“ The Supreme Court upholds a gun control law”

Right. A rubber band will fire a weapon at 500 rounds a minute.


You can feed an AR 15 500 rounds per minute? Who would thunk?
You really don't need even the rubber band if you want to save the environment as your belt loop will work fine.

congress banned machine guns - congress can also ban bumpstocks

the president did not ban machine guns because he didn't have the authority. he also has no authority to ban bump stocks

I don't think this is hard - either you are really really stupid, or you are pretending because you don't want to do things the right way, you want them done the fast way
Full auto firearms are not banned.
“WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.”

“In their first Second Amendment case since they expanded gun rights in 2022, the justices ruled 8-1 in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners. The justices reversed a ruling from the federal appeals court in New Orleans that had struck down the law.”

“Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said the law uses “common sense” and applies only “after a judge determines that an individual poses a credible threat” of physical violence.”

Wait a minute, so now “common sense” is suddenly the denominator in SCOTUS decisions? Common sense doesn’t dictate that bump stocks are a rapid-fire gun accessory that makes it easier to shoot more people quicker as Steven Paddock displayed? So much for the Originalism/Textualism facade

And what do the gun nuts think now that their Court has just ruled that the Second Amendment can be regulated? That gun rights aren’t any more absolute than any other right in the Constitution?

The decision was always a given, this Court was never going to decide otherwise and give Democrats another issue to echo in the upcoming election
You just skipped over the judicial part of that, ay? Genius. If you ignore what people say you can just pretend what you want them to have said is what they said and argue that. Yeah, it is a logical fallacy and everyone will notice that you can't think well, but it's soooo much easier arguing about stuff if you ignore at least half of what was said and fill in the blanks with wishes.
They are severely limited. Class 3 licenses and stuff. It is illegal for most folks to own one.
Not at all. You just need to file the papers and have a butload of money to pay for one.

Not sure about the rules here so,

congress banned machine guns - congress can also ban bumpstocks

the president did not ban machine guns because he didn't have the authority. he also has no authority to ban bump stocks

I don't think this is hard - either you are really really stupid, or you are pretending because you don't want to do things the right way, you want them done the fast way
The president didn’t ban bumpstocks. ATF changed their regulations, which they have the authority to do, to include bumpstocks. The right thing to do considering their lethality.

The conservative court said they overstepped their authority with Thomas laughably claiming that bumpstocks “don’t change a thing”.
any manufactured after the date of legislation are banned from civilians owning them.

again the point is legislation - not executive action
No argument, but thousands upon thousands are still available to the public. They are mostly useless as they are very hard to control, most of them jam very easily, and it costs a fortune to feed them.
The Trumpian asshole in this case shot at someone who was watching him beat on his wife. I heard that he has fired his gun 5 times in anger.
“WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.”

“In their first Second Amendment case since they expanded gun rights in 2022, the justices ruled 8-1 in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners. The justices reversed a ruling from the federal appeals court in New Orleans that had struck down the law.”

“Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said the law uses “common sense” and applies only “after a judge determines that an individual poses a credible threat” of physical violence.”

Wait a minute, so now “common sense” is suddenly the denominator in SCOTUS decisions? Common sense doesn’t dictate that bump stocks are a rapid-fire gun accessory that makes it easier to shoot more people quicker as Steven Paddock displayed? So much for the Originalism/Textualism facade

And what do the gun nuts think now that their Court has just ruled that the Second Amendment can be regulated? That gun rights aren’t any more absolute than any other right in the Constitution?

The decision was always a given, this Court was never going to decide otherwise and give Democrats another issue to echo in the upcoming election

So, no matter what they do, you're going to cry like a little baby. Leftists are the most ignorant whiners on the planet. :palm:
This Court are not “Constitutionalists,” far from it, rather lawyers with political connections, and until Mitch, Presidents nominated Justices, and a three quarters vote was needed for approval, this is a 100% political Court and a far cry from what the Founders envisioned

....because you say so (while stomping your tiny little feet)
As we saw in the Las Vegas massacre

They had to come up with something so imported the legislation facade, as I said, you knew it was bogus when they had to pull out and examine the actual blueprints of how the bump stock worked to distinguish how it didn’t technically turned a weapon into a classic machine gun


The president didn’t ban bumpstocks. ATF changed their regulations, which they have the authority to do, to include bumpstocks. The right thing to do considering their lethality.

The conservative court said they overstepped their authority with Thomas laughably claiming that bumpstocks “don’t change a thing”.
The ATF is an agent of the president. the ATF can't have authority the president does not have

no, they don't have the authority to do. this is the retard left trying to circumvent the three branches - and you were told to go fuck off. so go fuck off
derp derp

the person needs to be ruled the threat, not the object

you shit stains are so fucking dumb

Yep, David Letterman was ruled a threat. His stalker took out a restraining order on HIM!

Restraining orders can be filed simply on an ALLEGED crime such as emotional abuse. Sometimes they are used in DIVORCE as a tactical move to gain leverage. So an innocent man can have his firearms confiscated!

And restraining orders do not work more than half the time. Maybe it is the Restraining order process that needs to be reexamined here.