The swiftboating of Hucklberry.

So a candidate's voting record is off limits in your opinion then or otherwise they are being 'swiftboated'?

This may be all true , this group will stop at nothing. If they cant kill him with the truth they will use lies , just give them time.
This may be all true , this group will stop at nothing. If they cant kill him with the truth they will use lies , just give them time.

Club for Growth is not the Swiftboat Crew from 2004. You understand that correct?
This may be all true , this group will stop at nothing. If they cant kill him with the truth they will use lies , just give them time.

I see your girl Hillary is going so easy on Obama. You must enjoy that huh?
Club for Growth is not the Swiftboat Crew from 2004. You understand that correct?

from the article.
"According to Federal Election Commission records, received $200,000 this month from Bob Perry, a Houston homebuilder who in 2004 pumped nearly $4.5 million into the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth to pay for unsubstantiated ads that questioned Kerry's Vietnam service."

Just an different front to hide behind.
Perhaps I understand more than you do.
Huckleberry's problem is that when he was governor he had a state to run and the only way to do that in a fiscally responsible manner was to raise taxes. The problem is that raising taxes is a death knell for any Republican candidate anywhere. There is no compromise whatsoever on this point. None. So now he's glommed on to the FairTax nonsense as the easiest way to get back on the right side of things but the Republican money isn't buying it.

As for the "Swiftboat" thing, I'd say this doesn't qualify. The Club for Growth has been doing this kind of stuff for years. They attack any Republican primary candidate that doesn't agree with them. Arlen Specter, Lincolcn Chaffee, etc . . . have all experience the Club for Growth litmus test on taxes.
from the article.
"According to Federal Election Commission records, received $200,000 this month from Bob Perry, a Houston homebuilder who in 2004 pumped nearly $4.5 million into the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth to pay for unsubstantiated ads that questioned Kerry's Vietnam service."

Just an different front to hide behind.
Perhaps I understand more than you do.

Once again no you don't. Club for Growth has been around for years and has raised hundreds of millions of dollars. You are trying to claim someone who has donated less than .05% (that's less than half of one percent) is somehow controlling the groups agenda?

Once again you don't know the group and are wrong on your assesment.
Huckleberry's problem is that when he was governor he had a state to run and the only way to do that in a fiscally responsible manner was to raise taxes. The problem is that raising taxes is a death knell for any Republican candidate anywhere. There is no compromise whatsoever on this point. None. So now he's glommed on to the FairTax nonsense as the easiest way to get back on the right side of things but the Republican money isn't buying it.

As for the "Swiftboat" thing, I'd say this doesn't qualify. The Club for Growth has been doing this kind of stuff for years. They attack any Republican primary candidate that doesn't agree with them. Arlen Specter, Lincolcn Chaffee, etc . . . have all experience the Club for Growth litmus test on taxes.

Thank you Dungheep. One doesn't have to agree with Club for Growth but their message has been consistent. They do not like Republicans that raise taxes and that's who they focus their ads against.
I see your girl Hillary is going so easy on Obama. You must enjoy that huh?

She is not my girl wacko.

She is a woman running for president and I will vote for her only if she is the only choice. She far from my first choice.
She is not my girl wacko.

She is a woman running for president and I will vote for her only if she is the only choice. She far from my first choice.

But ultimately she is who you are going to vote for (my opinion of course that she will win the Dem nomination) so while she may not be your first (or second) choice she is ultimately who you will support. Look at her tactics against Obama and tell me if you support those.

Her tactics aren't going after his record on taxes.
It's only Swiftboating if it's untrue and coming from their ass. If it's based on an actual record and they can prove it then it isn't.

So making comments now about a candidate's record is swiftboating? Well then the person you will be voting for, Hillary Clinton, is the number one swiftboater as she has really started to go after Obama.

You obviously haven't read up much on Huckabee as he did raise taxes numerous times in Arkansas. And why do you think Cypress has said he likes Huckabee's economics?

Huckabee is a religious nut who likes high taxes and big government. He will not come close to winning the Republican nomination because his economic policies will not fly.

Uh-oh, I said something not nice about Huckabee, I guess I am swiftboating him too.
Right. I wouldn't be surprised though if they're somehow connected. They usually are through someone.

from the article.
"According to Federal Election Commission records, received $200,000 this month from Bob Perry, a Houston homebuilder who in 2004 pumped nearly $4.5 million into the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth to pay for unsubstantiated ads that questioned Kerry's Vietnam service."

Just an different front to hide behind.
Perhaps I understand more than you do.
Oh I see. So they aren't some new group. I don't go in republican politics so I've never heard of them until now. And yea with Lincoln Chafee since he voted against every one of Bush's "tax cuts" I believe when he was in the Senate. Man I actually miss that guy.

Huckleberry's problem is that when he was governor he had a state to run and the only way to do that in a fiscally responsible manner was to raise taxes. The problem is that raising taxes is a death knell for any Republican candidate anywhere. There is no compromise whatsoever on this point. None. So now he's glommed on to the FairTax nonsense as the easiest way to get back on the right side of things but the Republican money isn't buying it.

As for the "Swiftboat" thing, I'd say this doesn't qualify. The Club for Growth has been doing this kind of stuff for years. They attack any Republican primary candidate that doesn't agree with them. Arlen Specter, Lincolcn Chaffee, etc . . . have all experience the Club for Growth litmus test on taxes.
Those types of groups are just generally tool to bypass federal election laws.
And yes Demoncrats have em too.
I guess the left side of the issue would maybe be Moveon? I'm involved with democratic politics but not as much since I'm not one and all so I'm trying to think of them. Only one I can really think of is Moveon.

Those types of groups are just generally tool to bypass federal election laws.
And yes Demoncrats have em too.
I guess the left side of the issue would maybe be Moveon? I'm involved with democratic politics but not as much since I'm not one and all so I'm trying to think of them. Only one I can really think of is Moveon.

Moveon and Club for Growth are the not the same type of club. Come on troll, you are better than that.