The tradition of treason

Today's 'Dems are simply repeating their sordid past. Nobody should be surprised by "Turban" Durbin, "Mullah" Murtha, and "I Love Yasser" Carter's anti-American antics.

The infamous racist Franklin Roosevelt (who interned Japanese-Americans in concentration camps) presided over a Democratic administration riddled with Soviet spies.

Why should the Jackass Party of Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs change it's ways, just because their beloved Evil Empire was brought down by a strong, resolute America?

The current crop of closet-Socialist 'Crats, deprived of their erstwhile Soviet masters, have pinned their hopes on America's terrorist assailants.

Watch them as they mouth insincere "support the troops" platitudes while lobbying for the defeat and retreat of our Armed Forces.

But don't blame them. It's their heritage of hate for their own country that drives them.
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Today's 'Dems are simply repeating their sordid past. Nobody should be surpised by "Turban" Durbin, "Mullah" Murtha, and "I Love Yasser" Carter's anti-American antics.

The infamous racist Franklin Roosevelt (who interned Japanese-Americans in concentration camps) presided over a Democratic administration riddled with Soviet spies.

Why should the Jackass Party of Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs change it's ways, just because their beloved Evil Empire was brought down by a strong, resolute America?

The current crop of closet-Socialist 'Crats, deprived of their erstwhile Soviet masters, have pinned their hopes on America's terrorist assailants.

Watch them as they mouth insincere "support the troops" platitudes while lobbying for the defeat and retreat of our Armed Forces.

But don't blame them. It's their heritage of hate for their own country that drives them.

Maybe we should stop bombing everyone else just to open markets for corporations.
What's URS?

Ask the evil-looking septuagenarian Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), whose pet man Richard Blum brings home big-time bacon via war profits from two of his companies, URS and Perini.

URS employs nearly 30,000 engineers and workers worldwide.

The firm's largest customer is the U.S. Army, from which it booked $791 million in work in 2005 out of a total revenue of $3.9 billion.

URS is not just a construction company; it also develops and maintains advanced weapons systems.

In 2002, URS purchased weaponry firm EG&G Technical Services from the Carlyle Group, in which former President George H. W. Bush was a principal. But as profitable as its arms dealing division is, URS reports that its growth sectors are military construction, homeland security and environmental services for military sites under existing defense department contracts.

According to a database of federal procurement records, URS's military construction work in 2000 earned it a mere $24 million.

The next year, when Feinstein took over as chair of the Senate subcomitte that award contracts (MILCON), military construction earned URS $185 million. On top of that, the company's architectural and engineering revenue from military construction projects grew from $108,726 in 2000 to $142 million in 2001, more than a thousand-fold increase in a single year.

As Congress gave the Bush administration the green light on military spending after 9-11, the value of Blum's investment in URS skyrocketed. Between 2003 and 2005, URS' share price doubled. In late 2005, Blum resigned from the URS board of directors, after 30 years as a member. Simultaneously, he sold 5.5 million URS shares, worth about $220 million at market price.

In 2000, according to public records, Perini earned a mere $7 million from federal contracts.

Post-9/11, Perini transformed into a major defense contractor.

In 2004, the company earned $444 million for military construction work in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as for improving airfields for the U.S. Air Force in Europe and building base infrastructures for the U.S. Navy around the globe.

In a remarkable financial turnaround, Perini shot from near penury in 1997to logging gross revenues of $1.7 billion in 2005.

In December 2005, Perini publicly identified one of its main business competitors as Halliburton.

The company attributed its growing profitability, in large part, to its Halliburton-like military construction contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. But if Congress slammed the brakes on war in the Middle East, Perini's stock could plummet.

According to public records, Blum's firm originally paid $4 a share for a controlling interest in Perini's common stock.

After a series of complicated stock transactions, Blum ended up owning 13 percent of the company, a majority interest.

In mid and late 2005, Blum and his firm took their profits by selling about 3 million Perini shares for $23.75 per share, according to Klein and reports filed with the SEC. Klein says Blum personally owned 100,000 of the vastly appreciated shares when they were sold.

Shortly thereafter, Senator Feinstein began calling for America to surrender in the Iraq war while urging that the "global war on terror" continue indefinitely.

It is estimated that Perini now holds at least $2.5 billion worth of contracts tied to the worldwide expansion of American militarism. Its largest Department of Defense contracts are "indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity" or "bundled" contracts carrying guaranteed profit margins. As is all too common, competitive bidding was minimal or nonexistent for many of these contracts.
Ohh you must have missed my thread about senators and congressmen that had investments in "defense" related industries. Republicans had about 100X the investment in them as Dems.
You are supposed to provide links to the articles you post.

You are commiting plagerism you jackass
I always thought the best way to support the troops was to keep them out of harm's way unless it was determined that there was no other option aside from the use of force to protect & defend America, and the use of force was an absolute last resort.

To me, "supporting the troops" doesn't mean sending them to war unnecessarily because you told a ghostwriter that a President couldn't achieve 'greatness' without a war.
It also isn't really "supporting the troops" to tell the enemy to "bring it on," when you're sitting safely about 5,000 miles away...
Hmm... hows this for treason...

Forced to leave the combat zone after his two brothers died in the Iraq war, Army Spc. Jason Hubbard faced another battle once he returned home: The military cut off his family's health care, stopped his G.I. educational subsidies and wanted him to repay his sign-up bonus.

Truth is republicans give two shits about the military... hell they give two shits bout god guns or gays either... they just use these topics to brainwash bitter pricks like yourself into voting for the wrong people consistently...
Pretty typical.....not a single post answering the point of the thread.....

Does this "indisputable" character kick your liberal asses like this all the time, or is just having a good run.......???
Pretty typical.....not a single post answering the point of the thread.....

Does this "indisputable" character kick your liberal asses like this all the time, or is just having a good run.......???

No, no - he always kicks our asses.

How could we argue a point as strong & proven as the fact that all Democrats are born traitors who hate America?

There is no defense.
Pretty typical.....not a single post answering the point of the thread.....

Does this "indisputable" character kick your liberal asses like this all the time, or is just having a good run.......???

You got a point to make nancy....