Million to Each of the 1%, and $1 Million to Each of the Next 4%

From the end of 2008 to the middle of 2013 total U.S. wealth increased from $47 trillion to $72 trillion. About $16 trillion of that is financial gain (stocks and other financial instruments).

The richest 1% own about 38 percent of stocks, and half of non-stock financial assets. So they've gained at least $6.1 trillion (38 percent of $16 trillion). That's over $5 million for each of 1.2 million households.

The next richest 4%, based on similar calculations, gained about $5.1 trillion. That's over a million dollars for each of their 4.8 million households.

The least wealthy 90% in our country own only 11 percent of all stocks excluding pensions (which are fast disappearing). The frantic recent surge in the stock market has largely bypassed these families.

2. Evidence of Our Growing Wealth Inequality

This first fact is nearly ungraspable: In 2009 the average wealth for almost half of American families was ZERO (their debt exceeded their assets).

In 1983 the families in America's poorer half owned an average of about $15,000. But from 1983 to 1989 median wealth fell from over $70,000 to about $60,000. From 1998 to 2009, fully 80% of American families LOST wealth. They had to borrow to stay afloat.

It seems the disparity couldn't get much worse, but after the recession it did. According to a Pew Research Center study, in the first two years of recovery the mean net worth of households in the upper 7% of the wealth distribution rose by an estimated 28%, while the mean net worth of households in the lower 93% dropped by 4%. And then, from 2011 to 2013, the stock market grew by almost 50 percent, with again the great majority of that gain going to the richest 5%.

Today our wealth gap is worse than that of the third world. Out of all developed and undeveloped countries with at least a quarter-million adults, the U.S. has the 4th-highest degree of wealth inequality in the world, trailing only Russia, Ukraine, and Lebanon.

3. Congress' Solution: Take from the Poor

Congress has responded by cutting unemployment benefits and food stamps, along with other 'sequester' targets like Meals on Wheels for seniors and Head Start for preschoolers. The more the super-rich make, the more they seem to believe in the cruel fantasy that the poor are to blame for their own struggles.

President Obama recently proclaimed that inequality "drives everything I do in this office." Indeed it may, but in the wrong direction.

By Paul Buchheit

Both of our parties are fascists. Their lip service varies a little a bit. But the numbers don't lie. As long as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the eugenics program of the modern progressive movement, which also includes neocons, is considered a success.
I guess trickle down doesn't work huh?

they don't seem to trickle any of what they gain down to the people.

trickle on is the truth NOT TRICKLE DOWN
will the right GIVE UP on this yet again proven by the actual facts on the ground Trickle down crap?

what say you right wing?

facts or memes

which is it?
will the right GIVE UP on this yet again proven by the actual facts on the ground Trickle down crap?

what say you right wing?

facts or memes

which is it?

If it doesn't work then why is President Obama practicing it?
reminds me of the French revolution, 'Let them eat cake', but sooner or later the rich will lose their heads. I hope.
If it doesn't work then why is President Obama practicing it?

Obummer is not practicing trickle down economics any more than he is trickle up. In fact, Obama is not doing much of anything that would actually create economic opportunity or upward mobility.

He is standing on the first tee while the Fed prints massive volumes of currency filling the pockets of wall street brokers while doing NOTHING to actually create jobs.

We have 2.7 million fewer participants in the work force than at the end of Bush's Presidency. It is a testimony to failure that will only honestly be reported when Obamas Presidency ends in four years of additional malaise and failed foreign Policy.

The wealth being touted is not "real" wealth; it is the recouped wealth lost at the end of 2008 when the DOW tanked in the 8,000's.
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I guess trickle down doesn't work huh?

they don't seem to trickle any of what they gain down to the people.

trickle on is the truth NOT TRICKLE DOWN

To the left trickle down works only when the government is doing the trickling.
reminds me of the French revolution, 'Let them eat cake', but sooner or later the rich will lose their heads. I hope.

...and you will become that much poorer and desperate for Government dependency.

I am amused by the dunce like desire of illiterate economic dimwits for the Marxist class envy to destroy the rich and wealth creation. History isn't a friend to the ignorant.

How is that working in Venezuela where even so something as mundane astoilet paper is in shortage?

Dunces like you will never learn the historic mistakes of class envy Marxism; you are destined to keep reliving its failure because you really are too stupid to comprehend the reasons why.
To the left trickle down works only when the government is doing the trickling.

because that trickle down gets trickled down IF its constructed to do so.

the corporation and wealthy on your side dont trickle down unless it makes them more money.

so yeah your kinda correct Damo
...and you will become that much poorer and desperate for Government dependency.

I am amused by the dunce like desire of illiterate economic dimwits for the Marxist class envy to destroy the rich and wealth creation. History isn't a friend to the ignorant.

How is that working in Venezuela where even so something as mundane astoilet paper is in shortage?

Dunces like you will never learn the historic mistakes of class envy Marxism; you are destined to keep reliving its failure because you really are too stupid to comprehend the reasons why.

did that happen when the top tax rate was like 90%?


your bullshit doesn't comply with reality.

That is the whole point.

accept FACTS
because that trickle down gets trickled down IF its constructed to do so.

the corporation and wealthy on your side dont trickle down unless it makes them more money.

so yeah your kinda correct Damo

As soon as a government shutdown occurs the left can suddenly cogently describe the economic theory behind what they errantly describe as "trickle-down". Thus, my observation: The left believes the only valid "trickle" is government trickle. You may be able to convince yourself that you defeated socialism in an argument by supporting "capitalism", but the reality is you still don't believe that any other source of income is as valid as Fascistic government "take care of you" trickle.
did the corporations do what was best for them or for the American people and this country?

Guess who has to be there to protect the people from what the corporations do
did that happen when the top tax rate was like 90%?


your bullshit doesn't comply with reality.

That is the whole point.

accept FACTS

Once again we see the arguments of an idiot who doesn't have the slightest clue of what she is talking about.

Carry on dunce.
see no facts permeate their braincases

anything said that doesn't fit their preconceived notions of reality is just not real to them.

they have NO SET idea of what a fact is.

they are factless
did the corporations do what was best for them or for the American people and this country?

Guess who has to be there to protect the people from what the corporations do

Dear dunce; corporations are not formed to do what YOU and a cabal of dimwitted leftists believe should be good for everyone, they are formed with the intent to do what is best for the owners of that corporations shareholders which is maximize profits.

But in doing so, they also benefit society by creating millions of jobs, many high paying jobs, and by creating opportunity and growth in related industries. They also support their communities with charity and by supporting local communities and organizations.

Apple was started in a garage; not a Government cubicle. Microsoft was started in a garage; not a government cubicle.

The economy is not finite, but infinate; and Government does not create or do anything without first extracting that wealth from those who do.

Dunce; I find it ironic that in another thread you were defending Capitalism. But you really are an incredibly stupid raving lunatic who is so confused you don't know what it is you are arguing for.
heres how you tell the difference Damo.

when it works.

Your shit didnt work did it

To Desh the 90s didn't happen, and all good that happened then couldn't possibly be from previous policy because all good things flow from government....

The reality of the economic theory misdescribed by the left (and by others in an attempt to simplify it) as "trickle down" works, both portions of "trickle" are equally valid in a simplistic description of "people make money, people spend money, therefore others have money to pay employees, yaay everybody is enriched", however only one portion of the economy actually produces something and is more important than the other. We'll see if you have the capacity to participate in this conversation... Can you tell me which part of the economy actually produces something?