Things are getting pretty weird out there.....

I like to study human behavior,....what makes people tic. I always have. I have really been noticing some pretty big changes in how people behave publicly. It has been coming on for a while now but seems to be cresting at this time. To be clear,...Im not talking about the day to day schticks people run on message boards in an effort to have a little fun and get the board jumping either, instead I am talking about how people conduct themselves in public, stores, restaurants, bars and clubs and other social gatherings. I am seeing a lot of what i would consider odd behavior. Half the people walk around like they are truly AFRAID, they act scared,....scared of their own shadow. Almost like they are really uncomfortable being around other people and overly shy.
Then there are others who just seem to act very negative and anti social to every situation. Almost like they are always on the cusp of just exploding. As if they are so under stress that they are ticking time bombs, can actually FEEL IT in the air with those types, a dark cloud,...its discernible. They walk into a room or area and its like all the air just got sucked out.
Very strange,....have NEVER seen THIS MANY people all act in these type ways THIS much. Then there is me......Always smiling, laughing, nodding my head at strangers and saying hello as I pass them. Quick to shake a hand or greet a stranger in a welcoming way. I know one thing,....the whole damn world can change into a bunch of dead inside empty vessels but IM NOT. Couldnt live any other way then how I do. I cant even imagine living that way. My question is.... What the hell happened? What is causing this? Pretty sure I know the answer but am interested in what others think. Normally it is never just ONE thing but instead there are multiple causes at play.
It’s the scary caravans Trump told everyone about, they are coming to get us with fentanyl and murder. They gunna poison our blood.

Be afraid, lock your doors, get yourself an AR!
It’s the scary caravans Trump told everyone about, they are coming to get us with fentanyl and murder. They gunna poison our blood.

Be afraid, lock your doors, get yourself an AR!
You sound like a real dope. No wonder you ended up the way you did.
Trust is being evaporated by the WOKE Death Cult, which always plunges societies into chaos and misery....there are no safe harbors.
A few months ago our puppy got out of my control and ran out into the street and followed a weird looking middle aged man walking his little dog. " I know, fault. Accidents happen." Puppy runs across the street and starts following the weird looking guy. I yell out my pups name to get back here. Weird guy instantly reaches down and picks up his little dog which I get,....keeps walking. I yell out....."HEY please stop,...its a puppy and will just keep following you, im coming right now to get her " as I am walking towards them. Guy turns and looks at me VERY briefly with a look of sheer terror in his eyes and instead of stopping takes off doing DOUBLE TIME. WTH? Do you not know that the puppy will just keep following you as pups tend to do? Are you THAT dumb? THAT afraid of a small puppy that is zero threat to you or your dog? Are you THAT stupid and afraid that you dont even know that by not stopping you are actually making the situation drag out even longer instead of allowing me to quickly resolve it? Or do you simply not give a shit and if my pup gets hit by a car and killed then its oh well,,...not my problem? WTH? Whats wrong with you scared little robots?
You wanted that poor man to use his own dog as bait to slow down the dog you let out?
It’s the scary caravans Trump told everyone about, they are coming to get us with fentanyl and murder. They gunna poison our blood.

Be afraid, lock your doors, get yourself an AR!

Actually, the illegal immigrant caravans are organized by radical Leftist groups like Pueblos sin Fronteras. PSF is as radical a Leftist group as you can get with most of its leadership being hard core Communists and several are wanted terrorists. They organize the poor in places like Guatemala and Honduras into caravans and help them come to the US in an effort to undermine and destabilize the US government.

One of their organizing posters:

Actually, the illegal immigrant caravans are organized by radical Leftist groups like Pueblos sin Fronteras. PSF is as radical a Leftist group as you can get with most of its leadership being hard core Communists and several are wanted terrorists. They organize the poor in places like Guatemala and Honduras into caravans and help them come to the US in an effort to undermine and destabilize the US government.

One of their organizing posters:

This is almost completely a NGO program, but my info is that most of the money comes from the US government....they make dollars to fund their invasion of America....and I dont think it is just about D votes....this is about revolution.
As between normal human being Joe Biden and far from normal human being Donald Trump if one of them is affecting day to day social behavior it probably is the one who has done everything he can to drive the country crazy over the outcome of the last election.
You wanted that poor man to use his own dog as bait to slow down the dog you let out?
Yes, Trumpkins do those sorts of things Walt. Every once in a while I let my vicious dog free to run wild and hunt down other dogs just for the pure sport of it,....what a blast! Its such a rush seeing the looks on the libtard dog owners faces as my dog rips their dog to pieces right in front of them! Oh,....and the cops in my area are all Trumnpkins too,....its like a secret society, they are in on it. If the libtard dog owner complains the cops just beat the hell out of him and throw em in jail until he pays them enuff to get let out. Eventually they learn to just shut up and take it. :laugh: Yes walt,....its just exactly like that. :rolleyes: Life is good when your a Trumpkin. ;)
Actually, the illegal immigrant caravans are organized by radical Leftist groups like Pueblos sin Fronteras. PSF is as radical a Leftist group as you can get with most of its leadership being hard core Communists and several are wanted terrorists. They organize the poor in places like Guatemala and Honduras into caravans and help them come to the US in an effort to undermine and destabilize the US government.

One of their organizing posters:

They never arrive... its just existential terror Trump uses to get votes.