The Two Basic Types of Liberal

actually... my previous post above IS the response. You act like a little boy. That's a fact. For all I know, you probably ARE one.:cof1:
So your response is to change the subject and to make a childish insult. How ironic.

After paying wicked heating bills this winter keeping that rat hole above freezing you must be glad that "Summer" is around the corner and just over the next "Bridge".
So your response is to change the subject and to make a childish insult. How ironic.

change the subject? ROFLMFAO! I have not changed the subject. YOU are the one who has brought up ancient history. YOU are the one who is the obsessive internet stalker who seeks out my address and my email address and sends me harassing emails at my workplace. I would suggest that YOU are the one being childish here.

But in all the years I have had the misfortune of being on boards with you, I have NEVER seen you ever show one ounce of maturity OR humility... I certainly have no expectation of your changing at this point.
I try to balance humility with immaturity. The only people I personally attack are like Watermark and Grind (its really just playful humor, though), Topspin, Asshate, and Canadian Child, all for obvious reasons.

Hope its worked out for everyone so far. :clink:
I try to balance humility with immaturity. The only people I personally attack are like Watermark and Grind (its really just playful humor, though), Topspin, Asshate, and Canadian Child, all for obvious reasons.

Hope its worked out for everyone so far. :clink:

I think you've been very measured, relatively speaking. ;)
change the subject? ROFLMFAO! I have not changed the subject. YOU are the one who has brought up ancient history. YOU are the one who is the obsessive internet stalker who seeks out my address and my email address and sends me harassing emails at my workplace. I would suggest that YOU are the one being childish here.

But in all the years I have had the misfortune of being on boards with you, I have NEVER seen you ever show one ounce of maturity OR humility... I certainly have no expectation of your changing at this point.
To you: ancient history; for me: defense of my family. Most would argue that insulting a man's family members in a sexual disgusting way, as you and your man-wife have done, is childish. I have done nothing that I regret, have you?
To you: ancient history; for me: defense of my family. Most would argue that insulting a man's family members in a sexual disgusting way, as you and your man-wife have done, is childish. I have done nothing that I regret, have you?

I have told you publicly and privately in my response to the harassing email you sent to my work place that I regretted implying anything untoward about you and your sons. Have YOU ever made similar statements to me about regretting the insulting things you said to me about my deceased father? Of course not. You don't play that way... it is all about immature, self absorbed conceited creepy internet bullying from you...24/7. But as I said, I really have come to expect nothing more from you... that really is the sum total of your shtick. That's all you got. "shrug"
Southern man is gayer than clay akin wearing crocs. Fuck you and your redneck family. Get a bigger trailor home already. Your gonna say someone has a man- wife while at the same time ask to not have your baby rednecks mocked. LOFL
I have told you publicly and privately in my response to the harassing email you sent to my work place that I regretted implying anything untoward about you and your sons. Have YOU ever made similar statements to me about regretting the insulting things you said to me about my deceased father? Of course not. You don't play that way... it is all about immature, self absorbed conceited creepy internet bullying from you...24/7. But as I said, I really have come to expect nothing more from you... that really is the sum total of your shtick. That's all you got. "shrug"
Here are the facts:
1. You lost an argument, so responded by attacking my son in a disgusting sexual way.
2. I asked you to apologize, you first denied the accusation, repeated the insult numerous times, then when called on it by others, you simply refused to apologize.
3. I finally resorted to insulting your father, to give you a taste of your own medicine. I again asked you to apologize, agreeing that I would as well, after you did. We both did as agreed.
4. After a short period of time, you lost another argument so again attacked my son in a disgusting sexual way. You again denied it. You again, after pressed by others, finally admitted it.
5. I have turned the other cheek only to get my second and final one slapped. Your response is to turn it "7 times 70 times".
6. You then developed several aliases on several boards. As "moderate democrat" at debatepolicy, you again attacked my son in a disgusting sexual way, using, by your own definition, "code words" to remind me of your earlier insults.
7. Similar patterns of below the belt insults by you have been repeated on other posters: you described a fantasy gang-rape of a fellow poster’s daughter. You publicly wished for another fellow poster’s cancer to kill him. These are just the tip of the iceberg.

Your new accusation of me being "childish" is incredible ironic, based on the lengthy pattern of your own behavior.
Southern man is gayer than clay akin wearing crocs. Fuck you and your redneck family. Get a bigger trailor home already. Your gonna say someone has a man- wife while at the same time ask to not have your baby rednecks mocked. LOFL

1. Why do liberals always use "gay" as an insult?
2. The Southern Man does not live in a trailer; in fact owns a large all brick home in a protected neighborhood, as well as a second timber framed "cabin" in a beautiful mountain region that he built with his own hands. Nor does he belittle those less fortunate.
Here are the facts:
1. You lost an argument, so responded by attacking my son in a disgusting sexual way.
2. I asked you to apologize, you first denied the accusation, repeated the insult numerous times, then when called on it by others, you simply refused to apologize.
3. I finally resorted to insulting your father, to give you a taste of your own medicine. I again asked you to apologize, agreeing that I would as well, after you did. We both did as agreed.
4. After a short period of time, you lost another argument so again attacked my son in a disgusting sexual way. You again denied it. You again, after pressed by others, finally admitted it.
5. I have turned the other cheek only to get my second and final one slapped. Your response is to turn it "7 times 70 times".
6. You then developed several aliases on several boards. As "moderate democrat" at debatepolicy, you again attacked my son in a disgusting sexual way, using, by your own definition, "code words" to remind me of your earlier insults.
7. Similar patterns of below the belt insults by you have been repeated on other posters: you described a fantasy gang-rape of a fellow poster’s daughter. You publicly wished for another fellow poster’s cancer to kill him. These are just the tip of the iceberg.

Your new accusation of me being "childish" is incredible ironic, based on the lengthy pattern of your own behavior.

not facts. your opinions only. It is certainly a fact that I have apologized to you publicly and privately. It is certainly a fact that you have never apologized to me in any way. I have no expectation that you will ever do so. As I said... being a tough internet bully, and a creepy stalker is really about all you do. We're done, I guess.
not facts. your opinions only. It is certainly a fact that I have apologized to you publicly and privately. It is certainly a fact that you have never apologized to me in any way. I have no expectation that you will ever do so. As I said... being a tough internet bully, and a creepy stalker is really about all you do. We're done, I guess.
I have documentation of all the facts that I have presented. Do you really want to go there? :)
Southern Man, you take this shit way too seriously.

You need to lighten up, son.
The Southern Man is not about to take advice from someone who follows willingly in the footsteps of "maineman".

LMAO! I am not following in anyone's footsteps.

You made a comment about not being able to convince me to put my dick away if it was 40 below, and I made a joke about your wife keeping it warm.

And you go freakin ballistic.

Its the internet. This is an open forum. You need thicker skin or you need a new hobby.

If those are the worst things that have been said to you, you have been lucky.
LMAO! I am not following in anyone's footsteps...
Here are the facts:
1. You lost an argument, so responded by attacking my wife in a disgusting sexual way.
2. I asked you to apologize, you first denied the accusation, repeated the insult numerous times, then when called on it by others, you simply refused to apologize.

Looks amazing like maineman's method of operation.
Here are the facts:
1. You lost an argument, so responded by attacking my wife in a disgusting sexual way.
2. I asked you to apologize, you first denied the accusation, repeated the insult numerous times, then when called on it by others, you simply refused to apologize.

Looks amazing like maineman's method of operation.

The fact that you keep saying I lost an argument is not a fact. It was a discussion about the future of political parties. Unless you have some magical crystal ball, we were all speaking our opinions.

I did indeed make an insulting joke. And I am not worried about it. Nor have I lost sleep over it.

The point I am making is that you take this shit too seriously. Lighten up.
The fact that you keep saying I lost an argument is not a fact. It was a discussion about the future of political parties. Unless you have some magical crystal ball, we were all speaking our opinions.

I did indeed make an insulting joke. And I am not worried about it. Nor have I lost sleep over it.

The point I am making is that you take this shit too seriously. Lighten up.

Your man-wife resorts to the "opinion" thing as well. Your opinion is not founded on fact.

As I said before, shut the fuck up about my wife on the internet or come up here and say it to my face.
Your man-wife resorts to the "opinion" thing as well. Your opinion is not founded on fact.

As I said before, shut the fuck up about my wife on the internet or come up here and say it to my face.

Yeah, its a shame with other people have differing opinions, isn't it? My opinion is very well grounded in facts.

lol Lighten up, junior. Its not that serious. I wouldn't let your wife keep my dick warm. Is that better?

Or come to Chattanooga. Its lovely this time of year.
Yeah, its a shame with other people have differing opinions, isn't it? My opinion is very well grounded in facts.

lol Lighten up, junior. Its not that serious. I wouldn't let your wife keep my dick warm. Is that better?

Or come to Chattanooga. Its lovely this time of year.
Fuck you asshole. You already volunteered to come up and show me how much man you are, then wussed out and now want me to come see you. Don't work that way.

You're just pissed because you admitted publicly that you commit sodomy on your wife, she sucking your dick. My what a healthy relationship. Perhaps we should get your daughter involved in this conversation as well. I recall you posting her picture- that means she's open game, right?
Fuck you asshole. You already volunteered to come up and show me how much man you are, then wussed out and now want me to come see you. Don't work that way.

You're just pissed because you admitted publicly that you commit sodomy on your wife, she sucking your dick. My what a healthy relationship. Perhaps we should get your daughter involved in this conversation as well. I recall you posting her picture- that means she's open game, right?


Now this is a prime example of why I tell you to lighten up.

I said I would let you know when I was coming back to your area. And I will. If you demand something sooner, then you do the driving.


Yes, quite a healthy relationship.

Are you saying that anyone who engages in oral sex in their marriage has an unhealthy relationship??