The View’s Joy Behar Says Young WHITE Males Buying 50 Rounds of Ammo Should Be Reported

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Most shootings are done by black men but to this racist that doesn't matter. She should be fired but nothing will be done to her. The press cheers anti-white racism.

july 28 2024
Behar shared, “According to a CNN report, a senior law enforcement official said that [the would-be assassin] bought 50 rounds of ammunition from a local gun store hours before the rally.”

She then suggested, “Shouldn’t that have been reported? Somebody buys 50, a 20-year-old white guy, I mean we’ve seen that many times now. Young white men with guns, and nobody reported that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition.”

There will be huge rewards to them who turn in others for violation of Revolution commands on guns. These people who say that they will lie and keep their guns have no idea what is coming.....if they do that their friends and family will be hit under the theory that they either knew or should have known, and failed to alert the authorities.
Be very sure that kids in the WOKE schools will be asked if there are any guns around their family, who do they know who has guns....they who have been taught since pre-school that it is their duty to the safety of all to report on their family.
The Revolution has now made the future they are driving for very clear......if you dont know then you are some combination of stupid and brainwashed.
50 rounds…LOL. That’s someone who is out of touch with reality and would like to make her out of touch notions law for us all.
50 rounds…LOL. That’s someone who is out of touch with reality and would like to make her out of touch notions law for us all.
Eventually all ammo will need a government permit to buy or hold, and making your own will be illegal with huge penalties.
The View’s Joy Behar Says Young WHITE Males Buying 50 Rounds of Ammo Should Be Reported
ANYBODY buying 50 rounds of Ammo or more should be reported.

Finger printed, photographed and ID'd.

White or black, male or female.
While eating bon bons.

Caught you on camera!
There will be huge rewards to them who turn in others for violation of Revolution commands on guns. These people who say that they will lie and keep their guns have no idea what is coming.....if they do that their friends and family will be hit under the theory that they either knew or should have known, and failed to alert the authorities.
American citizens have a trillion rounds of ammunition. Law abiding citizens.

The 2nd exists for just such a moment in time.
Just like a cowardly leftist. Hoping someone else will move in and fulfill his fantasies that he's too fucking weak to attempt.

Come get them yourself Nomad.

:rofl2: :lolup: I knew it!!!

Some big talking keyboard pussy would get triggered and end up sounding like a mach idiot.

Fuck you and your cousin/wife, tranny hick boy.
:rofl2: :lolup: I knew it!!!

Some big talking keyboard pussy would get triggered and end up sounding like a mach idiot.

Fuck you and your cousin/wife, tranny hick boy.
just saying if you want to confiscate ammo come get it yourself cunt
just saying if you want to confiscate ammo come get it yourself cunt
It's not my job and I have no legal authority, so I'll just let the law handle it.

But if I wanted to take yours, I could do it with no problem.

Because you're nothing but a cowardly, loud-mouthed pansy-ass, basement dwelling momma's boy.

You'd do nothing about either, other than crying like a baby.