The Undeniable Symbols Of liberal Racism.

I don't know, they're probably Stormfront rejects. One thing I do know is they're all dumb as shit. I mean, really...using a college paper as a source?

Personal insults do not hide the fact that you supported governmental programs that turned blacks in America into a permanent underclass and shortened black males lives to about 20 years of age by death or imprisonment for years.

So if you didn't support this for any other reason other than the fact that you wanted to keep urban blacks ignorant and as a dependent group for the sake of power politics then why did you keep supporting what was happening?
Personal insults do not hide the fact that you supported governmental programs that turned blacks in America into a permanent underclass and shortened black males lives to about 20 years of age by death or imprisonment for years.

So if you didn't support this for any other reason other than the fact that you wanted to keep urban blacks ignorant and as a dependent group for the sake of power politics then why did you keep supporting what was happening?
The Democrat party are the modern-day slavemasters.
If you lived in a below sea level area almost surrounded by water and a monster storm was aimed directly at you and headed your way, wouldn't you take the initiative to get out of Dodge as fast as possible?

They couldn't dumbfuck racist.

Personal insults do not hide the fact that you supported governmental programs that turned blacks in America into a permanent underclass and shortened black males lives to about 20 years of age by death or imprisonment for years.

So if you didn't support this for any other reason other than the fact that you wanted to keep urban blacks ignorant and as a dependent group for the sake of power politics then why did you keep supporting what was happening?

A far more cohesive argument could be said that the rape of government programs to assist inner city schoolchildren, such as pre-school, after school, and dietary programs had a far more devastating effect on their development, and that of poor white children who outnumber them, over the years.

Consequently, we have gangs of mullet-wearing, pants on the ground, meth-addicted white wiggers roaming the streets of every single metropolis in our country.
March 04, 2001
In an interview taped for "Fox News Sunday," Robert Byrd, 83, top Senate Democrat,

was asked about race relations in the United States. He said, "There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time"

I wonder if he was talking about the Irish.

Funny, I do not remember a huge outcry over this from the liberal community. Oh... that is right. Byrd was a Democrat so his use of the word "nigger" and his belonging to the KKK were acceptable.
They couldn't dumbfuck racist.

A far more cohesive argument could be said that the rape of government programs to assist inner city schoolchildren, such as pre-school, after school, and dietary programs had a far more devastating effect on their development, and that of poor white children who outnumber them, over the years.

Consequently, we have gangs of mullet-wearing, pants on the ground, meth-addicted white wiggers roaming the streets of every single metropolis in our country.

So you are saying that blacks need more gobblement help than whites? It would seem that you believe that they are inferior somehow to whites. Sounds like racism to me. And from a gerbil lovin queer like you that is shameful you racist
They couldn't dumbfuck racist.

A far more cohesive argument could be said that the rape of government programs to assist inner city schoolchildren, such as pre-school, after school, and dietary programs had a far more devastating effect on their development, and that of poor white children who outnumber them, over the years.

Consequently, we have gangs of mullet-wearing, pants on the ground, meth-addicted white wiggers roaming the streets of every single metropolis in our country.

What do you mean they couldn't?

Exactly what was stopping them?
Liberals” aren’t racist, leftist are racist. The only thing liberal about the left is their liberal extortion of America’s taxpayers to further their vote buying scams with other people’s money.

The constitutionalist/libertarians, (small l), are the only TRUE liberals who protect and defend the very liberal Constitution’s Bill Of Rights. They are also the only TRUE conservatives that actually truly believe in LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

All the evidence one really needs to prove that the left are the racist is to look at the leftist Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton and their socialist allies of every race who hate white people and or capitalism, extort, brainwash and rob folks of their own race of their self-reliance and incentive to keep them in poverty by convincing them that they’re victims and need to vote for the vote buying, socialist neo-communist Democrats who keep them enslaved to the pittance of government reliance and enslave middle American’s to the financing of the socialist political racket.

wow your a real nutter.

Dude what the racist fools like you dont understand is black people vote for the same reasons any voter votes.

They vote for what they see as the Best interest of themselves and their country.

The Democratic party has many black people IN POWER positions in which they help make the platform.

The racists like you ALWAYS see black people on the outside of everything.

That is why you concoct the idiot lie that all black voters are just fools who get pushed arround by others.

YOU cant even grasp that the democratic partys TOP position is occupied by a black man.

Hey fucking idiot.

My party is run by black people.

Your lie that we just drag them along because they are so lazy and stupid outs your racism
The irish were not brought over as slaves, this is true. They also had no value whatsoever. There are numerous mentions of using them for levee building and roofing instead of using slaves, since the work was so dangerous. The irish had to work their way up to being black.
My great, great, great grandfather worked on the Miami-Erie Canal where, because he was Irish, was paid a dollar a day and a bottle of whisky.
How can liberals maintain that they are not racists and be believable with these images of evidence that they are indeed racists?




Why did liberals create a black underclass in this country by turning their neighborhoods into dump hole ghettos and giving blacks lousy education if they are not racists?

How indeed do they defend themselves otherwise?
Interesting that you should rail against "liberal racism" when your using, as your avatar, a founder of the KKK and the symbol of racial bigotry, the Confederate flag.
They vote for what they see as the Best interest of themselves and their country.

So you are saying that black people think it is in their best interest to

Have the highest illigitimacy rate?
Have the highest dropout rate?
Have the highest incarceration rate
Have the highest rate if unemployment
Have the highest poverty rate
Have the lowest graduation rate?

Hell if this is what they are voting for why did they even want the right to vote to begin with?