The Teabag Follies Continue!


Shaken, not stirred!
The latest empty gesture by the freshman GOP Congressmen comes in the form of rejection of the health section of their Congressional benefits package (being that they wailed like stuck pigs against the Healthcare reform law that is similar in some aspects healthcare offered to the Congressmen and Senators)

17 Congressmen have been embarassed by liberal activists groups to refuse the healthcare portions of their benefits package. The most notable is Rep. Walsh (R-ILL), who claims that since his wife has pre-condition, she will be rejected by most insurance companies....but Walsh claims that he made a commitment to the tea bag party ideology, so his family will struggle on!

Give me a fucking break.....Walsh was a venture capitalist and is still on the advisory board of his old firm. So combine that salary with his Congressman one......he can jolly well afford to pay for his wife's healthcare.

And the other 16 Congressmen already have insurance that takes cares of their needs.

So once again, you teabagger/oather/birther/neocon/'ve been played for SUCKERS!
The latest empty gesture by the freshman GOP Congressmen comes in the form of rejection of the health section of their Congressional benefits package (being that they wailed like stuck pigs against the Healthcare reform law that is similar in some aspects healthcare offered to the Congressmen and Senators)

17 Congressmen have been embarassed by liberal activists groups to refuse the healthcare portions of their benefits package. The most notable is Rep. Walsh (R-ILL), who claims that since his wife has pre-condition, she will be rejected by most insurance companies....but Walsh claims that he made a commitment to the tea bag party ideology, so his family will struggle on!

Give me a fucking break.....Walsh was a venture capitalist and is still on the advisory board of his old firm. So combine that salary with his Congressman one......he can jolly well afford to pay for his wife's healthcare.

And the other 16 Congressmen already have insurance that takes cares of their needs.

So once again, you teabagger/oather/birther/neocon/'ve been played for SUCKERS!

It almost sounds like you are not in favor of providing health care for every American. I thought that was something you and your pinhead cohorts were ready to fight to the death for, but here, you seem to be fine with someone paying for their own health care, if they are wealthy and republican... Well, guess what Chicklet, that's what I have advocated all along! Let's ALL be responsible for OUR OWN health care, and keep the government out of it!

Since Obamacare rolled out, all we have seen is one example after another, of unions being given special treatment, waivers from the provisions for the administration's pet interests, and here you are, sending the message that you don't really care about providing ANY health care for 'rich' people, they can fend for themselves. Oh, you want their money to pay for YOUR health care, but without any benefit to them. That's called THEFT, Chicklet.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The latest empty gesture by the freshman GOP Congressmen comes in the form of rejection of the health section of their Congressional benefits package (being that they wailed like stuck pigs against the Healthcare reform law that is similar in some aspects healthcare offered to the Congressmen and Senators)

17 Congressmen have been embarassed by liberal activists groups to refuse the healthcare portions of their benefits package. The most notable is Rep. Walsh (R-ILL), who claims that since his wife has pre-condition, she will be rejected by most insurance companies....but Walsh claims that he made a commitment to the tea bag party ideology, so his family will struggle on!

Give me a fucking break.....Walsh was a venture capitalist and is still on the advisory board of his old firm. So combine that salary with his Congressman one......he can jolly well afford to pay for his wife's healthcare.

And the other 16 Congressmen already have insurance that takes cares of their needs.

So once again, you teabagger/oather/birther/neocon/'ve been played for SUCKERS!

It almost sounds like you are not in favor of providing health care for every American. I thought that was something you and your pinhead cohorts were ready to fight to the death for, but here, you seem to be fine with someone paying for their own health care, if they are wealthy and republicanThen my Dixie dunce, you need to have your hearing checked....or take a remedial course in reading comprehenision, as I've not stated or alluded to anything of the sort. ... Well, guess what Chicklet, that's what I have advocated all along! Let's ALL be responsible for OUR OWN health care, and keep the government out of it!

Once again, our Dixie dunce just IGNORES the FACTS in favor of the empty neocon rhetoric that skirts the issue. The testimonies of Dr. Linda Peeno and Wendell Potter basically reduce Dixie's dodge laden argument to just neocon blathering....but then again ignoring facts that contradict the neocon mantras is Dixie's forte.

Since Obamacare rolled out, all we have seen is one example after another, of unions being given special treatment, waivers from the provisions for the administration's pet interests, and here you are, sending the message that you don't really care about providing ANY health care for 'rich' people, they can fend for themselves. Oh, you want their money to pay for YOUR health care, but without any benefit to them. That's called THEFT, Chicklet.

Only if your charges and allegations were true, my Dixie Dunce. So why don't you supply some links to the neocon talking points, so I can just take them apart piece by piece (providing Dixie has the balls for an honest debate).

Why can't people choose to be insured by the government or by a private company? Or to simply pay for medical expenses in cash?
Yeah, why don't people make enough money to do everything they want? why would anyone choose to be poor for gawd's sake? That is just stupid.
Yeah, why don't people make enough money to do everything they want? why would anyone choose to be poor for gawd's sake? That is just stupid.

People don't choose to be poor they just make bad decesions that keep them poor or are un lucky. People are often poor because they don't take risks or push themselves as hard as possible. Other times its because of medical problems. Often it is because of bad luck.
People don't choose to be poor they just make bad decesions that keep them poor or are un lucky. People are often poor because they don't take risks or push themselves as hard as possible. Other times its because of medical problems. Often it is because of bad luck.

Often it is due to the circumstances into which they were born. I was mostly being facetious!
Often it is due to the circumstances into which they were born. I was mostly being facetious!

In america their are all ways options people unfortuantly don't explore all their options or are just unlucky or lack cleverness.
In america their are all ways options people unfortuantly don't explore all their options or are just unlucky or lack cleverness.

Well, I don't agree, I think poverty creates poverty, some are able to rise above it, but most just can't.
Often it is due to the circumstances into which they were born. I was mostly being facetious!

Well, I don't agree, I think poverty creates poverty, some are able to rise above it, but most just can't.

HOGWASH! I can give countless examples of people who were born into abject poverty and became uber-wealthy... and without hitting the lottery! How do you suppose that was possible? If it were some sort of "fluke" there wouldn't be countless examples, and there are. It takes determination and effort, and that's something that some people just don't have... that's not MY fault!
Countless, out of how many, and you think this proves my statement wrong? Good try, no in eight people live in poverty in the USA, it is the largest number in any developed nation.
People don't choose to be poor they just make bad decesions that keep them poor or are un lucky. People are often poor because they don't take risks or push themselves as hard as possible. Other times its because of medical problems. Often it is because of bad luck.
Really? Or maybe those people are poor because they were denied access to a quality education or even job opportunities where they could learn skills or maybe they were just flat out discriminated against or maybe just a handfull of plutocrats decided, fuck it, I want to own it all.

If you actually believe those stereotypes you're a blythering idiot.
Why can't people choose to be insured by the government or by a private company? Or to simply pay for medical expenses in cash?

They can and have....the problem is that medical expenses can bankrupt people.....initial examinations to the prescriptions is expensive stays are unbelievably expensive! Out of pocket can either be out of the question or a major squeeze on working middle and middle class families. So you go to insurance companies or hopefully get insurance through your companies could change their rates at a moments notice, drop you for any picayune reason despite you meeting all payment deadlines, deny coverage for any picayune reason, etc. Poor folk use emergency services, to which everyone pays for. Which is why the Healthcare reform essentially puts some stipulations on insurance company policies that were unfair to customers...and if you are an employer/employee and don't want to purchase healthcare insurance, you pay a little tax into the public coffers in order to cover emergency room costs, etc. Not perfect, but it beats the hell out of the status quo.

Walsh's bravado just didn't stand up to scrutiny.
People don't choose to be poor they just make bad decesions that keep them poor or are un lucky. People are often poor because they don't take risks or push themselves as hard as possible. Other times its because of medical problems. Often it is because of bad luck.

You couldn't be more wrong! Just do a little research to all the layoffs done by private and public companies/administrations/corporations in the last over the last 20 years alone! Those people were victims of either bad management decisions, competition, and the lousy economy in general.

You work for a company for 20 years of good, faithful service...then you get laid off.....then you're retirement funds get flushed down the toilet either by Enron or the S&L scandal or the Wall St. fiasco. In those cases, the bad luck was trusting the system.
Originally Posted by Rana
Often it is due to the circumstances into which they were born. I was mostly being facetious!

Originally Posted by Rana
Well, I don't agree, I think poverty creates poverty, some are able to rise above it, but most just can't.

HOGWASH! I can give countless examples of people who were born into abject poverty and became uber-wealthy... and without hitting the lottery! How do you suppose that was possible? If it were some sort of "fluke" there wouldn't be countless examples, and there are. It takes determination and effort, and that's something that some people just don't have... that's not MY fault!

Read Posts #15 and #16, because you are essentially pointing to the exception and NOT the rule.
Why can't people choose to be insured by the government or by a private company? Or to simply pay for medical expenses in cash?

Why? because there is no government option thanks to people like you. Too bad you didn't think of that before you drank the health insurance companies' koo aid.
Countless, out of how many, and you think this proves my statement wrong? Good try, no in eight people live in poverty in the USA, it is the largest number in any developed nation.

LMAO... Countless... as in "too many to count!" DUMBASS!

People in THIS country don't know what real POVERTY is! The "average" person in "poverty" in the US, has a TV, a car, a washer and dryer, an air conditioner, and at least one bathroom. Our "poor" people live better than some nations most WEALTHY! But the argument was NOT about how many poor people we have... we were discussing poor people overcoming the poverty to become successful... there are countless and ENDLESS examples of people who were born into abject poverty, with EVERY disadvantage, yet somehow managed to rise above their conditions to make something of themselves. Now, how the hell is that even possible, when you claim it's IMPOSSIBLE to do? I'll tell you how... you are just plain flat out WRONG!

ANYONE in this country... doesn't matter if they have a pot to piss in... CAN become successful! The 'system' is there, capitalism, free markets, free enterprise.. If you have the right idea, or if you have a certain skill or talent, or even if you are just passionately determined and committed to making a better life... it CAN be done here! That's why people are climbing over the top of each other to get into our country! We are the Land of Opportunity... I am sure you've heard that before.

But, guess what? I know of NOT ONE single example of ANYONE 'climbing out of poverty' because the government sent them a check! It does not happen! I know of NOT ONE single program paid for by government, that is solely responsible for ANY person's success, and I have never ONCE heard a successful person credit the federal assistance they receive, for their prosperity. It just never happens! People who escape the shackles of poverty, do so because they have the drive, determination, and ambition, and work HARD to succeed. NOT because we sent them more money in their gub'ment check!