The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever


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Why is it Democrats do not want to lower the debt. It must be done soon or we will become a very poor country

The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever on Monday, crossing a critical milestone at a time when government spending is already under scrutiny.

The national debt — which measures what the U.S. owes its creditors — surged to roughly $33.04 trillion as of Monday afternoon, according to the latest numbers published by the Treasury Department. By comparison, just four decades ago, the national debt hovered around $907 billion.

"The United States has hit a new milestone that no one will be proud of: our gross national debt just surpassed $33 trillion," said Maya MacGuineas, the president of CRFB. "Debt held by the public, meanwhile, recently surpassed $26 trillion. We are becoming numb to these huge numbers, but it doesn’t make them any less dangerous."The unrelenting increase is what prompted Fitch Ratings to issue a surprise downgrade of the nation's long-term credit score in early August. The agency cut the U.S. debt by one notch, snatching away its pristine AAA rating in exchange for an AA+ grade. In making the decision, Fitch cited alarm over the country's deteriorating finances and expressed concerns over the government's ability to address the ballooning debt burden amid sharp political divisions.

"This is a warning shot across the U.S. government's bow that it needs to right its fiscal ship," Sean Snaith, an economist at the University of Central Florida, told FOX Business. "You can't just spend trillions of dollars more than you have in revenue every year and expect no ill consequences."

The outlook for the federal debt level is bleak, with economists increasingly sounding the alarm over the torrid pace of spending by Congress and the White House.

The latest findings from the Congressional Budget Office indicate that the national debt will nearly double in size over the next three decades. At the end of 2022, the national debt grew to about 97% of gross domestic product. Under current law, that figure is expected to skyrocket to 181% at the end of 2053 — a debt burden that will far exceed any previous level.
Americans are exceptionally unprepared for the economic hardships they will face, and it looks like they will have to do it under a the brutal anti-human regime known as WOKE.
Peter Hitchens has been telling Brits that the nation is in collapse, that if people can get out they should do it now, he does not really know where they should go but there is no future in staying.

The situation is the same in America.
You blame Democrats after Trump ran up $8 trillion in deficits? Two Republican presidents, including GWB, accounted for close to half of our total deficits

correcting your stupidity doesn't seem to help....a third isn't that close to a half....
quick question......if Biden has had a $6T deficit in three years what do you expect his deficit will be in four?........
hmmm.....$10T from 2008 to 2016, $5T in 2020, and $6T from 2020 to 2023.......
two demmycrat presidents plus the one year Nancy controlled the House under Trump account for $21T of the $33T.......what is that percentage again?......
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correcting your stupidity doesn't seem to help....a third isn't that close to a half....
quick question......if Biden has had a $6T deficit in three years what do you expect his deficit will be in four?........
hmmm.....$10T from 2008 to 2016, $5T in 2020, and $6T from 2020 to 2023.......
two demmycrat presidents plus the one year Nancy controlled the House under Trump account for $21T of the $33T.......what is that percentage again?......

Let's address your bull shit one final time. Trump in four years never once vetoed a single spending bill. The deficits are all on him.
Biden does not have a 3 year deficit of $6 trillion!
Let's address your bull shit one final time. Trump in four years never once vetoed a single spending bill. The deficits are all on him.
Biden does not have a 3 year deficit of $6 trillion!

1) Obama and Biden had the same veto power....but as I recall, the vote for the Covid budget was veto proof.....
2) the deficit when he took over was $26.95T, it just topped $33T.....what is his deficit so far?......
1) as I recall, Obama and Biden had the same veto power....
2) the deficit when he took over was $26.95T, it just topped $33T.....what is his deficit so far?......

We are discussing the Trump deficits of $8 trillion. You're kind every opportunity to reduce these deficits during Trumps first two years. Trump was the man who promised to balance the budget!
We are discussing the Trump deficits of $8 trillion. You're kind every opportunity to reduce these deficits during Trumps first two years. Trump was the man who promised to balance the budget!

actually the OP was about O'Biden's're the one trying to change the topic......I just corrected your math errors......
actually the OP was about O'Biden's're the one trying to change the topic......

Trumps deficits went up each of his 4 years to 3.2 trillion in his last year. Biden has reduced those deficits to 2.7 trillion in his first year and 1.8 trillion in his second. They dont disappear overnight.
Trumps deficits went up each of his 4 years to 3.2 trillion in his last year. Biden has reduced those deficits to 2.7 trillion in his first year and 1.8 trillion in his second. They dont disappear overnight. can play with numbers anyway you like, but it doesn't change the total......
Correct, an $8 trillion deficit from the man who promised to balance the budget, DJT.

Agreed. Let's not forget the Republican who greatly increased the size of the US government, signed the Patriot Act and blew a Trillion taxpayer dollars in Iraq:

you can't face the truth about the $33T deficit........

I have already pointed out the truth. Bush and Trump have been responsible for almost half of the national debt.Not once in trumps 4 years did the republicans make an attempt to reduce spending, reduce the national debt. It only happens when we have a Democrat in the WH.
Agreed. Let's not forget the Republican who greatly increased the size of the US government, signed the Patriot Act and blew a Trillion taxpayer dollars in Iraq:


Under the trump presidency the number of government employees rose to a record high of 3.1 million. Trump promised to "drain the swamp".