The Undeniable Symbols Of liberal Racism.

philly rabbit

Verified User
How can liberals maintain that they are not racists and be believable with these images of evidence that they are indeed racists?




Why did liberals create a black underclass in this country by turning their neighborhoods into dump hole ghettos and giving blacks lousy education if they are not racists?

How indeed do they defend themselves otherwise?
How can liberals maintain that they are not racists and be believable with these images of evidence that they are indeed racists?




Why did liberals create a black underclass in this country by turning their neighborhoods into dump hole ghettos and giving blacks lousy education if they are not racists?

How indeed do they defend themselves otherwise?

Wow...that's such a sad picture of the Irish slums in New York c. 1900.

How dare those Irishmen and women deprive their children of an education and life?
Wow...that's such a sad picture of the Irish slums in New York c. 1900.

How dare those Irishmen and women deprive their children of an education and life?

Your analogy is laughable.

The Irish weren't brought here against their will in chains, they were poor when they arrived and lived where they could afford to in inner city poor neighborhoods. The Irish faced discrimination and sometimes violent discrimination but they fought their way through all that without any liberals trying to help them and created their own working class neighborhoods then eventually through hard work, made their way into the middle class.

Their neighborhoods weren't destroyed by violent leftists then rebuilt into public housing areas after their tax base was eliminated.

You're obviously another victim of compulsory education and you offer no alternative explanation as to why people were deliberately kept as a group and kept impoverished on purpose.
Your analogy is laughable.

The Irish weren't brought here against their will in chains, they were poor when they arrived and lived where they could afford to in inner city poor neighborhoods. The Irish faced discrimination and sometimes violent discrimination but they fought their way through all that without any liberals trying to help them and created their own working class neighborhoods then eventually through hard work, made their way into the middle class.

Their neighborhoods weren't destroyed by violent leftists then rebuilt into public housing areas after their tax base was eliminated.

You're obviously another victim of compulsory education and you offer no alternative explanation as to why people were deliberately kept as a group and kept impoverished on purpose.

Your perspective is narrow. Cabrini-Green in Chicago, for example, was part of the urban renewal projects in America 60-70 years ago. It didn't start out as a ghetto. Furthermore, the neighborhood was more affluent when the housing was built. Poverty and organized crime played a big part in the downfall of C-G.
Your analogy is laughable.

The Irish weren't brought here against their will in chains, they were poor when they arrived and lived where they could afford to in inner city poor neighborhoods. The Irish faced discrimination and sometimes violent discrimination but they fought their way through all that without any liberals trying to help them and created their own working class neighborhoods then eventually through hard work, made their way into the middle class.

Their neighborhoods weren't destroyed by violent leftists then rebuilt into public housing areas after their tax base was eliminated.

You're obviously another victim of compulsory education and you offer no alternative explanation as to why people were deliberately kept as a group and kept impoverished on purpose.

The irish were not brought over as slaves, this is true. They also had no value whatsoever. There are numerous mentions of using them for levee building and roofing instead of using slaves, since the work was so dangerous. The irish had to work their way up to being black.
The irish were not brought over as slaves, this is true. They also had no value whatsoever. There are numerous mentions of using them for levee building and roofing instead of using slaves, since the work was so dangerous. The irish had to work their way up to being black.

The Irish were, for all intents and purposes, slaves. Brought to this country to do the work nobody else wanted to do. Just like black before them, they fafed discrimination, bigotry and enforced ignorance.

Look up the term "black Irish".

This country has always fed iff the downtrodden, we only care now about the white ones.
Your perspective is narrow. Cabrini-Green in Chicago, for example, was part of the urban renewal projects in America 60-70 years ago. It didn't start out as a ghetto. Furthermore, the neighborhood was more affluent when the housing was built. Poverty and organized crime played a big part in the downfall of C-G.

Who burned down America's cities and scared white business owners out of town and to the suburbs?

And with them went the jobs of blacks that maintained their neighborhoods and with those jobs went the tax base that maintained those black neighborhoods.

Thus creating the crime infested, drug infested ghettos for blacks and maintained by progressives for decades.

So how does this not describe racism on the part of liberals who supported these urban projects with other people's tax dollars and kept supporting them as the inner city's urban decay continued, the same liberals years ago who supported the black activists who were behind the destruction of black neighborhoods by violent means being performed by blacks themselves and illegal Hispanics.

Rotting ghettos just don't appear out of the thin air. They replace former neighborhoods when their tax base dries up due to unemployment.
The Irish were, for all intents and purposes, slaves. Brought to this country to do the work nobody else wanted to do. Just like black before them, they fafed discrimination, bigotry and enforced ignorance.

Look up the term "black Irish".

This country has always fed iff the downtrodden, we only care now about the white ones.

There never were any progressive social welfare programs that came anywhere near the great society started by LBJ for the Irish or any other European ethnic group.
The Irish were, for all intents and purposes, slaves. Brought to this country to do the work nobody else wanted to do. Just like black before them, they fafed discrimination, bigotry and enforced ignorance.

Look up the term "black Irish".

This country has always fed iff the downtrodden, we only care now about the white ones.

March 04, 2001
In an interview taped for "Fox News Sunday," Robert Byrd, 83, top Senate Democrat,

was asked about race relations in the United States. He said, "There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time"

I wonder if he was talking about the Irish.
Who burned down America's cities and scared white business owners out of town and to the suburbs?

And with them went the jobs of blacks that maintained their neighborhoods and with those jobs went the tax base that maintained those black neighborhoods.

Thus creating the crime infested, drug infested ghettos for blacks and maintained by progressives for decades.

So how does this not describe racism on the part of liberals who supported these urban projects with other people's tax dollars and kept supporting them as the inner city's urban decay continued, the same liberals years ago who supported the black activists who were behind the destruction of black neighborhoods by violent means being performed by blacks themselves and illegal Hispanics.

Rotting ghettos just don't appear out of the thin air. They replace former neighborhoods when their tax base dries up due to unemployment.

Man, are you wasting your're never gonna get the liberal left to own up to what their social engineering has done or temp them
to put any responsibility for anything on blacks....its gotta be the fault of the white man and nothing else....
There never were any progressive social welfare programs that came anywhere near the great society started by LBJ for the Irish or any other European ethnic group.

You are so full of shit I can smell it through my laptop. I understand you haven't been here long after being booted from Stormfront, but let me advise you right now you're dealing with myself and others on this forum. We have more smart in our little toes than you do in your little dick.

In the course of these duties, the Committee members became aware of how difficult life was in all too many of the Italian neighborhoods of New York City. They discovered that untold thousands of people struggled with endless poverty, family hardship, language barriers and a lack of education. Clearly, the temporary emergency work of the Red Cross was not enough. Somehow, some way a permanent organization would have to come into existence – one fully dedicated to the Italian communities of New York City. This led to the historic meeting of May 1920 out of which the Italian Welfare League emerged. The new organization was committed to ministering to the needs of both Italian New Yorkers and their families and immigrants just off the boat from Italy. Although the League was predominantly a woman’s society, the prominent New York banker Lionello Perera (1873-1942), played a crucial role in setting it on its feet. Other founding members included Margherita de Vecchi (1887-1965), Paola Berizzi (1880-1980), Elizabeth T. Bava (1869-1966), and Perera’s wife, Carolina Allen Perera (1883-1966) who, from 1920 until 1942, served as the League’s first president.

The formation of the League came at a most crucial time for Italians. Anti-immigrant feeling was riding high in the United States. The Red Scare and the resurgence of a virulently anti-Catholic Ku Klux Klan demonstrated the starkness of the situation. In addition, federal legislation severely limiting European immigration to the United States would be adopted in 1921 and 1924. Another powerful trend that put severe pressure on the foreign-born was the potent “Americanization Movement,” which demanded that immigrants conform to Anglo-Saxon social norms, especially by speaking the English language, obtaining U.S. citizenship and adopting the manners and customs of Protestant America.

Sounds a lot like what blacks face today, doesn't it bigot?

Nativism, a political and social movement that pits native-born Americans (themselves descendants of earlier immigrants) against newer arrivals, has been a persistent theme in American history. The movement was particularly strong during the mid-nineteenth century during the massive influx of Irish Catholics escaping famine in Europe. These Irish immigrants were persecuted by native Protestants fearing political domination by the Roman pope.

These religious quarrels often ended in violence. In Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1834, a mob burned the Ursuline convent in the belief that the nuns had kidnapped young women and were forcing them into the Roman Catholic sisterhood. In 1844 a series of riots in Philadelphia between Catholic and Protestant workers left many dead and injured and resulted in extensive destruction of property. This xenophobia, directed against the Germans and other "foreigners" as well as the Irish, culminated in formation of the Know-Nothing Party, a political organization that attempted to influence the elections of 1854 and 1855 but ultimately declined as the nation headed toward Civil War.
Where are all these idiots coming from?

USF must have spread the word on the bus.

You are so full of shit I can smell it through my laptop. I understand you haven't been here long after being booted from Stormfront, but let me advise you right now you're dealing with myself and others on this forum. We have more smart in our little toes than you do in your little dick.
I don't know, they're probably Stormfront rejects. One thing I do know is they're all dumb as shit. I mean, really...using a college paper as a source?

wow....what examples of how the left uses their lack of intelligence to refute the facts of a post......nothing short of astounding.
Liberals” aren’t racist, leftist are racist. The only thing liberal about the left is their liberal extortion of America’s taxpayers to further their vote buying scams with other people’s money.

The constitutionalist/libertarians, (small l), are the only TRUE liberals who protect and defend the very liberal Constitution’s Bill Of Rights. They are also the only TRUE conservatives that actually truly believe in LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

All the evidence one really needs to prove that the left are the racist is to look at the leftist Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton and their socialist allies of every race who hate white people and or capitalism, extort, brainwash and rob folks of their own race of their self-reliance and incentive to keep them in poverty by convincing them that they’re victims and need to vote for the vote buying, socialist neo-communist Democrats who keep them enslaved to the pittance of government reliance and enslave middle American’s to the financing of the socialist political racket.
Yep, standing on their roofs in duh projects.

If you lived in a below sea level area almost surrounded by water and a monster storm was aimed directly at you and headed your way, wouldn't you take the initiative to get out of Dodge as fast as possible?

...... or would you stay right where you're at waiting for the government to tell you what to do next.