The Wasilla Hillbillies


I’ve spent the past several days on the Alaskan blogs, where I found out days before it broke that Bristil Palin was pregnant, and a whole bunch of other stuff. What is amazing to me is that coming here is like falling through the looking glass. What is this, the Bedrock of the internet? Is Fred Flinstone powering this board by running on a conveyer belt of large rocks?

Sarah Palin is a pleasant person? She may be the next Ronald Reagan?

Wake up dumbasses! The talk is whether or not Palin is going to be on the ticket. It’s widely know she was a disastrous choice for VP, was not vetted (contrary to desperate claims otherwise from the McCain camp), and was a panic pick. She backfired. Now, the question is; Can McCain afford to boot her? The argument for that is, the election going forward with her on the ticket, will be all about Sarah Palin and the Wasilla Hillbillies Show. Contrary to what you fools apparently have heard on your homemade walkie talkies, Trooper gate is really serious, and “The Reformer”’s previous claims of Hold me accountable” and she had done nothing wrong and would welcome the investigation, are now, inoperative. Palin has obtained an attorney, which she is making the Alaskan taxpayers pay for (he is defending “the governor’s office” apparently being the catch), and this attorney has now said that they had no standing to even investigate her, and is attempting to stone wall the entire thing, probably until after nov 4th. Further, Palin has already been caught lying, by claiming that neither she, nor anyone from her office, had ever spoken with the public safety chief about her brother-in-law, no less pressured him. Again, those statements are now inoperative. Palin refused to turn over emails pertaining to this investigation, but sadly for her, the public safety chief involved, has the emails and they have been turned over to the investigator. Palin has also already been caught lying in her first public appearance on Friday when she said about the bridge to nowhere “I said thanks, but no thanks”. Not exactly since when she was running for governor she actually ran in favor of it, and guess what, but outside of BEDROCK, they keep records of those things. I mean, I can go on and on.

The argument against McCain dropping Sarah Eagleton – who the hell is going to sign onto this? I believe that Mitt Romney is wayyy too smart to get himself mixed up in this trainwreck at this point, especially since, let’s face it, he’s in very good position to be the 2012 Republican nominee. I don’t see how Pawlenty saves him. And the base, whose main concern over the person who would be one heart beat away are: How many children she has given birth to! (get these people off the voting rolls, please), love Palin, and this alone, would cause a possible meltdown. Though I haven’t seen this mentioned, it’s possible that Huckabee would take the spot, and he is also beloved by the religious right. That could be McCain’s out, but…he’s still left with admitting that his judgement and high-risk behavior are problematic, which is a really bad thing for someone running for President to admit.

I have no idea how this is going to come down, (I lean towards thinking that McCain is going to put his head down and charge full speed ahead like the deranged bull that he is, with Palin) but what is stunning is that, here in Bedrock, you people aren’t even aware of what the hell is going on! Sarah Palin should be given her own reality show, no doubt, but one heart beat away?! And here, the big discussion is; she seems niiceee, and, “is she the next Reagan”

Holy Shit!
The only one really saying "next Reagan" is Dixie; you have to check his post from 24 hours earlier, when he asked "what the hell was McCain thinking?", which I think reflects what many on the right think but refuse to say.

The pick is a disaster, and shows what kind of judgment we can expect from McCain.

Good to have you back, btw!
I’ve spent the past several days on the Alaskan blogs, where I found out days before it broke that Bristil Palin was pregnant, and a whole bunch of other stuff. What is amazing to me is that coming here is like falling through the looking glass. What is this, the Bedrock of the internet? Is Fred Flinstone powering this board by running on a conveyer belt of large rocks?

Sarah Palin is a pleasant person? She may be the next Ronald Reagan?

Wake up dumbasses! The talk is whether or not Palin is going to be on the ticket. It’s widely know she was a disastrous choice for VP, was not vetted (contrary to desperate claims otherwise from the McCain camp), and was a panic pick. She backfired. Now, the question is; Can McCain afford to boot her? The argument for that is, the election going forward with her on the ticket, will be all about Sarah Palin and the Wasilla Hillbillies Show. Contrary to what you fools apparently have heard on your homemade walkie talkies, Trooper gate is really serious, and “The Reformer”’s previous claims of Hold me accountable” and she had done nothing wrong and would welcome the investigation, are now, inoperative. Palin has obtained an attorney, which she is making the Alaskan taxpayers pay for (he is defending “the governor’s office” apparently being the catch), and this attorney has now said that they had no standing to even investigate her, and is attempting to stone wall the entire thing, probably until after nov 4th. Further, Palin has already been caught lying, by claiming that neither she, nor anyone from her office, had ever spoken with the public safety chief about her brother-in-law, no less pressured him. Again, those statements are now inoperative. Palin refused to turn over emails pertaining to this investigation, but sadly for her, the public safety chief involved, has the emails and they have been turned over to the investigator. Palin has also already been caught lying in her first public appearance on Friday when she said about the bridge to nowhere “I said thanks, but no thanks”. Not exactly since when she was running for governor she actually ran in favor of it, and guess what, but outside of BEDROCK, they keep records of those things. I mean, I can go on and on.

The argument against McCain dropping Sarah Eagleton – who the hell is going to sign onto this? I believe that Mitt Romney is wayyy too smart to get himself mixed up in this trainwreck at this point, especially since, let’s face it, he’s in very good position to be the 2012 Republican nominee. I don’t see how Pawlenty saves him. And the base, whose main concern over the person who would be one heart beat away are: How many children she has given birth to! (get these people off the voting rolls, please), love Palin, and this alone, would cause a possible meltdown. Though I haven’t seen this mentioned, it’s possible that Huckabee would take the spot, and he is also beloved by the religious right. That could be McCain’s out, but…he’s still left with admitting that his judgement and high-risk behavior are problematic, which is a really bad thing for someone running for President to admit.

I have no idea how this is going to come down, (I lean towards thinking that McCain is going to put his head down and charge full speed ahead like the deranged bull that he is, with Palin) but what is stunning is that, here in Bedrock, you people aren’t even aware of what the hell is going on! Sarah Palin should be given her own reality show, no doubt, but one heart beat away?! And here, the big discussion is; she seems niiceee, and, “is she the next Reagan”

Holy Shit!

Please, do promote this strategy within the DNC. Demean small town, blue collar workers as backwards "bedrock" residents. THAT should help the One win the vote of blue collar workers.

Funny comparing her to Eagleton... something tells me we won't be finding any psych visits in her background.

Good to also see that it is quite ok to viciously attack a female candidate when she is a Rep. I am sure there is no sexism involved from the male Dems who are spouting much of the same crap you are.

As for "lying"... do tell us... was Biden lying when he said Obama wasn't ready to be CIC? was Hillary? OR are they LYING now?
Since she was announced as the pick they were able to collect $10 million of the 47 Million they collected in August. I don't think that she is going to be thrown to the side any time soon.
Apparently, Alaskans are saying that no one from the GOP even asked them about Palin. The team that was sent to "vet" her didn't arrive in Alaska until a day before she was picked:

Sharp, sharp judgment from McCain. He said in the past year that he was aware of his age & health issues, and wanted to pick someone who would be ready to go if necessary.

This is Dan Quayle, the sequel...
As for Palin backfiring...

1) She seems to have solidified the conservative base, which is one of the things she was brought on the ticket to do.

2) She has every bit as much in terms of qualifications as the TOP of your ticket. So no matter how many times you trot out the "McCain is old and has had cancer" line... she is one heartbeat AWAY from being President. YOUR inexperienced candidate would be thrust right into the role with NO experience. He has spent two thirds of his time as Senator campaigning for President and the other third has been spent ducking any major issues that come along. Palin may not have much foreign policy experience, but neither does the One.
The only one really saying "next Reagan" is Dixie; you have to check his post from 24 hours earlier, when he asked "what the hell was McCain thinking?", which I think reflects what many on the right think but refuse to say.

The pick is a disaster, and shows what kind of judgment we can expect from McCain.

Good to have you back, btw!

you're just a sexist pig trying to demean women.

As for Palin backfiring...

1) She seems to have solidified the conservative base, which is one of the things she was brought on the ticket to do.

2) She has every bit as much in terms of qualifications as the TOP of your ticket. So no matter how many times you trot out the "McCain is old and has had cancer" line... she is one heartbeat AWAY from being President. YOUR inexperienced candidate would be thrust right into the role with NO experience. He has spent two thirds of his time as Senator campaigning for President and the other third has been spent ducking any major issues that come along. Palin may not have much foreign policy experience, but neither does the One.

Obama has been to over 20 countries since being elected Senator, and has sponsored legislation that will minimize the threat of nuclear terror.

Obama also went through an 18 month process of being evaluated & judged by millions & millions of voters, who collectively chose him after that time over a field of fairly qualified competitors. Palin was picked by McCain after a day of shoddy vetting because she's a she.
Now, the question is; Can McCain afford to boot her? The argument for that is, the election going forward with her on the ticket, will be all about Sarah Palin and the Wasilla Hillbillies Show. !

I think that is a plus for Mccain. He only has one answer for everything "I was a pow dammit and shut up loud talkers!" changing the subject to her is a better idea. And I think she will take a big chunk of the centrist white christian hillary bots.

And welcome back. I was a dick. I am a dick still, and I sort of apologized and that will just have to do.
There's nothing more reliable than the destructive self righteous traitorousness of women scorned to push the country firmly back into the clutches of the MORE fascist party.
Our system is set up to run on identity politics, that's why I guarantee my rationale is the one going on inside the mccain machine.
Obama has been to over 20 countries since being elected Senator, and has sponsored legislation that will minimize the threat of nuclear terror.

Obama also went through an 18 month process of being evaluated & judged by millions & millions of voters, who collectively chose him after that time over a field of fairly qualified competitors. Palin was picked by McCain after a day of shoddy vetting because she's a she.

As I stated, he does not have much foreign policy experience. His whirlwind tour around the world does not provide him with much experience.

Obama is running for PRESIDENT, so yes, voters are more familiar with him right now. That doesn't change one bit of the fact that he is inexperienced and has ducked damn near every major issue to hit the Senate since he got there. It doesn't change the fact that he hasn't done shit while in the Senate to suggest he is ready to lead.... no matter how many people got caught up in the hype of the One.
As I stated, he does not have much foreign policy experience. His whirlwind tour around the world does not provide him with much experience.

Obama is running for PRESIDENT, so yes, voters are more familiar with him right now. That doesn't change one bit of the fact that he is inexperienced and has ducked damn near every major issue to hit the Senate since he got there. It doesn't change the fact that he hasn't done shit while in the Senate to suggest he is ready to lead.... no matter how many people got caught up in the hype of the One.

What is leadership? Is it authoring & passing legislation?

No doubt there is some leadership involved in spearheading a legislative process, but most of it has little to do w/ the leadership needed to be President. In that sense, either Obama or McCain is a crapshoot; we don't really know how either will react once they get that "decider" role.

I think more can be gauged by how they have run their campaigns than by legislative record. I thought Obama was miles ahead of Clinton in that respect, even though she had more "experience." Her campaign was a mess, both strategically & financially. He had a ground operation in most states that was pretty much unprecedented; she was taken by surprise almost everywhere.

I haven't seen enough of the McCain campaign to judge, but so far, I haven't been too impressed. The only move they have made that "wowed" me was the effective way they undercut Obama's speech with their clever manipulation of the media the morning after. The pick itself makes me question his "leadership" abilities much more than Obama's slight legislative record, however.
Please, do promote this strategy within the DNC. Demean small town, blue collar workers as backwards "bedrock" residents. THAT should help the One win the vote of blue collar workers.

Funny comparing her to Eagleton... something tells me we won't be finding any psych visits in her background.

Good to also see that it is quite ok to viciously attack a female candidate when she is a Rep. I am sure there is no sexism involved from the male Dems who are spouting much of the same crap you are.

As for "lying"... do tell us... was Biden lying when he said Obama wasn't ready to be CIC? was Hillary? OR are they LYING now?

SF, I really don’t want to have to be forced into the position of having to sit down with you, and read my posts aloud, slowly, as if I were your mama.
I called YOU, someone from Bedrock, because no one on this board seems to know what is happening.

I knew that one of the reasons why people like Onceler and DH weren’t hitting you and Damo back on your ludicrous claims that this Reality show Queen was in anyway qualified or credentialed, was because for men, this is a touchy issue. Though of course, it never stopped you from slamming Hillary, hypocrite.

Comparing a woman who was the mayor of a town that had a little over 900 water hookups, and who by the way, left that small little town deeply in depth, to a man who is on the FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, in the United States Senate, is laughable on its face, but it is the republican talking point of the day, and you do always have those down.

It's not working. The desperation is starting to smell.
The "city" Palin was mayor of, that gives her United States Senator level "experience" ROTFLMAO


Courtesy of
dont bash her. I think its great that the republicans have a younger woman like this and would have the fortitude to put her on the VP ticket.

That being said it was a horrible decision and now my sexist opinion... women with small children should not be gallivanting around in Washington DC. See Jain Swift from MA and her shenanigans trying to raise young children while being acting mayer after Bush sent Cellucci to Canada.
dont bash her. I think its great that the republicans have a younger woman like this and would have the fortitude to put her on the VP ticket.

That being said it was a horrible decision and now my sexist opinion... women with small children should not be gallivanting around in Washington DC. See Jain Swift from MA and her shenanigans trying to raise young children while being acting mayer after Bush sent Cellucci to Canada.
Yeah, one person wasn't up to the job so we should just dismiss all women with children as inept. :rolleyes:

Somebody transport me back to 2008, somehow I seem to be stuck in the 60s...
Yeah, one person wasn't up to the job so we should just dismiss all women with children as inept. :rolleyes:

Somebody transport me back to 2008, somehow I seem to be stuck in the 60s...

no, i said a highly stressfully job that requires that much leave from family when you have small children.. like under age 7. Why would you have all those kids if you were planning to be absent from there lives?
The "city" Palin was mayor of, that gives her United States Senator level "experience" ROTFLMAO


Courtesy of

I'll argue with you all night long that Govenatorial (sp) experience trumps the same amount of time in the Senate. I think the majority of the U.S. agrees as we regularly elect Govenors and not Senators. People look for executive decision making ability in their leaders. Those in the Senate who are 1 in 100 votes don't have to show the same leadership as does a Govenor who makes the final decision.