“ The Supreme Court upholds a gun control law”


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“WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.”

“In their first Second Amendment case since they expanded gun rights in 2022, the justices ruled 8-1 in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners. The justices reversed a ruling from the federal appeals court in New Orleans that had struck down the law.”

“Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said the law uses “common sense” and applies only “after a judge determines that an individual poses a credible threat” of physical violence.”

Wait a minute, so now “common sense” is suddenly the denominator in SCOTUS decisions? Common sense doesn’t dictate that bump stocks are a rapid-fire gun accessory that makes it easier to shoot more people quicker as Steven Paddock displayed? So much for the Originalism/Textualism facade

And what do the gun nuts think now that their Court has just ruled that the Second Amendment can be regulated? That gun rights aren’t any more absolute than any other right in the Constitution?

The decision was always a given, this Court was never going to decide otherwise and give Democrats another issue to echo in the upcoming election
you shit stains need to just go away

the bump stock was a sound decision because it was based on not having legislation, but using the executive branch to expand the reach of power. if you want to expand on a machine gun, do it via congress, not the president's executive actions - or better yet get the fuck out of this country and move to a place with a dictator that has the power do do what you shit stains desire - to dictate
“WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.”

“In their first Second Amendment case since they expanded gun rights in 2022, the justices ruled 8-1 in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners. The justices reversed a ruling from the federal appeals court in New Orleans that had struck down the law.”

“Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said the law uses “common sense” and applies only “after a judge determines that an individual poses a credible threat” of physical violence.”

Wait a minute, so now “common sense” is suddenly the denominator in SCOTUS decisions? Common sense doesn’t dictate that bump stocks are a rapid-fire gun accessory that makes it easier to shoot more people quicker as Steven Paddock displayed? So much for the Originalism/Textualism facade

And what do the gun nuts think now that their Court has just ruled that the Second Amendment can be regulated? That gun rights aren’t any more absolute than any other right in the Constitution?

The decision was always a given, this Court was never going to decide otherwise and give Democrats another issue to echo in the upcoming election

SCOTUS is everyone's court, Comrade.
What the OP and the little Goebbels of the DNC propaganda corps left out:

{"while we do not suggest that the Second Amendment prohibits the enactment of laws banning the possession of guns by categories of persons thought by a legislature to present a special danger of misuse, we note that Section 922(g)(8) applies only once a court has found that the defendant 'represents a credible threat to the physical safety' of another."}
you shit stains need to just go away

the bump stock was a sound decision because it was based on not having legislation, but using the executive branch to expand the reach of power. if you want to expand on a machine gun, do it via congress, not the president's executive actions - or better yet get the fuck out of this country and move to a place with a dictator that has the power do do what you shit stains desire - to dictate

When they had to pull out and examine the drawings to demonstrate technically how the bump stock worked you knew they were searching for a rationale to sell. The argument you, and the Court, floated is just a charade, again, is based upon Textualism, which is exposed as total bullshit with the “common sense” explanation in this case
What the OP and the little Goebbels of the DNC propaganda corps left out:

{"while we do not suggest that the Second Amendment prohibits the enactment of laws banning the possession of guns by categories of persons thought by a legislature to present a special danger of misuse, we note that Section 922(g)(8) applies only once a court has found that the defendant 'represents a credible threat to the physical safety' of another."}
Exactly, “common sense,” they bought back the balancing test that guided the SCOTUS for centuries

When they had to pull out and examine the drawings to demonstrate technically how the bump stock worked you knew they were searching for a rationale to sell. The argument you, and the Court, floated is just a charade, again, is based upon Textualism, which is exposed as total bullshit with the “common sense” explanation in this case
the only thing bullshit is you shit stains crying about things that are clear and obvious

3 branches - the president does not get to expand on machine gun - that is a legislative function

so go procreate amongst yourself
Ah, no, not since Mitch redefined the nomination process, it is today a 100% political Court, only a separate branch on paper, which this Court’s decisions and actions has proved

WAAAHHHHH - the left controlled the court and legislated from the bench for 70 years and you loved it - but now that Constitutionalists are the majority and follow laws established by the legislature you are outraged.

I understand your hatred of the Constitution and the American Republic.
the only thing bullshit is you shit stains crying about things that are clear and obvious

3 branches - the president does not get to expand on machine gun - that is a legislative function

so go procreate amongst yourself
Oh, so then all EOs are unconstitutional?

The decision didn’t require strict Constitutional application, “common sense” dictated bump stocks accelerate fire, Paddock proved it, the Court decided to go all Textual there and then contradicted themselves here, just puts their bullshit on display
Oh, so then all EOs are unconstitutional?

The decision didn’t require strict Constitutional application, “common sense” dictated bump stocks accelerate fire, Paddock proved it, the Court decided to go all Textual there and then contradicted themselves here, just puts their bullshit on display
I could live with that, but no - as usually your replies are sophomoric
“WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.”

“In their first Second Amendment case since they expanded gun rights in 2022, the justices ruled 8-1 in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners. The justices reversed a ruling from the federal appeals court in New Orleans that had struck down the law.”

“Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said the law uses “common sense” and applies only “after a judge determines that an individual poses a credible threat” of physical violence.”

Wait a minute, so now “common sense” is suddenly the denominator in SCOTUS decisions? Common sense doesn’t dictate that bump stocks are a rapid-fire gun accessory that makes it easier to shoot more people quicker as Steven Paddock displayed? So much for the Originalism/Textualism facade

And what do the gun nuts think now that their Court has just ruled that the Second Amendment can be regulated? That gun rights aren’t any more absolute than any other right in the Constitution?

The decision was always a given, this Court was never going to decide otherwise and give Democrats another issue to echo in the upcoming election
Who was the one? Thomas is my guess.
WAAAHHHHH - the left controlled the court and legislated from the bench for 70 years and you loved it - but now that Constitutionalists are the majority and follow laws established by the legislature you are outraged.

I understand your hatred of the Constitution and the American Republic.
This Court are not “Constitutionalists,” far from it, rather lawyers with political connections, and until Mitch, Presidents nominated Justices, and a three quarters vote was needed for approval, this is a 100% political Court and a far cry from what the Founders envisioned
What the OP and the little Goebbels of the DNC propaganda corps left out:

{"while we do not suggest that the Second Amendment prohibits the enactment of laws banning the possession of guns by categories of persons thought by a legislature to present a special danger of misuse, we note that Section 922(g)(8) applies only once a court has found that the defendant 'represents a credible threat to the physical safety' of another."}
Odd that they did not find that the equivalent of a machine gun was not a credible threat to the physical safety of another.
Who was the one? Thomas is my guess.
Sure Thomas, in a way you have to give him credit, there are no examples of restricting guns to abusive spouses in the past so it can’t be instituted here, he stuck with his idiocy

In fact, this case was thrown out in the beginning due to “common sense,” however it was Thomas’s Bruen majority opinion that gave it rebirth
Sure Thomas, in a way you have to give him credit, there are no examples of restricting guns to abusive spouses in the past so it can’t be instituted here, he stuck with his idiocy

In fact, this case was thrown out in the beginning due to “common sense,” however it was Thomas’s Bruen majority opinion that gave it rebirth
It’s no coincidence that the stupidest motherfucker on the Court is also the one with no ethical standards. I wonder how those defending him in his confirmation hearings feel now? And that includes Biden.