The Tea Party and Racism


New member
Racism and bigotry has plagued our history, it is part of our heritage which should bring shame to all. Many would like to think that we have out grown that dark side of our nature, however the hatred displayed towards our first African-American President would say otherwise. The Tea Parties are full of such racism and uses it to motivate hatred of our President. This video exposes that racism. The people of the Tea Party gets angry when their racism is exposed, when they should be angry that there is any racism to be exposed. So I propose that instead of getting defensive, lets talk about racism in America.

Like the Jews in Hitler's Germany. They caused it all, you know! Jesus wept! Bloody American extremist nutters!

Al Sharpton instigated the murder of a Jew in America. Blacks are the number one racist and Anti-Semites in America.
Al Sharpton instigated the murder of a Jew in America. Blacks are the number one racist and Anti-Semites in America.

Don't be sillier than your 'God' made you. Racism is a power-game, and your 'black' cousins have no power. You are eaten up by hate and spite.
How sad that this world will have to wait for these people to die off before they stop hurting the rest of us.

You know I dont wish any harm to these racists idiots but me and the rest of the world will be so much better off after they shuffle off this mortal coil

people breathing a sigh of relief because they have passed on.

You racist fucks are lucky we are nothing like you.

You wouldnt wait

what a legacy they leave
Don't be sillier than your 'God' made you. Racism is a power-game, and your 'black' cousins have no power. You are eaten up by hate and spite.

Y’all UK morons know all there is to know about “silly” you silly bastards follow the American’s idiot government into every undeclared, unnecessary, unconstitutional war the fucking war-hawks in America decide to enter to kill off and maim our youth.

In case you haven’t noticed Tory, it’s the white males in America who are now out-numbered and without power unless we sit on the board of Wall Street thieves or are able to polish the knobs and the campaign coffers of the highly integrated sons & daughters-of-bitches in our corrupted fucking government.
What are the actual % statistics of Tea Party Members that actually are proven members of the KKK? Where's the proof that those in the video carrying the racist signs are actually at a Tea Party rally, or are Tea Party Members? Where's the proof that the racist pictures supplied by the video were produced by Tea Party members? How can we be sure that the racist signs and pictures weren't produced by a leftist conspiracy with an agenda to defame and villainize the Tea Party? How can we know for sure that the voice we hear on the video isn't a black communist racist and the whole video isn't communist, leftist and Democrat propaganda?
you can argue this till your dead of exhaustion.

guess what you cant do

get the votes of people of color.

No matter how much you CLAIM to not be the racist party and scream and call people names there is one thing you are obviously NOT willing to do.

That is the actually convince people of color that they should vote for your party.

why do you NEVER try to actually GET their votes?
Classic Liberal, besides being racist POS, needs a remedial English course. Cases, in English grammar should match.
What a Neanderthal.
And the moon's made out of green cheese...

Only blacks have instituted the racist, exclusionary, separatist Congressional Black Caucus, The NAACP and the United Negro College Fund. If whites had instituted a Congressional WHITE caucus, a NAAWP and a United Caucasian College Fund, the fucking outrage would deafen the Gods of outer space.

Most blacks are prejudice, separatist idiots and slaves to the progressive, Communist-Lite, Socialist Democrat Party. Leftist are their masters and they love them. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are race-baiting crooks and leftist overseers of the Democrat’s black slaves.
you can argue this till your dead of exhaustion.

guess what you cant do

get the votes of people of color.

But I never seek the votes of any race Goober. I don’t participate in America’s corrupted and rigged elections.

No matter how much you CLAIM to not be the racist party and scream and call people names there is one thing you are obviously NOT willing to do.

That is the actually convince people of color that they should vote for your party.

Which party would that be Fatty? I don’t do parties. Political Parties are corrupt Special Interest Hanging Mobs.

why do you NEVER try to actually GET their votes?

Because I don’t want or need your Democrat slaves Fatty. I’m not a slave keeper like y’all fucking Democrat Commies.
Classic Liberal, besides being racist POS, needs a remedial English course. Cases, in English grammar should match.
What a Neanderthal.

Still pretending that Batman is black huh Goober? Did your slave overseers Jackson and Sharpton teach you that shit Goober?
Only blacks have instituted the racist, exclusionary, separatist Congressional Black Caucus, The NAACP and the United Negro College Fund. If whites had instituted a Congressional WHITE caucus, a NAAWP and a United Caucasian College Fund, the fucking outrage would deafen the Gods of outer space.

Most blacks are prejudice, separatist idiots and slaves to the progressive, Communist-Lite, Socialist Democrat Party. Leftist are their masters and they love them. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are race-baiting crooks and leftist overseers of the Democrat’s black slaves.
That shit is funny
You must be a democrat troll, cause republicans scare moderates to the dems with that grand wizard speak!
Who gives a fuck about the right or the left Fatty Shitty Panties?

you have a shit fetish old man?

dream about my panites all you want.

dreams will all you will ever have.

now dicklips that makes you a party of one.

hurray for you.

your opinions are shared by no one.

that will get you a ticket to powerless land.

enjoy your stay