The top nine "changes" Barack Obama would make as President


New member
A good, concise summary.

Obama and Hillary both, are farther to the left than any other major Presidential candidate in History. That fact is the 500-pound gorilla in the room that the media seems content to pretend isn't there.

But you can count on that moratorium to end, and soon, now that the Republicans have a candidate who isn't reluctant to point it out.

I'm open to suggestion, of course, and I don't claim to have exhaustively studied Obama's promises, record, etc. Can anyone else supply any other things Obama has promised to do in the Presidency, and/or has already done as a State or U.S. Senator?


The Top Nine "Changes" Barack Obama Would Make as President

by John Hawkins
Friday, March 7, 2008

"All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward." -- Ellen Glasgow

As people who have followed Barack Obama closely over the last few months have long since realized, there has been very little substance to the man's campaign besides his determination to lose -- oops, I mean "end" -- the war in Iraq.

If you boil Obama's appeal down to its essential core, most of his supporters seem to like him because he's a relatively young, charismatic, black man who talks a lot about "change," "unity," and the "audacity of hope."

But, what does that tell you about how Obama would behave if he gets into office? Very, very little. After all, pretty much anybody, from Napoleon, to Fidel Castro, to Mickey Mouse could run on a platform of "hope," "change," and "unity" because it's so broad and meaningless.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Barack doesn't have an agenda. He most certainly does have one, but it's just an agenda that he tries to avoid talking about because the better Americans get to know him, the less appealing he's going to be.

So, with that in mind, let me take you through a short tour of some of Barack Obama's radical beliefs. In all fairness, I should note that he has flip-flopped on some of these issues after his Barney the Dinosaur style "I Love You, You Love Me" campaign for the presidency got into full swing. But, experience has taught us that you can put a lot more stock into what a politician says before he starts trying to desperately convince middle America to vote him into the White House, than after.

#1) Weakening America's Military: Barack Obama has pledged, among other things, to make defense cuts during war time, to cut spending on national missile defense, that he won't weaponize space, to slow development of future combat systems, and to seek a "world without nuclear weapons." Is this a man who can be trusted as Commander-In-Chief?

#2) Losing the War in Iraq: Obama is promising to throw away the hard earned gains our troops have made in Iraq by immediately removing combat brigades each month, regardless of the situation on the ground, and by having all of our "combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months."

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff publicly warned Barack and, for that matter, Hillary that they could create a "chaotic situation" with their policy that could take the "gains we have achieved and struggled to achieve and turn them around overnight." Come on, Admiral, don't you know that Obama isn't going to listen to what the military has to say about a war when there's an election to be won?

#3) Gay Marriage: Although Barack Obama claims to oppose gay marriage, in 2004 he said that he opposed the Defense of Marriage Act, which is the only thing keeping the courts from imposing gay marriage on the whole country. If you want to see gay marriage become the law of the land in your state, no matter what the voters think, vote for Obama.

#4) Pro-Partial Birth Abortion: It's never a surprise to find a Democrat who's a big fan of abortion, but Obama goes above and beyond the call of duty. He had a perfect rating of 100% from NARAL in 2005, 2006, and 2007, opposes "notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions," and he even opposed banning partial birth abortions. If you want to see as many women as humanly possible in this country putting their own children to death via abortion, vote Obama.

#5) Legalizing Marijuana: Obama, a former (we hope) druggie, who has admitted to using marijuana and cocaine, has said that he favors "decriminalizing marijuana." Perhaps you can't blame him for wanting to make it easier for people to get drugs since, after all, he used them and look how he turned out. If Barack gets into the White House, one day mothers all over America can tell their children that they'll never be anything in life if they use hard drugs and those children can reply, "Well, at least I can be President!"

#6) Handing 845 billion dollars of your money to other nations: Obama's Global Poverty Act would commit the United States to spending, over the next 13 years, 845 billion dollars more than what we already do on global poverty. Obama followed that up with a release that said in part, "It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to eliminating extreme poverty..." If Obama actually believes that not only is the United States capable of "eliminating extreme poverty," but that we should actually make that utopian dream a "priority," then he's far too naive to be in the White House.

#7) If you think George Bush is a big spender, you haven't met Obama: Even though the United States is already running a deficit, Obama is planning to push a whole host of new big government programs including a "10-year, $150 billion program to establish a green energy sector," a "$60 billion National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank," and a "nearly universal health care plan (whose annual price tag he low-balls at $50 to $65 billion)." If you're all for tax and spend liberalism and watching the deficit spiral even further out of control, there's no one you should want in the White House more than Obama.

#8) Amnesty and your tax dollars for illegal aliens: Believe it or not, John McCain, the Republican who is most closely associated with catering to illegal aliens, is actually well to Barack Obama's right on the issue.

Obama favors drivers licenses for illegals, wants to give illegals welfare and Medicaid, wants to let them participate in Social Security, opposes making English our national language, and he favors a comprehensive approach to illegal immigration, AKA amnesty, that even John McCain now claims to oppose.

#9) Gun Control: Obama is a perfect example of the stereotypical, liberal gun grabber. Obama has pledged to "Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons," has "opined unequivocally that D.C.'s ban was 'constitutional'," and in 1996, Obama, in a survey, "supported banning the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns." If you're an opponent of the 2nd Amendment, who believes law abiding citizens shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves, Obama is your man.
Quite a frightening list.

If the "changes" are that unpopular amongst the electorate he'll never get into office and you won't have to worry about it.

Problem solved.
Quite a frightening list.

If the "changes" are that unpopular amongst the electorate he'll never get into office and you won't have to worry about it.

Problem solved.

My sentiments exactly.

The 500-pound gorilla in the room, is about to become very visible.

When it does, Obama won't have a chance. Even against a semi-liberal like McCain.

America is, and always has been, a fundamentally conservative country. Most people won't steal from their neighbor to give the loot to a homeless guy, even if he "needs" it. Nor will they willingly submit to overbearing control of their lives by people who have no particular qualifications to do it... and they certainly aren't in favor of paying high taxes for the privilege. Etc. Etc.

The curious phenomenon by which some of them turn around and vote for candidates who offer exactly that, when they would never do those things themselves, only extends to candidates who cloak themselves in a veil of "moderation", as Bill tried to do in 1992 and 1996.

Uber-liberals like Obama and Hillary haven't a chance... unless they are able to paint McCain as liberal as they are. Semi-liberal as McCain is, he can't hold a candle to their outright socialist tendencies.
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A good, concise summary.

Obama and Hillary both, are farther to the left than any other major Presidential candidate in History. That fact is the 500-pound gorilla in the room that the media seems content to pretend isn't there.

But you can count on that moratorium to end, and soon, now that the Republicans have a candidate who isn't reluctant to point it out.

I'm open to suggestion, of course, and I don't claim to have exhaustively studied Obama's promises, record, etc. Can anyone else supply any other things Obama has promised to do in the Presidency, and/or has already done as a State or U.S. Senator?


The Top Nine "Changes" Barack Obama Would Make as President

by John Hawkins
Friday, March 7, 2008

"All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward." -- Ellen Glasgow

As people who have followed Barack Obama closely over the last few months have long since realized, there has been very little substance to the man's campaign besides his determination to lose -- oops, I mean "end" -- the war in Iraq.

If you boil Obama's appeal down to its essential core, most of his supporters seem to like him because he's a relatively young, charismatic, black man who talks a lot about "change," "unity," and the "audacity of hope."

But, what does that tell you about how Obama would behave if he gets into office? Very, very little. After all, pretty much anybody, from Napoleon, to Fidel Castro, to Mickey Mouse could run on a platform of "hope," "change," and "unity" because it's so broad and meaningless.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Barack doesn't have an agenda. He most certainly does have one, but it's just an agenda that he tries to avoid talking about because the better Americans get to know him, the less appealing he's going to be.

So, with that in mind, let me take you through a short tour of some of Barack Obama's radical beliefs. In all fairness, I should note that he has flip-flopped on some of these issues after his Barney the Dinosaur style "I Love You, You Love Me" campaign for the presidency got into full swing. But, experience has taught us that you can put a lot more stock into what a politician says before he starts trying to desperately convince middle America to vote him into the White House, than after.

#1) Weakening America's Military: Barack Obama has pledged, among other things, to make defense cuts during war time, to cut spending on national missile defense, that he won't weaponize space, to slow development of future combat systems, and to seek a "world without nuclear weapons." Is this a man who can be trusted as Commander-In-Chief?

#2) Losing the War in Iraq: Obama is promising to throw away the hard earned gains our troops have made in Iraq by immediately removing combat brigades each month, regardless of the situation on the ground, and by having all of our "combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months."

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff publicly warned Barack and, for that matter, Hillary that they could create a "chaotic situation" with their policy that could take the "gains we have achieved and struggled to achieve and turn them around overnight." Come on, Admiral, don't you know that Obama isn't going to listen to what the military has to say about a war when there's an election to be won?

#3) Gay Marriage: Although Barack Obama claims to oppose gay marriage, in 2004 he said that he opposed the Defense of Marriage Act, which is the only thing keeping the courts from imposing gay marriage on the whole country. If you want to see gay marriage become the law of the land in your state, no matter what the voters think, vote for Obama.

#4) Pro-Partial Birth Abortion: It's never a surprise to find a Democrat who's a big fan of abortion, but Obama goes above and beyond the call of duty. He had a perfect rating of 100% from NARAL in 2005, 2006, and 2007, opposes "notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions," and he even opposed banning partial birth abortions. If you want to see as many women as humanly possible in this country putting their own children to death via abortion, vote Obama.

#5) Legalizing Marijuana: Obama, a former (we hope) druggie, who has admitted to using marijuana and cocaine, has said that he favors "decriminalizing marijuana." Perhaps you can't blame him for wanting to make it easier for people to get drugs since, after all, he used them and look how he turned out. If Barack gets into the White House, one day mothers all over America can tell their children that they'll never be anything in life if they use hard drugs and those children can reply, "Well, at least I can be President!"

#6) Handing 845 billion dollars of your money to other nations: Obama's Global Poverty Act would commit the United States to spending, over the next 13 years, 845 billion dollars more than what we already do on global poverty. Obama followed that up with a release that said in part, "It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to eliminating extreme poverty..." If Obama actually believes that not only is the United States capable of "eliminating extreme poverty," but that we should actually make that utopian dream a "priority," then he's far too naive to be in the White House.

#7) If you think George Bush is a big spender, you haven't met Obama: Even though the United States is already running a deficit, Obama is planning to push a whole host of new big government programs including a "10-year, $150 billion program to establish a green energy sector," a "$60 billion National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank," and a "nearly universal health care plan (whose annual price tag he low-balls at $50 to $65 billion)." If you're all for tax and spend liberalism and watching the deficit spiral even further out of control, there's no one you should want in the White House more than Obama.

#8) Amnesty and your tax dollars for illegal aliens: Believe it or not, John McCain, the Republican who is most closely associated with catering to illegal aliens, is actually well to Barack Obama's right on the issue.

Obama favors drivers licenses for illegals, wants to give illegals welfare and Medicaid, wants to let them participate in Social Security, opposes making English our national language, and he favors a comprehensive approach to illegal immigration, AKA amnesty, that even John McCain now claims to oppose.

#9) Gun Control: Obama is a perfect example of the stereotypical, liberal gun grabber. Obama has pledged to "Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons," has "opined unequivocally that D.C.'s ban was 'constitutional'," and in 1996, Obama, in a survey, "supported banning the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns." If you're an opponent of the 2nd Amendment, who believes law abiding citizens shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves, Obama is your man.

Good God finally someone to save America from the rape of the right. There are tears in my eyes. THankyou for this post outlining his noble beliefs to save America, friend. You are an ally in the war against ignorant America hating righties.
My sentiments exactly.

The 500-pound gorilla in the room, is about to become very visible.

When it does, Obama won't have a chance. Even against a semi-liberal like McCain.

America is, and always has been, a fundamentally conservative country. Most people won't steal from their neighbor to give the loot to a homeless guy, even if he "needs" it. Nor will they willingly submit to overbearing control of their lives by people who have no particular qualifications to do it... and they certainly aren't in favor of paying high taxes for the privilege. Etc. Etc.

The curious phenomenon by which some of them turn around and vote for candidates who offer exactly that, when they would never do those things themselves, only extends to candidates who cloak themselves in a veil of "moderation", as Bill tried to do in 1992 and 1996.

Uber-liberals like Obama and Hillary haven't a chance... unless they are able to paint McCain as liberal as they are. Semi-liberal as McCain is, he can't hold a candle to their outright socialist tendencies.

Ah, now we get the basic right-wing nutjob talking points.


Just keep on doing that. Please.
#5) Legalizing Marijuana: Obama, a former (we hope) druggie, who has admitted to using marijuana and cocaine, has said that he favors "decriminalizing marijuana." Perhaps you can't blame him for wanting to make it easier for people to get drugs since, after all, he used them and look how he turned out. If Barack gets into the White House, one day mothers all over America can tell their children that they'll never be anything in life if they use hard drugs and those children can reply, "Well, at least I can be President!"

Omfg kill yourself asswipe.
The usual namecalling, profanity, and commands to "shut up" from the comapssionate leftists of the board. And not the sligtest attempt to refute any of the points made in the OP, of course. Not surprising, since these are all things Obama has actually done, or said he would do, in no uncertain terms. I'd hide it or try to divert attn from it too, if I were a dedicated leftist intent on pushing an agenda most Americans want no part of.

Business as usual for the compassionate left. (yawn)
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Hey little nut, your votes for your hero, George W. Bush, show that you are singularly unqualified to ever pass judgement on who might be a good president. Sorry.
Honestly, why would Carter be the worst president? That's just ignorance. He wasn't anything big but the Republicans before and after him were all far worse.
Well, looks like little cypress and his playmates are working overtime to try to divert attention from Obama's extreme liberalism and the doom it spells for his candidacy. Or maybe he's just trying for a humorous interlude, putting Cynthia McKinney in his avatar and then accusing others of not having good judgement? :lolup:

Back to the subject:
The 500-pound gorillas are starting to jostle each other for elbow room, they are becoming so numerous. Not even mentioned in the original post, is the way both Dem candidates have baldly announced they will nationalize the entire health care industry, bringing the efficiency and compassion of the Motor Vehicle Department and the Post Office to the field of medicine. The last time either of them tried this, the American people immediately voted their party out of evey majority in the Federal government, as well as most state governorships, legislatures, etc. (See "Hillarycare 1994"). Now they say they want to try it again. Considering the results last time, maybe we should encourage them? :)

And an important point brought out by "TheHawk" at another forum:

#10) Appoint liberal judges to the courts who will rule accoring to how they feel society should be, rather than according to what the law says.
Obama also won a laugh at the expense of Chief Justice John Roberts, saying that judgments of Roberts' character during his confirmation hearings were largely superficial. "He loves his wife. He's good to his dog," he joked, adding that judicial philosophy should be weighted more seriously than such evaluations. "We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges."
Most people won't steal from their neighbor to give the loot to a homeless guy, even if he "needs" it. Nor will they willingly submit to overbearing control of their lives by people who have no particular qualifications to do it... and they certainly aren't in favor of paying high taxes for the privilege. Etc. Etc.

So are you saying that, providing that certain qualifications are forthcoming the American people are quite willing to submit to overbearing control over their lives?

Only, considering the American people happily acquiesced to the patriot Act, introduced by a chap with qualifications which could, at best, be described as "rudimentary", that would seem to go against the norm, so to speak.
The usual namecalling, profanity, and commands to "shut up" from the comapssionate leftists of the board. And not the sligtest attempt to refute any of the points made in the OP, of course. Not surprising, since these are all things Obama has actually done, or said he would do, in no uncertain terms. I'd hide it or try to divert attn from it too, if I were a dedicated leftist intent on pushing an agenda most Americans want no part of.

Business as usual for the compassionate left. (yawn)

I'm not compassionate.