Things are getting pretty weird out there.....


Well-known member
I like to study human behavior,....what makes people tic. I always have. I have really been noticing some pretty big changes in how people behave publicly. It has been coming on for a while now but seems to be cresting at this time. To be clear,...Im not talking about the day to day schticks people run on message boards in an effort to have a little fun and get the board jumping either, instead I am talking about how people conduct themselves in public, stores, restaurants, bars and clubs and other social gatherings. I am seeing a lot of what i would consider odd behavior. Half the people walk around like they are truly AFRAID, they act scared,....scared of their own shadow. Almost like they are really uncomfortable being around other people and overly shy.
Then there are others who just seem to act very negative and anti social to every situation. Almost like they are always on the cusp of just exploding. As if they are so under stress that they are ticking time bombs, can actually FEEL IT in the air with those types, a dark cloud,...its discernible. They walk into a room or area and its like all the air just got sucked out.
Very strange,....have NEVER seen THIS MANY people all act in these type ways THIS much. Then there is me......Always smiling, laughing, nodding my head at strangers and saying hello as I pass them. Quick to shake a hand or greet a stranger in a welcoming way. I know one thing,....the whole damn world can change into a bunch of dead inside empty vessels but IM NOT. Couldnt live any other way then how I do. I cant even imagine living that way. My question is.... What the hell happened? What is causing this? Pretty sure I know the answer but am interested in what others think. Normally it is never just ONE thing but instead there are multiple causes at play.
A few months ago our puppy got out of my control and ran out into the street and followed a weird looking middle aged man walking his little dog. " I know, fault. Accidents happen." Puppy runs across the street and starts following the weird looking guy. I yell out my pups name to get back here. Weird guy instantly reaches down and picks up his little dog which I get,....keeps walking. I yell out....."HEY please stop,...its a puppy and will just keep following you, im coming right now to get her " as I am walking towards them. Guy turns and looks at me VERY briefly with a look of sheer terror in his eyes and instead of stopping takes off doing DOUBLE TIME. WTH? Do you not know that the puppy will just keep following you as pups tend to do? Are you THAT dumb? THAT afraid of a small puppy that is zero threat to you or your dog? Are you THAT stupid and afraid that you dont even know that by not stopping you are actually making the situation drag out even longer instead of allowing me to quickly resolve it? Or do you simply not give a shit and if my pup gets hit by a car and killed then its oh well,,...not my problem? WTH? Whats wrong with you scared little robots?
I spend a lot of time in a small town. The townsfolk say ' Hey ! ', smile, respect each other, look you in the eye and support good causes without pay. Because it's a nice little town people from the cities move there- having sold their expensive properties to buy cheap in the country. Most of these people do not acknowledge you , do not smile, do not integrate . Whatever is wrong with them happened to them in cities.
I spend a lot of time in a small town. The townsfolk say ' Hey ! ', smile, respect each other, look you in the eye and support good causes without pay. Because it's a nice little town people from the cities move there- having sold their expensive properties to buy cheap in the country. Most of these people do not acknowledge you , do not smile, do not integrate . Whatever is wrong with them happened to them in cities.
Yes,...most likely pretty true. I myself also live in a small town but I am noticing more and more of the negative behavior also on display by our locals as well. I live in a high tourist area and also a place where tons of people move from cities to retire or just plain to get away from the cities.
I like to study human behavior,....what makes people tic. I always have. I have really been noticing some pretty big changes in how people behave publicly. It has been coming on for a while now but seems to be cresting at this time. To be clear,...Im not talking about the day to day schticks people run on message boards in an effort to have a little fun and get the board jumping either, instead I am talking about how people conduct themselves in public, stores, restaurants, bars and clubs and other social gatherings. I am seeing a lot of what i would consider odd behavior. Half the people walk around like they are truly AFRAID, they act scared,....scared of their own shadow. Almost like they are really uncomfortable being around other people and overly shy.
Then there are others who just seem to act very negative and anti social to every situation. Almost like they are always on the cusp of just exploding. As if they are so under stress that they are ticking time bombs, can actually FEEL IT in the air with those types, a dark cloud,...its discernible. They walk into a room or area and its like all the air just got sucked out.
Very strange,....have NEVER seen THIS MANY people all act in these type ways THIS much. Then there is me......Always smiling, laughing, nodding my head at strangers and saying hello as I pass them. Quick to shake a hand or greet a stranger in a welcoming way. I know one thing,....the whole damn world can change into a bunch of dead inside empty vessels but IM NOT. Couldnt live any other way then how I do. I cant even imagine living that way. My question is.... What the hell happened? What is causing this? Pretty sure I know the answer but am interested in what others think. Normally it is never just ONE thing but instead there are multiple causes at p

A few months ago our puppy got out of my control and ran out into the street and followed a weird looking middle aged man walking his little dog. " I know, fault. Accidents happen." Puppy runs across the street and starts following the weird looking guy. I yell out my pups name to get back here. Weird guy instantly reaches down and picks up his little dog which I get,....keeps walking. I yell out....."HEY please stop,...its a puppy and will just keep following you, im coming right now to get her " as I am walking towards them. Guy turns and looks at me VERY briefly with a look of sheer terror in his eyes and instead of stopping takes off doing DOUBLE TIME. WTH? Do you not know that the puppy will just keep following you as pups tend to do? Are you THAT dumb? THAT afraid of a small puppy that is zero threat to you or your dog? Are you THAT stupid and afraid that you dont even know that by not stopping you are actually making the situation drag out even longer instead of allowing me to quickly resolve it? Or do you simply not give a shit and if my pup gets hit by a car and killed then its oh well,,...not my problem? WTH? Whats wrong with you scared little robots?
The world has changed so of the reasons I love living in a small town...with all our differences politically, there are few who wouldn't have stopped to help the pup...or at least stopped to evaluate the situation...
We need to remind people how to act sometimes...I never hesitate, because, after all they'll be happier and better off when they just remember what's important...
We even have neighborhood pages dedicated to keeping the animals and the form everyone yelling about candidates and whose lives matter...;)
The world has changed so of the reasons I love living in a small town...with all our differences politically, there are few who wouldn't have stopped to help the pup...or at least stopped to evaluate the situation...
We need to remind people how to act sometimes...I never hesitate, because, after all they'll be happier and better off when they just remember what's important...
We even have neighborhood pages dedicated to keeping the animals and the form everyone yelling about candidates and whose lives matter...;)
Indeed, TOP.

Good people in my small pueblo. We have a neighborhood forum and dogs and children and old timers are revered here…in that order…lol
I like to study human behavior,....what makes people tic. I always have. I have really been noticing some pretty big changes in how people behave publicly. It has been coming on for a while now but seems to be cresting at this time. To be clear,...Im not talking about the day to day schticks people run on message boards in an effort to have a little fun and get the board jumping either, instead I am talking about how people conduct themselves in public, stores, restaurants, bars and clubs and other social gatherings. I am seeing a lot of what i would consider odd behavior. Half the people walk around like they are truly AFRAID, they act scared,....scared of their own shadow. Almost like they are really uncomfortable being around other people and overly shy.
Then there are others who just seem to act very negative and anti social to every situation. Almost like they are always on the cusp of just exploding. As if they are so under stress that they are ticking time bombs, can actually FEEL IT in the air with those types, a dark cloud,...its discernible. They walk into a room or area and its like all the air just got sucked out.
Very strange,....have NEVER seen THIS MANY people all act in these type ways THIS much. Then there is me......Always smiling, laughing, nodding my head at strangers and saying hello as I pass them. Quick to shake a hand or greet a stranger in a welcoming way. I know one thing,....the whole damn world can change into a bunch of dead inside empty vessels but IM NOT. Couldnt live any other way then how I do. I cant even imagine living that way. My question is.... What the hell happened? What is causing this? Pretty sure I know the answer but am interested in what others think. Normally it is never just ONE thing but instead there are multiple causes at play.

I haven't necessarily seen it quite this expansively but it makes sense. Our entire society is being driven by "outrage machines" on all sides monetizing dread and fear and feeding us a constant diet of outrage.

That's gonna have an effect I imagine.
That's standard...we may not know a neighbor's name...but we know their dog's name...:ROFLMAO:
This country contains more good people than bad people.

Biden’s illegal invasion is changing that.

Good people don’t violate our immigration laws the moment that they cross illegally. Good people don’t attack and murder our police officers, our citizens.

Trump has promised to deport, deport, deport.
Boomers are acting like fools every which way I turn, I still think lead has something to do with it.

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I haven't necessarily seen it quite this expansively but it makes sense. Our entire society is being driven by "outrage machines" on all sides monetizing dread and fear and feeding us a constant diet of outrage.

That's gonna have an effect I imagine.
Bingo. That’s exactly what my response was going to be.
I haven't necessarily seen it quite this expansively but it makes sense. Our entire society is being driven by "outrage machines" on all sides monetizing dread and fear and feeding us a constant diet of outrage.

That's gonna have an effect I imagine.
Melodrama makes money on infotainment and social media, and to sell drama, you have to have good guys and bad guys
Its a combination of things. The media/social media driven rage. The high cost of living,...the stress and strain people are under to maintain a half way decent lifestyle and how hard they have to work let alone those really in hardship,...The distancing themselves from God and decent moral conduct,....a whole generation of Mutes LOL who grew up using text as their main form of communication instead of in person,....ect ect,...the list is long. Together it formed the perfect shitstorm.
Its a combination of things. The media/social media driven rage. The high cost of living,...the stress and strain people are under to maintain a half way decent lifestyle and how hard they have to work let alone those really in hardship,...The distancing themselves from God and decent moral conduct,....a whole generation of Mutes LOL who grew up using text as their main form of communication instead of in person,....ect ect,...the list is long. Together it formed the perfect shitstorm.
You forgot to add boomers feeling entitled about every little thing and complaining about things they know nothing about
Its a combination of things. The media/social media driven rage. The high cost of living,...the stress and strain people are under to maintain a half way decent lifestyle and how hard they have to work let alone those really in hardship,...The distancing themselves from God and decent moral conduct,....a whole generation of Mutes LOL who grew up using text as their main form of communication instead of in person,....ect ect,...the list is long. Together it formed the perfect shitstorm.
Ah, for the good ole days of Ozzie and Harriet, problem is if you pull back the curtain those days weren’t all that good for many

You forgot to add boomers feeling entitled about every little thing and complaining about things they know nothing about
Please,....dont even pretend to put the blame on boomers for this mess. that would be dishonest. Its all of us,...not just one or another segment of the population.