The Two Basic Types of Liberal

You have absolutely no idea what I fantasize about.... but trust me, it ain't kids. I fantasize about my lovely wife.

And for someone who claims to ignore me, you sure stalk me on the internet, seek out my home address, find photos of me and my son and post them.... post pictures of my house (while not having a clue when they were taken)... find my WORK email address and send me harassing emails there....

if I am someone you "ignore", I SHUDDER to imagine what sort of creepy obsessive shit you do to people whom you pay even the slightest bit of attention to! :rolleyes:
You have a long history of disgusting insults with numerous people, and we have joined together to share information on a private area of another board.
Interestingly, my biggest memory of maineman was people trashing him. It was on that fateful night on FP that I decided to experiment with the kickass BBcode I had just learned from Dano/teh interweb and used it to wreck a couple of the "lets pick on Maineman tonight" threads. For some reason, this was taken as an affront on everyone's freedumb of speech, and I was officially reprimanded for it... Six months later the site was a wasteland, interestingly enough, as SR grew more and more paranoid.

That said, Maineman has some hardcore language that has always struck me as a bit, strange. However, I think SM has also demonstrated some issues.

My advise, if someone insults your mother, wife, etc. on a message board, just ignore them to death...
I consider myself a soldier fighting against disgusting perverts. Sometimes you have to get down into the gutter to clean it out. I've never insulted another poster's family unless they've insulted mine, and then my insults have been based on facts provided to me by the pervert himself. And I've always been far above the low level of my respective enemy.
I consider myself a soldier fighting against disgusting perverts. Sometimes you have to get down into the gutter to clean it out. I've never insulted another poster's family unless they've insulted mine, and then my insults have been based on facts provided to me by the pervert himself. And I've always been far above the low level of my respective enemy.

You consider yourself a soldier fighting against perverts?

Tell us, Sarge, exactly who's army did you join? And who determines what is or isn't a "disgusting pervert"?
I figure that America will either survive the left or it won't. If it cannot survive the assault from the left, then it doesn't deserve to survive.

The only real reason why I hate to see the spread of leftist immorality is because it means more political leftists, and the final extinguishment of what remains of the American experiment. I have basically given up on most of society in terms of morals, salvation, etc.
Hopefully we will someday stop these swings from one end to the other, and manage to find a group that represents the best in all americans.

I don't think that is going to be found in either the far right or the far left.
And I've always been far above the low level of my respective enemy.

Funny, I would say that posting contact information for someone's employer on an open, public forum is about as low as it gets.

You are not dealing with internet insults with that. You are actually talking about getting someone fired or possibly physically hurt.

That is about as low and childish as it gets. Pure chickenshit.
Listen up sexual sinners - yes, that's right YOU.

Yes, i'm looking at you.

Help is at hand so prick up your ears (not like that you filthy guttersnipes) and pay heed, for you may just discover the promised road to salvation central rather than driving aimlessly down Sodomy Street looking for a parking space.

Well, don't just sit there looking at the big triangle. Click it, man. Click it. (Worksafe, since you ask)

[ame=""] - Sexual Sins - Uploaded by Partario@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]