The United States of Fascist America

Wikipedia describes fascism as, "A far right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, central autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."

The definition is mostly correct, except for the first words, claiming fascism is a "far right" ideology. Hitler was considered a fascist but his party, contrary to the political science experts (disguised as journalists), were far left. The Nazi Party is the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Note the name "Socialist," an ideology of the left, not the right.

Another famous fascist, Benito Mussolini claimed "Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power."

The Twitter files reveal the federal government took control of big tech and social media giants to control free speech and dissent. It was more than the Biden administration pressuring Twitter. The FBI had weekly meetings with social media corporations to warn them of "Russian interference" or "hack and leak operations," which they knew very well were nothing of the sort.

The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story found that 16% of Biden voters would have voted differently if that story was not suppressed by media, and big tech. And it wasn't just the FBI, but also the Department of Homeland Security that helped to suppress the laptop story.

Blacklists, shadow banning, censoring, cancelling, visibility filtering of Republicans/Conservatives are all being exposed by Elon Musk's Twitter files--which I'm quite sure are only being viewed on FOX TV. No surprise there as the Left media outlets have devoted 0 minutes to this most disturbing and anti American corruption.

If this OP isn't the perfect definition of today's liberal fascism, then I suggest you head-in-the-sand libs who remain clueless read Jonah Goldberg's book, titled "LIBERAL FASCISM" so as to help you get a grasp of just how dangerous the democrat Party has become, and in my opinion--has always been.

Mussolini's claim that "Fascism" is the merger of corporate and government power perfectly fits in with the Left's fusing of these high tech firms, social media, and the FBI with their (Biden's) authoritarian one-party rule government as being daily exposed by Musk's Twitter files.

Wiki is for people who know nothing.
In short, fascism is the legacy of Eurocentrism (imperialism). National Socialism comes precisely from the Prussian imperial totalitarian state. The word fascism comes from fascia, these are the attributes of lictors, servants of the Etruscan kings who destroyed Latin Rome and created an empire. Americanism is anti-fascism. America is the source of the Revolution against Europe and its imperialism
Slave Europe against free America, the New Order (dollar symbols) against the Old Order of pre-revolutionary Europe - this is fascism against Freedom. Communism is also a form of fascism. Democrats and Trumpists are fascists. Traditional Republicans are anti-fascists
Wikipedia describes fascism as, "A far right,

European scammers manipulate the word "right". The European right (including the Trumpists) does not match the American right. The Europeans "conserved" the Old Imperial Order, and the Americans their revolutionary New Order of the Anti-Empire. In Europe, the concept of the American right corresponds to the concept of neoconservatism, it was in Europe during the Reagan era
European liberalism, conservatism and communism are forms of fascism. A totalitarian state is an empire. Empire is what the American Revolution won - for the first time in the world. The American right (not Trumpists) are anti-fascists.

Trump is not fascist. He is a conservative.
Slave Europe against free America, the New Order (dollar symbols) against the Old Order of pre-revolutionary Europe - this is fascism against Freedom. Communism is also a form of fascism. Democrats and Trumpists are fascists. Traditional Republicans are anti-fascists

Communism is not fascism. Trump is not a fascist. Trump is a conservative.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Communism is government ownership of markets.

Both are forms of socialism.
If you want to discuss European politics, you might prefer a site for that.

I discuss American politics. Trump is a European conservative - counter-revolutionary and Eurocentric. American conservatives are revolutionaries and Americanists, Antieurocentric. Like Jefferson, Monroe, Reagan.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the Star-Spangled Banner, in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.