There is no objective concept of "beauty"

Saint Guinefort

Verified User
In another thread sunsets and other "beautiful" things are being discussed as if they have some intrinsic "beauty" that is universally acknowledged. This is not true. Beauty is purely subjective at every level. Just because a LOT of people find a sunset beautiful does not mean it is necessarily so. For many people a sunset isn't really "beautiful" just is.
WOKE embraces the ugly and destroys beauty because it is an Anti-Human cult.....dont be a moron.
Do not forget that these are the same liars who insist that truth does not exist.

After that why do you still give them your attention?

Do you have a death wish?

This is a suicide cult.

Buckle Up.
Why do allow people who clearly lie to you constantly and work to manipulate/force you into doing what they want the space to do so?

That is a special kind of stupid.
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In another thread sunsets and other "beautiful" things are being discussed as if they have some intrinsic "beauty" that is universally acknowledged. This is not true. Beauty is purely subjective at every level. Just because a LOT of people find a sunset beautiful does not mean it is necessarily so. For many people a sunset isn't really "beautiful" just is.

Well, yes. What was your name before?

There's a reason there's that saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

I've seen some really beautiful sunsets, even knew a black guy that captured the essence of that in a painting that he did himself.

Yeah..he got the colors right and everything, very good.

Unfortunately my gf's daughter who was his girlfriend was a little tramp and I never saw him again. That dude was cool AF and she's a fuckin' idiot.

She took off on him and me and her mom are there at her/his place visiting. We skipped dinner and just went home feeling sorry for the dude.

Hell, she took off on all of us, dumb bitch!
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I am reminded of Ann Landers who said when confronted with someone whining that they were being mistreated by a family member I think "Honey, you are the one who is allowing them to do it...STOP IT".
I am reminded of Ann Landers who said when confronted with someone whining that they were being mistreated by a family member I think "Honey, you are the one who is allowing them to do it...STOP IT".

Didn't work that way for me. I had to fight back. If I didn't? I'd be homeless right now. Greed's a helluva thing.
In another thread sunsets and other "beautiful" things are being discussed as if they have some intrinsic "beauty" that is universally acknowledged. This is not true. Beauty is purely subjective at every level. Just because a LOT of people find a sunset beautiful does not mean it is necessarily so. For many people a sunset isn't really "beautiful" just is.

What makes something beautiful? What makes a sunset beautiful?

It's something that can relax a person.
What makes something beautiful? What makes a sunset beautiful?

It's something that can relax a person.

But the key is that it is not universally so. I've seen thousands upon thousands of sunsets and never really was moved.

Yes, many people DO find it beautiful. Just as many people find Picasso's work beautiful. But it's always subjective. Always.
But the key is that it is not universally so. I've seen thousands upon thousands of sunsets and never really was moved.

Yes, many people DO find it beautiful. Just as many people find Picasso's work beautiful. But it's always subjective. Always.

Why is it many (most) and not few? Assuming the person is not color blind. Again, what makes something beautiful?
Why is it many (most) and not few? Assuming the person is not color blind. Again, what makes something beautiful?

Virtually all normal mentally stable humans would call this objectively beautiful.

Social deviants, the mentally unstable, schizophrenics, sociopaths, and the emotionally stunted either can't or won't have the aesthetic sensibility to recognize intrinsic beauty.

Virtually all normal mentally stable humans would call this objectively beautiful.

Social deviants, the mentally unstable, schizophrenics, sociopaths, and the emotionally stunted either can't or won't have the aesthetic sensibility to recognize intrinsic beauty.

Get judgmental much???:laugh:
Virtually all normal mentally stable humans would call this objectively beautiful.

Social deviants, the mentally unstable, schizophrenics, sociopaths, and the emotionally stunted either can't or won't have the aesthetic sensibility to recognize intrinsic beauty.

So when philosophy fails it becomes necessary to insult?

The point being that there are many who feel NOTHING when they see a sunset. It isn't beautiful, it isn't ugly. It just "is".

I like those mountains, love them. Think they are beautiful. But by the same token there are people who look at a desert and see beauty but I see a place I don't want to be (I don't see beauty)