There is only one T.D.S. affliction

Trump has also said he will use the military to stop demonstrations if he gets back in. He will jail people in his admin who failed the final test, admitting Trump won. He will jail political enemies, which are essentially Dems and those not Trumpian enough on the right.
Trump is not just dangerous to America but he is a repulsive human being.
Do not expect us to treat Trumpys with respect. They do not know what they are doing to the American experiment or do not care.

Vandalizing, burning, and looting cities is not 'peaceful protest'.
Trump SHOULD use the military to stop it.
Trump has also said he will use the military to stop demonstrations if he gets back in. He will jail people in his admin who failed the final test, admitting Trump won. He will jail political enemies, which are essentially Dems and those not Trumpian enough on the right.
Trump is not just dangerous to America but he is a repulsive human being.
Do not expect us to treat Trumpys with respect. They do not know what they are doing to the American experiment or do not care.

will biden use the military to stop pro palestinian protests?
Dems know what a huge thing using the military on civilians is. No, he will not. The laws mean nothing to Daffy Donald. He wipes his huge butt with the Constitution.

He is very likely to invoke the insurrection act on Day one. And he may also exercise emergency powers to seize control of the internet, shut down media organizations, and declare curfews. I hope I don't have to say 'told you so', but frankly the nonchalant way even some smart people seem to treat this, it is still possible. Not likely, but possible.

Trump would be on a revenge tour. He does not care about the country. He would abandon Europe to Putin. He would throw journalists and academics in jail. And the cult? They will cheer the destruction of democracy. They will cheer seeing the Constitution torn to shreds. It will be open season on 'others'. The worst moment in the history of the country. Not even close.

Sadly, there is no current cure for those suffering from this mental disease. Classic symptoms are ones inability to differentiate between an actual rain shower and Trump urinating down their legs.

You didn't imagine your cut and paste from some sleazy fascist hate site to be clever, did you sploogy?

Sigh, another Marxist democrat, heart filled with hate, head filled with shit.
Trump is the worst threat to the continuation of the American system since the War of 1812. You are profoundly ignorant. Your TBS is overt. There are others here that suffer from Trump-blowing syndrome. He makes you display your ignorance repeatedly.


No, you and your filthy, traitorous Reich are the biggest threat to the Constitutional Republic in history.

I don't really like Trump. But he's the only one able to stand against you vermin.
I don't think the trumpanzees defend their orangutan in terms of thinking that he's innocent
as much as they don't care what crimes he commits.

They need him.
He's the one who tells them that they're not as pathetically stupid
as the educated people say that they are.

Innocent of WHAT?

Being a threat to the totalitarian dictatorship democrats have established?

No, he's guilty of that - which is why I support him.

Trump is not a real great guy, but we face the greatest evil in American history in the democrat party. What we need is someone to get into the sewer with the democrat filth and fight the foul vermin using their own tactics. We need a pit fighter, and that is Trump.
We don't- We just despise idiots, like you, that worship and continue to support Donald Trump who actually does hate America and Americans!


Yet it was you Marxist vermin under Xi's man Quid Pro who ended the Bill of Rights. I'd say it is you Stalinists, not Trump, who hate America.