The Two Basic Types of Liberal

Again, you keep discussing relationships, when the conversation is about deviant sexual acts. With your inability to pay attention no wonder we have so much trouble having an actual conversation.

"You're just pissed because you admitted publicly that you commit sodomy on your wife, she sucking your dick. My what a healthy relationship."

You made the connection, so don't throw tantrums because I ask you to clarify what you meant.
"You're just pissed because you admitted publicly that you commit sodomy on your wife, she sucking your dick. My what a healthy relationship."

You made the connection, so don't throw tantrums because I ask you to clarify what you meant.
Your public discussion of you and your wife's sodomy- must make for a healthy relationship.
I have documentation of all the facts that I have presented. Do you really want to go there? :)

go there? you got shit, but why in the world would I want to continue this assinine, adolescent internet argument? You can dish it out, but you cannot take it. I'm done with you. You should be a big boy and stop this silliness with me and others and try to stick to the topics at hand.
Your public discussion of you and your wife's sodomy- must make for a healthy relationship.

We have a great relationship. If you meant my public discussion of our sodomy, why did you say we are discussing deviant behavior?

Or do you consider the public discussion of sex (without any details) "deviant"?
Actually, I have a nice little forum within another board dedicated specifically to you. Invited members, who have incurred your wrath, have documented about your antics there. :)

and the rantings of a group of right wingnuts on a message board of YOUR creation is now, somehow, PROOF of something other than your over-inflated opinion of yourself?:rolleyes:
We have a great relationship. If you meant my public discussion of our sodomy, why did you say we are discussing deviant behavior?

Or do you consider the public discussion of sex (without any details) "deviant"?
Sodomy is deviant behavior. Duh.
and the rantings of a group of right wingnuts on a message board of YOUR creation is now, somehow, PROOF of something other than your over-inflated opinion of yourself?:rolleyes:
Independent, corroborated eyewitness testimony and links to your postings: facts.

Are you denying, here, that you have posted such filth?
Independent, corroborated eyewitness testimony and links to your postings: facts.

Are you denying, here, that you have posted such filth?

posts from anyone other than manfrommaine on are not mine. I have said insulting things to many people on the internet... and I would suggest that the number of people I have insulted is roughly equal to the number of people who have insulted me. I have apologized to you, and to pretty much everyone else I have ever insulted. You, unlike everyone else, received a personal and heartfelt email apology from me only because you were so inappropriate and creepy as to send me an email to my work.

and are you denying, here, that you have insulted MY family? :pke:
posts from anyone other than manfrommaine on are not mine. I have said insulting things to many people on the internet... and I would suggest that [1]the number of people I have insulted is roughly equal to the number of people who have insulted me. I have apologized to you, and to pretty much everyone else I have ever insulted. You, unlike everyone else, received a personal and heartfelt email apology from me only because you were so inappropriate and creepy as to send me an email to my work.

and are you denying, here, that you have insulted MY family? :pke:
Again, after you repeated the same insults after your first repentance, I have no cheeks left to offer you. With regards to your second attempt at repentance, it was lacking:
I apologize for ever implying or hinting [2]at the the fact that southern man did anything untoward with his kids. I did so once, a long time ago after he had accused me of being a liar when I wasn't. I used an attack that toby and dixie had used against me along time ago and I am ashamed for having done so. It was wrong. I have no reason to belive that southern man is anything other than a wonderful caring and loving father. I came back to this board after a long absence and the very first thing that southern man does is call me a liar when I am not and did not... and the first [3]thing I did was react and insinuate sexual misconduct on his part as a retaliation for his calling me a liar. I dunno... for me, being called a liar is the most offensive thing anyone could ever say, and when someone calls me that, I guess my first and immediate reaction is to respond by attacking them with the most offensive thing from their perspective. So... once and for all: Southern man, or Yadkin or Glockmail or whatever he choses to call himself, has given me no reason to believe that he is anything other than a good father to his children. He has called me a liar, which I am not, and that had pissed me off to the point that I reacted inappropriately and for that, I apologize.

I will not, however, hold my breath and wait for an apology from HIM.[4] I am the better man and I can sleep easy knowing that.
1. This is a typical example of your weasel language. Sure most people who you have insulted have insulted you back. The fact is that you are the instigator and have attacked not just the person but their families in disgusting ways.
2.Your insinuation is not a fact. Stop hiding behind rhetoric.
3. I called you a liar because you are a liar, as most recently demonstrated by your denial here that you post on debatepolicy only as maineman.
4. Your back-handed insult at the end negates any piss-poor apology that you are pretending to make.
and I have no cheeks left to offer you. Nonetheless, I am prepared to forgive you seventy times seven times....

pity that a purported Christian such as yourself can only talk the talk and not DO what it was that Jesus commanded you to do.
...I'm done with you. ....
Oh, look, another LIE.

and I have no cheeks left to offer you. Nonetheless, I am prepared to forgive you seventy times seven times....

pity that a purported Christian such as yourself can only talk the talk and not DO what it was that Jesus commanded you to do.

Some muslims use that same bullshit to attack Christians: 'turn the other cheek, infidel'. I ain't buying it from you either.

So are you going to put another layer of paint on that rotting siding again this summer? :)
...said the sinner as a lightning bolt fried his brain.:)

Funny, no lightning here.

I keep trying to get this shit to stop, but I'm not going to allow you to just post what you want regardless of the facts.

I am sure you hope that your vengeful god strikes down everyone who disagrees with you. That is called "delusional fantasy".
Some muslims use that same bullshit to attack Christians: 'turn the other cheek, infidel'. I ain't buying it from you either.

So are you going to put another layer of paint on that rotting siding again this summer? :)

Yeah, I can see you don't buy into all that 'stuff' that Jesus supposedly said.

And nice way to stay with the topic.
Oh, look, another LIE.

Some muslims use that same bullshit to attack Christians: 'turn the other cheek, infidel'. I ain't buying it from you either.

So are you going to put another layer of paint on that rotting siding again this summer? :)

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...

I offered you a heartfelt private apology in an email sent in response to YOUR creepy, stalking, obsessive, harassing email sent to my place of employment. I apologized AND I forgive you for the terrible insults made to me and my family. You claim to be a Christian, but I don't believe it. If you were, you'd act like it. I don't expect you to forgive, because I don't believe you have any faith, but I still can be hopeful and am.

and the photo you post is old... since then, the house has been repainted, the roof replaced, and the landscaping has been partially redone. I had been concentrating previously on interior and system improvements like insulation, installing all new windows, chimmney lining, kitchen remodeling, and a new furnace... now I can focus on the exterior... not much more left to do before putting it on the market and heading south.