There is no evidence/proof you'll vanish into non-existence

It illustrates my point. During WWII, a tribe on an island observed planes flying over and/or landing. They would drop food and goods. So it stands to reason why they would revere them as "gods" who gave them gifts. Therefore the cult developed.

The "gods" were merely humans.

Yes...there can be a living being masquerading as a god. What does that have to do with what I said?

It has to do with proof/evidence. It might be "evidence"/"proof" to a person experiencing it, but to the rest of us, it means nothing. That person has no way of knowing with 100% certainty that the being is who it said it is.

Not that I can recollect. I have not bothered to Google it for now. Waiting for you to comment the way you want to.

The cult developed during WWII and afterwards. In a nutshell, the tribes thought gods were supplying them with food and goods, but it turned out that they were merely humans. Despite this, the cult still persists.
It has to do with proof/evidence. It might be "evidence"/"proof" to a person experiencing it, but to the rest of us, it means nothing. That person has no way of knowing with 100% certainty that the being is who it said it is.

The cult developed during WWII and afterwards. In a nutshell, the tribes thought gods were supplying them with food and goods, but it turned out that they were merely humans. Despite this, the cult still persists.

So we are in agreement that a human could pretend to be a god.

That was not my point, though.

IF there is a GOD responsible for the creation of what we humans call "the universe" should be easy for IT to reveal ITSELF if IT chose to do so.

Are you saying that even IF A GOD would be unable to reveal ITSELF in a totally unambiguous way?
So we are in agreement that a human could pretend to be a god.

That was not my point, though.

IF there is a GOD responsible for the creation of what we humans call "the universe" should be easy for IT to reveal ITSELF if IT chose to do so.

Are you saying that even IF A GOD would be unable to reveal ITSELF in a totally unambiguous way?

If God "reveals" itself to a person, it would become God itself. That is the only way to know.

There are some belief systems that reflect that. For example, every individual is a spark or a part of God.
A body within a body.

Regardless, there is no evidence that you will disappear into nothingness.

The elements that comprise you break down and "you" essentially cease to exist. Sure, you can argue that a laptop existed in medieval France; all the materials that comprise a laptop theoretically existed somewhere within the earth, after all. But that doesn't mean that laptops existed in medieval France.
If God "reveals" itself to a person, it would become God itself. That is the only way to know.

You haven't even proven the existence of a god. You haven't even defined what a god is, which you would need to do before proving it existed. (Otherwise, any such claim is not falsifiable and therefore meaningless.)
You haven't even proven the existence of a god. You haven't even defined what a god is, which you would need to do before proving it existed. (Otherwise, any such claim is not falsifiable and therefore meaningless.)

Is that you, Sybil?
If God "reveals" itself to a person, it would become God itself.

Are you saying that is the only way the God could do a revelation?

Are you limiting what a God can do that much?

That is the only way to know.

Same questions as above.

There are some belief systems that reflect that. For example, every individual is a spark or a part of God.

I do not care about "belief systems." When it come to ultimate questions like this..."beliefs" are just blind guesses.
The Christian God is full of paradox.

Can God create a boulder so heavy he cannot lift it?

That is a simplistic example of the limitation of God.

Okay, so a god cannot do the impossible. A god cannot make a square circle...or a triangle with 7 angles.

BUT you are saying that the god who made what we humans call the universe...with the sun and the planets; the other billions of stars in our galaxy; and the other billions of galaxies...and spread it out over an area that light takes billions of years to traverse...

...cannot reveal itself in a way that is undeniable.

That is ridiculous. Of course a god who could make this universe could do that.

But, you are stuck with your blind guesses that you insist are correct.

So...enjoy them. Feel safe.
Okay, so a god cannot do the impossible. A god cannot make a square circle...or a triangle with 7 angles.

BUT you are saying that the god who made what we humans call the universe...with the sun and the planets; the other billions of stars in our galaxy; and the other billions of galaxies...and spread it out over an area that light takes billions of years to traverse...

...cannot reveal itself in a way that is undeniable.

That is ridiculous. Of course a god who could make this universe could do that.

But, you are stuck with your blind guesses that you insist are correct.

So...enjoy them. Feel safe.

You are suggesting that this God can exist outside of the universe.

To reveal itself, it has to operate within the universe. If a person meets such a being, it would be in a physical form. To use an example (not that it's true), people didn't believe that Jesus was divine because he was merely a human being who just happened to perform tricks or miracles.

An advanced species could create a planet, terraform it or create the entire star system and declare themselves gods. Nobody would be the wiser.

I used to ask this question to Christian... if God can be God, then why can't we? What makes us different?
You are suggesting that this God can exist outside of the universe.

To reveal itself, it has to operate within the universe. If a person meets such a being, it would be in a physical form. To use an example (not that it's true), people didn't believe that Jesus was divine because he was merely a human being who just happened to perform tricks or miracles.

An advanced species could create a planet, terraform it or create the entire star system and declare themselves gods. Nobody would be the wiser.

I used to ask this question to Christian... if God can be God, then why can't we? What makes us different?

Most definitions of God make it a non-physical entity.
You are suggesting that this God can exist outside of the universe.

To reveal itself, it has to operate within the universe. If a person meets such a being, it would be in a physical form. To use an example (not that it's true), people didn't believe that Jesus was divine because he was merely a human being who just happened to perform tricks or miracles.

An advanced species could create a planet, terraform it or create the entire star system and declare themselves gods. Nobody would be the wiser.

I used to ask this question to Christian... if God can be God, then why can't we? What makes us different?

If there is a god...I do not consider that god to be a supernatural being. Anything that exists is a part of nature...whether we humans can detect it in any way.