These Republicrats Make me sick.

Kamala Trump

Verified User
I'm disgusted at seeing republicans in the news cycles excited about "accomplishing the common agenda" like "comprehensive" immigration reform, and a minimum wage adjustment. Fuck you, losers!

Third Party Now!
Third Party Now!
Third Party Now!
I'm disgusted at seeing republicans in the news cycles excited about "accomplishing the common agenda" like "comprehensive" immigration reform, and a minimum wage adjustment. Fuck you, losers!

Third Party Now!
Third Party Now!
Third Party Now!

George Bush is Nancy Pelosi's bitch now. The scum sucking ferret rolled over like a faggot. She's got the strap-on, and she's going to show him how it's done!
Rolled over? His plan on immigration fits right into their agenda. One of the first things he said was that he was glad the Democrats won because now his immigration policy could pass.
Profit is now King.....
And not just profit, but keeping increasing profit.

There needs to be a moral framework around the conduct of business. Slave labor should be impermissible in any kind of civilized trade partnership. I'm for competition, but competition with slave labor is a losing game.

Embargo China Now!

Protectionism starts with Protect!
You would miss all the Chinese stuff sold Asshat. Many retailers would close. Many jobs would be lost in this country. US autro makers would have to find other sources of parts.

We are already astraddle of the beast, do we ride it or let it ride us ?
Rolled over? His plan on immigration fits right into their agenda. One of the first things he said was that he was glad the Democrats won because now his immigration policy could pass.
Rolled over AND greased himself.
You would miss all the Chinese stuff sold Asshat. Many retailers would close. Many jobs would be lost in this country. US autro makers would have to find other sources of parts.

We are already astraddle of the beast, do we ride it or let it ride us ?

Those production capacities would spring up elsewhere. Becoming dependant upon enemies is never wise.

We should have no dealings with the beast whatsoever. It's ok to have separate economies. Economic isolation has always been a tactic of influence. Why is it off the table now? Because it's time to destroy americans? Hell no. Protecting the labor market or setting acceptable standards has always been a function of a nation. Im not saying "socialism". I'm saying humane standards and NOT destroying borders because it suits the desires of big business and other social engineering agents.
But US companies keep moving offshore....I think it is too late to maintain a seperatist economy in view of the world economy....
I think we just have to pretty much play with the cards we have been dealt.

I remember the same whining noises about Japan.....
But US companies keep moving offshore....I think it is too late to maintain a seperatist economy in view of the world economy....
I think we just have to pretty much play with the cards we have been dealt.

I remember the same whining noises about Japan.....

We always have a choice. We can choose not to condone slave labor. Im not espousing autarky, complete isolation, I'm saying we should have moral standards for membership in the standard world trade organizations.

Embargo is a tried and true tool in the arsenal of international relations. It's the one world government crowd who is pretending otherwise, pretending things are impossible when they simply are not. Keep your globalist poison inside your litte pinhead ok, nazi?
LOL, how about where would we sell our products we currently export ?
How about how much of our debt is owned by the rest of the world ?

I don't think it is possible to survive withdrawing from the global economy at this point in time.
LOL, how about where would we sell our products we currently export ?
How about how much of our debt is owned by the rest of the world ?

I don't think it is possible to survive withdrawing from the global economy at this point in time.

Again, you're misrepresenting my position. Im not advocating a complete pullout. Im talking about SOME selectivity in trade partners. In the past it was common to limit trade relationships to proven allies. I'm also talking about border enforcement.

We forgive others debt. They can forgive ours. We should not allow all of our skills and production capacities to be outsourced. This is run away train on a track to destruction. We don't have to participate. There is always a choice.
Again, you're misrepresenting my position. Im not advocating a complete pullout. Im talking about SOME selectivity in trade partners. In the past it was common to limit trade relationships to proven allies. I'm also talking about border enforcement.

We forgive others debt. They can forgive ours. We should not allow all of our skills and production capacities to be outsourced. This is run away train on a track to destruction. We don't have to participate. There is always a choice.

All I am saying is that current decisions often depend greatly on past decisions.
Sort of hard to unbake a cake.

I do not disagree with you in principle, just in the feasable application of those principles.
All I am saying is that current decisions often depend greatly on past decisions.
Sort of hard to unbake a cake.

I do not disagree with you in principle, just in the feasable application of those principles.

It's totally feasible. Quit trading with nations that use slaves and do not adhere to basic doctrines of individual freedom. The chinese are totalitarians and do not have the same human rights goals. It will not be easy, but in the LONG RUN it will be worth it.

Laying down with dogs, one finds oneself covered with fleas as well.
Laying down with dogs, one finds oneself covered with fleas as well.

Yep, but that is the current way of business and politics....