The Two Basic Types of Liberal

It may come as a surprise to some, but after years of careful analysis, I have concluded the liberal ideology is comprised of two basic types of liberal. I will use the labels "dumb" and "smart" here, but that is not really an accurate descriptor. Many of the "dumb" ones have an amazing amount of formal education, and the "smart" ones only think they are smart. But to delineate between the two groups, we will use these terms.

The "Smart Liberal" is probably the more dangerous, because they fully know and understand what they are doing, it is all part of the master plan. Way back in the 50's, Khrushchev said Communism would defeat America without firing a shot. What he meant by this, is exactly the game plan of modern liberals. It is communism by incrementalism. The "Smart Lib" has read all of the assorted Manifesto's, they have studied the works of great Communist leaders, and they fully understand how they must go about implementing the ideology here.

These "Smart Libs" serve as "mentors" for the "Dumb Liberals" out there. Many of these people have lower education levels, and have not thoroughly read the various Manifesto's and works of Communism. These people mainly serve as "useful idiots" for the left, buying into the rhetoric of pure Communism, and willing to argue to the mat, this is not the case. To the "Dumb Lib" it all sounds wonderful! They simply can't understand why everyone isn't on the bandwagon. These people can be as dangerous as the "smart" ones, because they represent a rather large chunk of the activist voters. They are also easily persuaded to follow the "Smart Lib" because they have invested themselves emotionally. As Liberalism incrementally works its way into society, through all kinds of laws and rulings, it will never occur to the "Dumb Liberal" this is indeed the same Communist policies we fought two World Wars to prevent.

I find it difficult to determine which element is worse, the "Smart Lib" or the "Dumb Lib", but one thing is certain, they are both a danger to the country and way of life we have come to know in America.
Then there are two types of assholes. There's the normal sphincter with proper tonus that regulates the passage of feces from the rectum. Then there's the abnormal assholes with such a stupendous degree of tonus that they never allow feces to pass. We call these "Anal Retentive Conservatives". You can find them releasing their internal pressures by blowing hot air on talk radio. They are the rectums.
I think it is important we try to understand Dixie. Conservatism is a form of psychosis and as such requires patience and care of the person who is unable to see the light. Just the other day a fourteen year old spoke at CPAC demonstrating the symptomatic identity of brain washing in his constant repetition of slogans. Nazi youth, communist youths and Maoist youth all go through similar transformative episodes and most come back to the world of girls, music, cars, fun, hunting, games, and sports. Dixie can only talk about liberals as his worldview and vocabulary are that of a deep and lost rural world. People raised there are limited and often stay lost. They still fight a war with progress in their limited imaginations. Humans fall back into fantasy and easy cliches until they are able to build up a rational and inquisitive personality. It may be that Dixie will never see the light, but let's wish him luck on a journey he may not be able to make to reason.
The biggest thing to remember is that both parties have advanced us closer to socialism. The difference is that the conservatives constantly claim that the liberals want us to be socialists. Does this mean that the moved us closer to socialism by accident?
There are actually more than two types of Dixie's. There is the "everything is right with the world" Dixie, who crows about imaginary economic & war success when the man he loves is President. Then, there is the "getting ready for violent revolution" Dixie, who warns about a Mad Max type of future as soon as his ideas are rejected by the electorate. Then, there is the "blame my bad pastry on the current admin" Dixie, who has no problem equating stock losses that are years in the making to plans that were just approved last week by a President who has been in office for just over a month, that haven't even been implemented yet.

Then, there is Rebel...
I'm telling you guys assholes like Dixie are going to create a situation where some mentally unstable kid is going to go all Murrah building on us.

They did it during the Clinton years and they are now doubleing down on the idiot speak that will create the next fiasco.

They hate science and fact and embraced insane leaders who rant about phantom evils that they pull straight out of their asses. They are truely sick and we need to figure out why some Americans are so emotionally crippled they fall for this bent brained crap.
I'm telling you guys assholes like Dixie are going to create a situation where some mentally unstable kid is going to go all Murrah building on us.

They did it during the Clinton years and they are now doubleing down on the idiot speak that will create the next fiasco.

They hate science and fact and embraced insane leaders who rant about phantom evils that they pull straight out of their asses. They are truely sick and we need to figure out why some Americans are so emotionally crippled they fall for this bent brained crap.

Good luck Desh. Religion is mass insanity. Truly the opiate of the masses as Ronald Reagan said in a rare moment of lucidity, some say it happened on a night when he drank himself conscious. Others, blame it on Karl Marx, but that's the real story.

Have you ever know any real religious freakos? You know, a born again, or an evangelical? They always have something buried in their closet. Something real bad. One guy I knew who was a born-again, I worked with him, after I got to know him for a while, he told me that about ten years earlier he had been in a terrible accident. His girlfriend was killed. He was driving. He wasn't born-again until after that. My sister-in-law's sister became born again after her alcoholic husband left her. She's entered into one relationship after the other in this church. All of them were weirdos. The last one she married. It was his third marriage. Born Again! Not even two years in and he's fucking another woman. She's still desperate to have him back though. And he's a fat train conducter. That's right folks, fat train conducters are knee-deep in pussy. That's the society we live in.

But I digress. The main point is that there's a different reason for everyone who becomes a religious whack ready to believe in demons and the anti-christ, but it always involves trauma. So how are you going to cure 100 million trauma victims?

Good luck again Desh! :)
The biggest thing to remember is that both parties have advanced us closer to socialism. The difference is that the conservatives constantly claim that the liberals want us to be socialists. Does this mean that the moved us closer to socialism by accident?
No, it means that the modern "conservative" just wants us to walk slower than the modern liberal.
I'm telling you guys assholes like Dixie are going to create a situation where some mentally unstable kid is going to go all Murrah building on us.

They did it during the Clinton years and they are now doubleing down on the idiot speak that will create the next fiasco.

They hate science and fact and embraced insane leaders who rant about phantom evils that they pull straight out of their asses. They are truely sick and we need to figure out why some Americans are so emotionally crippled they fall for this bent brained crap.

This is why most everyone with more than two brain cells is convinced you're a total fucking retard. To actually believe that the murrah building attack was based on the predicate that mcveigh just hated liberals reveals your total ignorance of, or your beloved worship of, a overbearing authoritarian government.

The Murrah building was blown up because your boy Clinton and his henchman Reno attacked and murdered over 80 American Citizens for something that could have easily been avoided by waiting to execute an arrest in a more peacable setting instead of attempting to entertain the house of representatives with dynamic and violent 'show of force' raids to prevent an ATF budget cut.
Good luck Desh. Religion is mass insanity. Truly the opiate of the masses as Ronald Reagan said in a rare moment of lucidity, some say it happened on a night when he drank himself conscious. Others, blame it on Karl Marx, but that's the real story.

Have you ever know any real religious freakos? You know, a born again, or an evangelical? They always have something buried in their closet. Something real bad. One guy I knew who was a born-again, I worked with him, after I got to know him for a while, he told me that about ten years earlier he had been in a terrible accident. His girlfriend was killed. He was driving. He wasn't born-again until after that. My sister-in-law's sister became born again after her alcoholic husband left her. She's entered into one relationship after the other in this church. All of them were weirdos. The last one she married. It was his third marriage. Born Again! Not even two years in and he's fucking another woman. She's still desperate to have him back though. And he's a fat train conducter. That's right folks, fat train conducters are knee-deep in pussy. That's the society we live in.

But I digress. The main point is that there's a different reason for everyone who becomes a religious whack ready to believe in demons and the anti-christ, but it always involves trauma. So how are you going to cure 100 million trauma victims?

Good luck again Desh! :)
So you're saying I should become a train conductor?
So you're saying I should become a train conductor?

The last time I saw you, you weren't fat, but if you've put on a few, I think you'd still be pretty cute. You are kinda good looking, it's a shame about the personality.

But this is true, and you know how men always say, ohhh, women are gold diggers and women only want this and only want that. BS! Train conducters are beating them off with sticks! Women are desperate as far as I can tell. It's really a shame.
The last time I saw you, you weren't fat, but if you've put on a few, I think you'd still be pretty cute. You are kinda good looking, it's a shame about the personality.

But this is true, and you know how men always say, ohhh, women are gold diggers and women only want this and only want that. BS! Train conducters are beating them off with sticks! Women are desperate as far as I can tell. It's really a shame.
I wonder what kind of training you need to go through. ;)

I prefer to maintain my sanity and stick with just one, since I am attracted to strong women more than one is far too many.

(Did you hear that? She thinks I'm hot... :D)
This is why most everyone with more than two brain cells is convinced you're a total fucking retard. To actually believe that the murrah building attack was based on the predicate that mcveigh just hated liberals reveals your total ignorance of, or your beloved worship of, a overbearing authoritarian government.

The Murrah building was blown up because your boy Clinton and his henchman Reno attacked and murdered over 80 American Citizens for something that could have easily been avoided by waiting to execute an arrest in a more peacable setting instead of attempting to entertain the house of representatives with dynamic and violent 'show of force' raids to prevent an ATF budget cut.

After leaving the Army in 1992, McVeigh grew increasingly transient. At first he worked briefly near his hometown of Pendleton as a security guard, where he sounded off daily to his co-worker Carl Lebron, Jr. about his loathing for government. Deciding the Buffalo area was too liberal, he left his job and began driving around America, seeking out his old friends from the Army.[21]

McVeigh wrote letters to local newspapers, complaining about taxes:[22]

“ Taxes are a joke. Regardless of what a political candidate "promises," they will increase. More taxes are always the answer to government mismanagement. They mess up. We suffer. Taxes are reaching cataclysmic levels, with no slowdown in sight ... Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform the current system? I hope it doesn't come to that. But it might.

Your partys insane assholes like Rush created this type of monster and you are going to do it again.
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It may come as a surprise to some, but after years of careful analysis, I have concluded the liberal ideology is comprised of two basic types of liberal. I will use the labels "dumb" and "smart" here, but that is not really an accurate descriptor. Many of the "dumb" ones have an amazing amount of formal education, and the "smart" ones only think they are smart. But to delineate between the two groups, we will use these terms.

The "Smart Liberal" is probably the more dangerous, because they fully know and understand what they are doing, it is all part of the master plan. Way back in the 50's, Khrushchev said Communism would defeat America without firing a shot. What he meant by this, is exactly the game plan of modern liberals. It is communism by incrementalism. The "Smart Lib" has read all of the assorted Manifesto's, they have studied the works of great Communist leaders, and they fully understand how they must go about implementing the ideology here.

These "Smart Libs" serve as "mentors" for the "Dumb Liberals" out there. Many of these people have lower education levels, and have not thoroughly read the various Manifesto's and works of Communism. These people mainly serve as "useful idiots" for the left, buying into the rhetoric of pure Communism, and willing to argue to the mat, this is not the case. To the "Dumb Lib" it all sounds wonderful! They simply can't understand why everyone isn't on the bandwagon. These people can be as dangerous as the "smart" ones, because they represent a rather large chunk of the activist voters. They are also easily persuaded to follow the "Smart Lib" because they have invested themselves emotionally. As Liberalism incrementally works its way into society, through all kinds of laws and rulings, it will never occur to the "Dumb Liberal" this is indeed the same Communist policies we fought two World Wars to prevent.

I find it difficult to determine which element is worse, the "Smart Lib" or the "Dumb Lib", but one thing is certain, they are both a danger to the country and way of life we have come to know in America.

I've come to the same conclusion years ago myself. There is no question that this analysis is spot-on. Additional evidence to support this is the reaction that you have received by liberals in your audience, which is all attacks on you and deflection of your argument. They know its true so will avoid the argument.
Just for the record , its utter bullshit ramblings of a man who's politcal philosphy has failed miserablely and has been wrong about everything I have ever seen him tout.

No we do not secretly think hes right, we openly think hes an idiot.
I've come to the same conclusion years ago myself. There is no question that this analysis is spot-on. Additional evidence to support this is the reaction that you have received by liberals in your audience, which is all attacks on you and deflection of your argument. They know its true so will avoid the argument.

You can also tell which are the "dumb libs" and which are the "smart libs." The "smart" ones tend to make more personal attacks, and divert the conversation... the "dumb" ones try to reverse the argument and pretend conservatives are the ones with an agenda to destroy capitalism.
The biggest thing to remember is that both parties have advanced us closer to socialism. The difference is that the conservatives constantly claim that the liberals want us to be socialists. Does this mean that the moved us closer to socialism by accident?

That's the problems with ideologues. You have to be pure. Any solution that works and is a social solution cannot be tolerated. The fact that it works is not rellevent to them. It's why ideologues of any stripe cannot be trusted to govern. They are not pragmatic.