The Teabag Follies Continue!

my son told me a story of a fellow employee who began every question with "customer wants to know......" regardless of whether there was a customer involved or not.....after hearing it a few hundred times his floor supervisor told him....."if I hear that phrase from you again I will fire you, just ask your question"......the guy was silent for a minute, his face was getting red, his breathing increased rapidly......finally he blurted out "Customer wants to know how I do I ask this question".......

Having failed to prove any of his assertions or claims on this thread, our Post Modern Fool (once again) goes for the personal attack. The reason he and his compadres despise the phrase "chronology of the posts" so much is that it instructs the reader to merely go back and read the progression of the discussion, which contains the FACTS that makes liars out of jokers like PMP.

The Post Modern Fool blow his neocon foghorn to no avail.....for he has been played for a SUCKER by Walsh and his cronies.
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