There they go again!

who gives a whiny asses..:rolleyes:

I showed you a real mob video earlier comment about that from you though..

another from the discredited think progress and the propaganda site media matters.
who gives a whiny asses..:rolleyes:

Evidently YOU do, you simp. Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered posting here...unless you're schizoid or something.

I showed you a real mob video earlier comment about that from you though..

Sorry bunky, but I've only taken you off IA long enough to see if you've lived up to my expectations...and you have. Your lunatic ravings are only good for an occasional laugh.....then they become a pathetic waste of time.

another from the discredited think progress and the propaganda site media matters.

Really? Discredited by whom? Can you provide any bonafide, valid FACTS outside your useless opinion that ANYTHING contained within the links I provided on this subject are untrue? Can you bunky? Or are you going to waste more space with your repetitive bullshit?

Really? Discredited by whom? Can you provide any bonafide, valid FACTS outside your useless opinion that ANYTHING contained within the links I provided on this subject are untrue? Can you bunky? Or are you going to waste more space with your repetitive bullshit?

that was a yr. or two year ago when they were crowing they had the scoop, the inside info that Dick Cheney or Karl Rove one of those, was going to be arrested in 24hrs...guess what, never happened..since you are so fond of them, ask them..they were and still are the biggest joke of the Internet..
no wonder you like them...snort

oh and please put me back on ignore again, you wuss..gotta put someone on ignore...waaaaa
and you talk me and talk so much of it you could fertilize a few football fields with it...and it's not just normal bs, it's foot stomping, screeching, no sense ya do try and have a good day, someday..
and you talk me and talk so much of it you could fertilize a few football fields with it...and it's not just normal bs, it's foot stomping, screeching, no sense ya do try and have a good day, someday..

touchyliberal eats meadowmuffins for breakfast
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

Really? Discredited by whom? Can you provide any bonafide, valid FACTS outside your useless opinion that ANYTHING contained within the links I provided on this subject are untrue? Can you bunky? Or are you going to waste more space with your repetitive bullshit?

that was a yr. or two year ago when they were crowing they had the scoop, the inside info that Dick Cheney or Karl Rove one of those, was going to be arrested in 24hrs...guess what, never happened..since you are so fond of them, ask them..they were and still are the biggest joke of the Internet..
no wonder you like them...snort

oh and please put me back on ignore again, you wuss..gotta put someone on ignore...waaaaa

Yep, just as I make a statement and have NOTHING to back it up but some rambling BS from your less than reliable memory. PROOF, you prattling jackass, means valid, documented sources citing specific FACTS.

As usual, you got nothing.....and once again you've proven yourself just a braying neocon jackass.

Back into the dustbin you go!
touchyliberal eats meadowmuffins for breakfast

And yet you can't provide anything of substance to disprove what I posted. So like the typical neocon parrot, you find solace in squawking with another willfully ignorant parrot on a slam fest. You're a joke, Yurtle old, Meme and Blabba....always have been, always will be.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

Really? Discredited by whom? Can you provide any bonafide, valid FACTS outside your useless opinion that ANYTHING contained within the links I provided on this subject are untrue? Can you bunky? Or are you going to waste more space with your repetitive bullshit?

Yep, just as I make a statement and have NOTHING to back it up but some rambling BS from your less than reliable memory. PROOF, you prattling jackass, means valid, documented sources citing specific FACTS.

As usual, you got nothing.....and once again you've proven yourself just a braying neocon jackass.

Back into the dustbin you go!

I told you to ask them about it since they are a favorite of yours.....I gave the gist of the was a couple of years ago, sorry if I can't just pull this proof you want out of my off for you to go put me in the dustbin, ya big whiner..

Fertilize a football field with it? HAHAHAHAHAHA...HOW FUNNY

Tutu (alias Abba the Blabba) is pathetic, folks. She supposedly has me on IA and in the past swore that I was so dispicable that she would never entertain a response/discussion of my posts....yet she seldom misses an opportunity to follow-up a negative post about me....she's a bitter, petty person who just can't stand being proven wrong on something as anonymous as these discussion boards.
Tutu (alias Abba the Blabba) is pathetic, folks. She supposedly has me on IA and in the past swore that I was so dispicable that she would never entertain a response/discussion of my posts....yet she seldom misses an opportunity to follow-up a negative post about me....she's a bitter, petty person who just can't stand being proven wrong on something as anonymous as these discussion boards.

and you seldom miss posting a negative post about her, so what's yer bitch.

ya need a wambulance.??
And yet you can't provide anything of substance to disprove what I posted. So like the typical neocon parrot, you find solace in squawking with another willfully ignorant parrot on a slam fest. You're a joke, Yurtle old, Meme and Blabba....always have been, always will be.


now he is spreading the meadowmuffins around

now he is spreading the meadowmuffins around

Thanks for proving my point, Yurtle old thing. [ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - There they go again![/ame]

You're finished...go hop a bus to the next Dem town meeting and scream "meadowmuffins" all you want....because only the intellectually bankrupt resort to such nazi tactics.
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A pac memo:

– Artificially Inflate Your Numbers: “Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive with your questions and follow-up. The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington.”

– Be Disruptive Early And Often: “You need to rock-the-boat early in the Rep’s presentation, Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements early.”

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

From the link.
Epic thread failure. LOL

Yeah, chuckles....YOU ARE A FAILURE. You can't discuss the topic, you can't refute or dispel the information I sourced...but like the willfully ignorant neocon parrot you are, you just spew sour grapes. Like the intellectually bankrupt clowns following orders and disrupting meetings, you're nothing but a stooge. Laugh that one.
Yeah, chuckles....YOU ARE A FAILURE. You can't discuss the topic, you can't refute or dispel the information I sourced...but like the willfully ignorant neocon parrot you are, you just spew sour grapes. Like the intellectually bankrupt clowns following orders and disrupting meetings, you're nothing but a stooge. Laugh that one.