The voter purge crisis

Oh please, all states allow absentee voting just in some you have to make up a reason like you will be out of town that day.

Simply go on your states website and request a ballot and give your reason.

They will send it to you in the mail.

It literally takes less than ten minutes.

Difficult when you are purged from the voting rolls, and then you of all people, handjob, have urged people, on multiple occasions not to vote by mail.
You will lie till the day you die.
Difficult when you are purged from the voting rolls, and then you of all people, handjob, have urged people, on multiple occasions not to vote by mail.
You will lie till the day you die.

No I haven't, I encourage everyone to vote by mail, I haven't been to a polling place in decades.

Once I lived in Oregon where everything is voting by mail I never went back.

Why do you lie so much about me?
I've always gone to my local polling place in person,
and on actual election day,
except when I was in the service.

It's not time consuming or inconvenient in my city,
and it's an item of consistency and continuation going back to a world that I once understood.

Still, I see absolutely nothing wrong with voting my mail for those who find it more convenient.

I would be skeptical of on-line voting given my opinion of the internet.
It's not a crisis, it's good management of records. The study linked in the OP says this in the introduction:

One of the most frequent reasons for purging, however, was “inactivity,” or
failure to respond to a confirmation notice and not voting in at least two
consecutive federal general elections. This reason accounted for more than
a quarter of all removals while 26.8% and 25.6% were for address change or
death of the registrant, respectively.2
Flawed voter purge practices–such as removals for inactivity or based on
inaccurate identification of felony status or citizenship status

Why shouldn't 'inactivity' be a reason? If you have a business license and aren't doing any business, many states will revoke it for inactivity. Banks may close an account for inactivity. Why should voting be any different?

Then there's the "...inaccurate identification of felony status or citizenship status."

On page 4 it discusses the felony status using a single anecdotal case from Arkansas where the Secretary of State asked for the removal of 50,000 voters due to felony convictions. About 8% (4000) turned out to be erroneous. That doesn't seem to be a crisis, just a bureaucratic error that could be improved on.

Then on page 5 they again use a single anecdotal case from Texas where the state sent 95,000 naturalized citizens a notice to demonstrate their citizenship. Without a shred of evidence, they then claim this would "likely have a chilling effect..." Why?

Then on page 11, they sum up all of these supposed unjust reasons for removal or questioning a voter's registration, and use that sum to claim that a number of red states are erroneously and gratuitously purging voter rolls. It's a bullshit conclusion based on a flawed methodology built purely on vague generalities using anecdote.

The rest of it just argues that every blue / Democrat / Leftist ploy to register voters and let people vote can be done in a secure manner. This too is just chock-a-block with vague generalities.

Of course, you have to realize Demos is a Leftist organization so the implicit bias in their study is understandable. The paper is worthless.
another dumbass conspiracy thread, hope you have your tinfoil hat on

Why are you against Americans being able to vote, Arbie? Do you hate democracy? Do you favor an authoritarian one-party state?

June 30, 2021
Seventeen states have enacted 28 new laws making it harder to vote
One of those is my state, one needs an ID to drive, fly, or go for medical service, why should voting be any different. WHy are democrats afraid of legitimacy?
can't purge dead people from rolls without liberals crying

can't ask for proof of identity without liberals crying

might as well rename you the big baby party
Tell them to vote by mail, there are no reasons needed in Ohio.

Frankly if they can't figure that out then they shouldn't be voting in the first place.

Why do you want Americans to not vote by setting up false barriers to voting?

Because you like fucking cheating Democracy
When you are purged from the voting rolls, it's hard to vote by mail. Then we see that not all states allow mail in voting, so try again.

As well as removing mail receptacles all over the nation like Trump had done

In my area there were for decades a line of mail boxes and a drive through to access them for people

Trumps Devos idiot had them removed

Right before an election

They have never been put back

This happened all over the nation
That happened to me as a Republican in a blue state. I refused to move from the line. They said I wasn't going to be allowed to vote because I wasnt "on the roll". Fuck that. The cop at the polling place came over. Showed him my ID. He told me to stay put. Some leftist whore went and called who she needed to but I finally voted. People were pissed having to wait but it was directed at the leftist whore. That was back when democrats still liked America. Stfu

Fucking liar
can't purge dead people from rolls without liberals crying

can't ask for proof of identity without liberals crying

might as well rename you the big baby party

Idiot lies that are proven lies with all the times the courts had to punish your dirt bag party for culling voters from the roles by trickery
Why was the Republican Party placed on a court order consent decree for decades due to their illegal practices to prevent legal voters from voting