There they go again!

Who's the author? Probably some blogger with 5 subscribers. *shrug*

Once again, you didn't READ CAREFULLY and COMPREHENSIVELY. The name of the author and who he works for was given in the source material.

Once again, you're willfully ignorant neocon status is confirmed. You're dismissed.
Whinny is just the gift that keeps on giving!


Ahhh, Shemp has arrived...the stooges are complete!

I see once again you cannot debate the issue at hand, nor refute/disprove the information just attack the critic.

A loyal end of the intellectually bankrupt neocon punditry! :cof1:
I told you to ask them about it since they are a favorite of yours.....I gave the gist of the was a couple of years ago, sorry if I can't just pull this proof you want out of my off for you to go put me in the dustbin, ya big whiner..


But we wanna see and I'm not talking about the proof. ;-)

(Something about the full moon in Aquarius and one of my horoscope houses makes me....well....frisky.)
^once again^

touchyliberal being a bit touchy and spreading the fresh, steamy meadowmuffins around...

lighten up dude

Look folks, our intellectually bankrupt neocon parrot is so incapable of logically or factually disproving the original points of this thread that she's spewing TWO useless catch phrases of her own creation....she talks loud, yet signify's nothing.

You're a joke, Yurtle old thing. Carry on.
Many of these posters remind me of the under achievers in HS who just made fun of the smarter ones.

That's why the description, "willfully ignorant neocon parrots" fits them so well. Note how here they're doing everything BUT discussing the core issue. Like the astro turf disrupters, they're not about thinking things through or honest debate.
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I love how everyone he disagrees with is a "mindless willfully ignorant neocon parrot". LOL

Ahhh, more maudlin exchanges between two deluded neocon parrots who can't debate worth a they demonstrate over and over again on this thread.

Laugh, clowns, laugh.