The true face of neo-conservatism!


Shaken, not stirred!
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!

good fricking god. do you even read these articles or do you just glance the headlines and scream 'tyranny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'?

the child labor law article. is the parent incapable of making the child quit the job? why does the child NEED the job? are the parents incapable of providing enough care for the child? can the parent NOT help the child prioritize his/her life?

the public sector union article. GOOD!!!!!!! government employees shouldn't have collective bargaining rights. they don't work for private corporations, they work for the people.
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


damn right....pretty soon people like this will have six year olds washing dishes for aristocratic republicans for pennies, just pennies....thats just working past 9 PM...its barbaric...especially on Sat. nights.....

these kids should require permission not only from their schools, but from their parents, the police, church officials, and the governor to get a job....

some version Charles Dickens child labor? Thats just unacceptable....

They need to be unionized and get police escorts to and from their work places.....Six year olds need at least 12 dollars an hour, with apporpriate
increases every month until eight years old....

No more tax breaks for corps.....and no more income tax for anyone earning 500k or less....its ridiculous....\

its time to march like our brothers in Egypt.....workers unite.

and tea baggers need to be put in prison for 2 weeks and then executed....
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


For years I've been signing petitions about child labor laws in Pakistan and other countries, thinking here's something where we have the moral high ground, then this bimbo comes along and makes a farce out of us. :mad:
good fricking god. do you even read these articles or do you just glance the headlines and scream 'tyranny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'?

the child labor law article. is the parent incapable of making the child quit the job? why does the child NEED the job? are the parents incapable of providing enough care for the child? can the parent NOT help the child prioritize his/her life?

If a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision or the parent(s) working schedule may leave the child without supervision for a period of time, that child can easily exploited by a employer....ONE of the reasons why child labor laws were enacted. Are you REALLY that ignorant as to how and why child labor laws were created in this country?

the public sector union article. GOOD!!!!!!! government employees shouldn't have collective bargaining rights. they don't work for private corporations, they work for the people.

:palm: The American gov't evolved to work as a system BY, FOR AND OF THE PEOPLE. That means people have a say as to their working conditions and how they are paid. This goes for private AND public employees. Our history shows what happens when management is in sole control of all factions of employee life.....and if YOU are ignorant of the history of labor in this country, then I STRONGLY urge you to put on your socks & shoes, toddle down to your local library and get up to speed, because I'm REALLY tired of doing the homework of complacent dumb toots like YOU how don't give a damn about anything so long as YOU'RE comfortable.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


damn right....pretty soon people like this will have six year olds washing dishes for aristocratic republicans for pennies, just pennies....thats just working past 9 PM...its barbaric...especially on Sat. nights.....

these kids should require permission not only from their schools, but from their parents, the police, church officials, and the governor to get a job....

some version Charles Dickens child labor? Thats just unacceptable....

They need to be unionized and get police escorts to and from their work places.....Six year olds need at least 12 dollars an hour, with apporpriate
increases every month until eight years old....

No more tax breaks for corps.....and no more income tax for anyone earning 500k or less....its ridiculous....\

its time to march like our brothers in Egypt.....workers unite.

and tea baggers need to be put in prison for 2 weeks and then executed....

What's truly disgusting about Bravo is that he's willfully ignorant.....he doesn't read the information provided, so he can't rationally or logically discuss the topic at hand.

Bravo does this because in his intellectual impotence defense of ANY that comes out of the neocon GOP from criticism from Democrats, liberals, independents, standard conservatives is a knee jerk reaction.

Bravo doesn't think, he just reacts, and let's face it folks, Bravo is just too damned proudly ignorant to enter an honest discussion where he has to admit his political leadership is wrong. So hey, let's just throw child labor laws out the window....let's give governors MORE power than they have, and turn state employment into a quasi-feudal system. Folks like Bravo don't give a damn because they're fat & happy....and the change in the laws DON'T AFFECT BRAVO AND POS LIKE HIM! :mad:
If a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision or the parent(s) working schedule may leave the child without supervision for a period of time, that child can easily exploited by a employer....ONE of the reasons why child labor laws were enacted. Are you REALLY that ignorant as to how and why child labor laws were created in this country?
no, but apparently you are. it is a parents responsibility to control the childs life, NOT the employers and NOT the governments. If a child is in a position to be exploited by an employer who can not be trusted, that child shouldn't be in the job.

:palm: The American gov't evolved to work as a system BY, FOR AND OF THE PEOPLE. That means people have a say as to their working conditions and how they are paid. This goes for private AND public employees. Our history shows what happens when management is in sole control of all factions of employee life.....and if YOU are ignorant of the history of labor in this country, then I STRONGLY urge you to put on your socks & shoes, toddle down to your local library and get up to speed, because I'm REALLY tired of doing the homework of complacent dumb toots like YOU how don't give a damn about anything so long as YOU'RE comfortable.[/COLOR]
and i'm really tired of your stupid ass walking around here like you know everything when it's apparent you're a fucking retard. IF the government were 'US', then 'US' as employees of the government wouldn't need collective bargaining rights, would we? so what you really have to do, is come to a point in your idiot mind whether government really IS 'we the people', or not. until such time, anything you vomit out of your retard brain is just vomit.
For years I've been signing petitions about child labor laws in Pakistan and other countries, thinking here's something where we have the moral high ground, then this bimbo comes along and makes a farce out of us. :mad:

Here's the thing, Christie.....all the neocons politicos and pundits have to do is say the magic words "gov't interference/takeover", and dumb toots like our resident neocon parrots become zombies...doing the bidding of their GOP masters.

Hey, 14 year olds working for whatever wages and hours? No problem!

The governor proposes slashing budgets for social and civil servants and forbidding any union negotiations? No problem!

Now NONE of our neocon numbskulls can explain the benefits of these actions...and nor do they care to BECAUSE IT'S NOT AFFECTING THEM OR THEIR least not yet. But hey, a similar mindset worked out real well for our banks, corporations and Wall St., right?
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is advancing a bill that will force most state, local, and school employees to pay half their pension costs and pay 12.6 percent of their health-care costs, which is double their current contribution.

Governor Walker says the cuts will result in a savings of nearly $30 million through the end of June and nearly $300 million over the next two fiscal years. His state is braced with a $137 million budget shortfall for the fiscal year ending June 30 and a projected $3.6 billion gap over the next two years.

You wonder why democrats don't get it, the state is broke and can no longer afford to keep paying overpriced unions their overly generous benefits. My state of California is in the same boat, but Gov. Moonbeam still is not dealing with the problem.
What's truly disgusting about Bravo is that he's willfully ignorant.....he doesn't read the information provided, so he can't rationally or logically discuss the topic at hand.

Bravo does this because in his intellectual impotence defense of ANY that comes out of the neocon GOP from criticism from Democrats, liberals, independents, standard conservatives is a knee jerk reaction.

Bravo doesn't think, he just reacts, and let's face it folks, Bravo is just too damned proudly ignorant to enter an honest discussion where he has to admit his political leadership is wrong. So hey, let's just throw child labor laws out the window....let's give governors MORE power than they have, and turn state employment into a quasi-feudal system. Folks like Bravo don't give a damn because they're fat & happy....and the change in the laws DON'T AFFECT BRAVO AND POS LIKE HIM! :mad:
Sen.Cunningham is undoubtedly trying to send us back to the sweat shop conditions of 200 years ago....its as plain as the point on your head....

Imagine, babies younger than 16 working without signed permission from their teachers know whats best for your children, we all know that.

Working working past 9 p.m. even though the parents allow it....barbaric...

Susie the pizza maker, chained to her oven....
Sally the sandwich maker, tied to her mayonnaise holder...
I shudder at the images this brings to mind....

Its only a matter of time before Conservatives have those children cleaning their rooms, picking up their toys, and...and...and...setting the diner table.

Its sinful...absolutely sinful....imagine the blow to their self esteem....
All the gains made by liberals in the last 30 years, the respect kids show to teachers in the class room, the politeness they show to each other....the manners they show in public, will all be undone by these out of control conservatives.....all because of forcing children to
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal


I believe they're all busy laughing at your foolish exaggerations....

Those radical teabaggers are right in the middle of this calamity....
Hiding their strings with the little paper labels...Lipton...Oolong...Made in China, etc....

TCLibby will expose them in due time.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
If a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision or the parent(s) working schedule may leave the child without supervision for a period of time, that child can easily exploited by a employer....ONE of the reasons why child labor laws were enacted. Are you REALLY that ignorant as to how and why child labor laws were created in this country?

no, but apparently you are. it is a parents responsibility to control the childs life, NOT the employers and NOT the governments. If a child is in a position to be exploited by an employer who can not be trusted, that child shouldn't be in the job.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The American gov't evolved to work as a system BY, FOR AND OF THE PEOPLE. That means people have a say as to their working conditions and how they are paid. This goes for private AND public employees. Our history shows what happens when management is in sole control of all factions of employee life.....and if YOU are ignorant of the history of labor in this country, then I STRONGLY urge you to put on your socks & shoes, toddle down to your local library and get up to speed, because I'm REALLY tired of doing the homework of complacent dumb toots like YOU how don't give a damn about anything so long as YOU'RE comfortable.

and i'm really tired of your stupid ass walking around here like you know everything when it's apparent you're a fucking retard. IF the government were 'US', then 'US' as employees of the government wouldn't need collective bargaining rights, would we? so what you really have to do, is come to a point in your idiot mind whether government really IS 'we the people', or not. until such time, anything you vomit out of your retard brain is just vomit.

Notice folk, how this STY imbecile just repeats himsel while IGNORING what I wrote. If a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision or the parent(s) working schedule may leave the child without supervision for a period of time, that child can easily exploited by a employer. Somebody needs to wake STY up to the reality that THIS IS NOT A PERFECT WORLD, AND NOT EVERYONE HAS PERFECT PARENTS OR PERFECT FINANCIAL SITUATIONS. Which is why laws were enacted as to NOT have bad or desperate situations exploited. That being said, let me (once again) do some of the honest homework that an intellectual pigmy like STY is too frightened to do:

:palm: I stated that our gov't is by, of and for the people. That means people DECIDE how their gov't works, and this is done through debate, negotiations via representation, and voting...whether in federal or state gov't. The right to organize and negotiate has LONG been established by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Dumb toots like STY try to pretend this never happened in American history, because the GOP politico and punditry told him that ALL gov't is bad when it interferes in their ANY criticism of that mindset is met with the convoluted virulence that STY displays here.
See folks, as long as STY is fat & happy and these laws DON'T DIRECTLY AFFECT HIM, he doesn't care.....all the more to pity him.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What's truly disgusting about Bravo is that he's willfully ignorant.....he doesn't read the information provided, so he can't rationally or logically discuss the topic at hand.

Bravo does this because in his intellectual impotence defense of ANY that comes out of the neocon GOP from criticism from Democrats, liberals, independents, standard conservatives is a knee jerk reaction.

Bravo doesn't think, he just reacts, and let's face it folks, Bravo is just too damned proudly ignorant to enter an honest discussion where he has to admit his political leadership is wrong. So hey, let's just throw child labor laws out the window....let's give governors MORE power than they have, and turn state employment into a quasi-feudal system. Folks like Bravo don't give a damn because they're fat & happy....and the change in the laws DON'T AFFECT BRAVO AND POS LIKE HIM! :mad:

Sen.Cunningham is undoubtedly trying to send us back to the sweat shop conditions of 200 years ago....its as plain as the point on your head....

Imagine, babies younger than 16 working without signed permission from their teachers know whats best for your children, we all know that.

Working working past 9 p.m. even though the parents allow it....barbaric...

Susie the pizza maker, chained to her oven....
Sally the sandwich maker, tied to her mayonnaise holder...
I shudder at the images this brings to mind....

Its only a matter of time before Conservatives have those children cleaning their rooms, picking up their toys, and...and...and...setting the diner table.

Its sinful...absolutely sinful....imagine the blow to their self esteem....
All the gains made by liberals in the last 30 years, the respect kids show to teachers in the class room, the politeness they show to each other....the manners they show in public, will all be undone by these out of control conservatives.....all because of forcing children to

And there you have it folks....when faced with the FACTS and ACTIONS of their leadership, intellectual cowards like Bravo become blathering buffoons desperately trying to dodge the issue at hand.

Neocon toadies like Bravo just can't honestly deal with the blatant quasi-fascist actions of their leadership. What's REALLY pathetic is just how incredibly ignorant Bravo is of the subjects he babbles about. Once again, I'm forced to educate him:

But as you'll see, my efforts will fall on willfully deaf and dumb ears. "Bravo", indeed!
Notice folk, how this STY imbecile just repeats himsel while IGNORING what I wrote. If a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision or the parent(s) working schedule may leave the child without supervision for a period of time, that child can easily exploited by a employer.

See folks, as long as STY is fat & happy and these laws DON'T DIRECTLY AFFECT HIM, he doesn't care.....all the more to pity him.

Spot on me might also mention that if a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision...that child might,

Rob a bank
Steal a car
Drink a beer
Watch Spongbob
Smoke a joint, or
god forbid, smoke a cigarette
say fuck
eat candy

well, I could go on, but I think I made my point.

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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal


I believe they're all busy laughing at your foolish exaggerations....

Those radical teabaggers are right in the middle of this calamity....
Hiding their strings with the little paper labels...Lipton...Oolong...Made in China, etc....

TCLibby will expose them in due time.

Notice, folks that neither of these two neocon numbskulls can deny the FACTS nor mount any type of rational, logical or factual defense for the heinous actions of their leadership. So Bravo and PMP just try to dodge, bluff and bluster.

Where are the Teabaggers...oh, pardon me...the Tea Party members, groups, divisions, etc.? Are they IN FAVOR of these actions, which on one hand is local gov't abuse, and on the other is an attempt to prevent gov't from doing it's job (protecting the public)? Or was all that hoop-la during the last 2 years just a hypocritical backlash against Obama and the Dems?

Since the forementioned two idiots can't give a straight answer, I wonder if they'll ever be one?
And there you have it folks....when faced with the FACTS and ACTIONS of their leadership, intellectual cowards like Bravo become blathering buffoons desperately trying to dodge the issue at hand.

Neocon toadies like Bravo just can't honestly deal with the blatant quasi-fascist actions of their leadership. What's REALLY pathetic is just how incredibly ignorant Bravo is of the subjects he babbles about. Once again, I'm forced to educate him:

But as you'll see, my efforts will fall on willfully deaf and dumb ears. "Bravo", indeed!
All right, I will stand corrected and edit my mistake accordingly...

Originally Posted by bravo
Sen.Cunningham is undoubtedly trying to send us back to the sweat shop conditions of 200 .... 74 years ago....its as plain as the point on your head....