Things The Left Can't Rationally Explain.


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Is there such a thing as a leftist that can rationally explain why Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world when the government there mandates that every adult male own a pistol and a rifle and ammunition for both and the government actually supplies them?

Can lefties rationally explain why the States that have “conceal carry” laws have lower rates of gun crime than States and Cities that have the most stringent gun laws?

Can lefties rationally explain how America would have won her independence from a tyrannical British King if guns had been banned in America by the British?

Can lefties rationally explain how Khadafy would had been deposed in Libya if the Libyan population didn’t have guns?

Can lefties rationally explain how the citizens of Syria can get rid of Assad and his tyrannical government without owning guns?

Can lefties rationally explain why they and the leftist news media promote the NRA as a villain when the NRA’s agenda is protecting the Second Amendment and teaching gun safety and responsibility?

Can lefties rationally explain how they intend to protect their homes and lives and families from intruders and attackers without a gun?

Can lefties rationally explain why a ban on semi-automatic rifles and extended ammunition clips would have saved children’s lives at the Sandy Hook school and armed security wouldn’t have?

Can lefties rationally explain why the sentence, “Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns” is not a truism?

Can lefties rationally explain how banning semi-automatic rifles and extended clips will keep those items out of the hands of criminals & nut jobs when they don’t bother respecting gun laws or any laws?

Do lefties really have a rational anti-gun argument?

What’s your opinion?
Is there such a thing as a leftist that can rationally explain why Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world when the government there mandates that every adult male own a pistol and a rifle and ammunition for both and the government actually supplies them?

Personally, i've always held a controversial theory revolving around the innate pacifying effect of cuckoo clocks.

Still, i hope you manage to persuade the anti-gun lobby that you're correct (or they provide such a compelling argument that you relinquish your own views). It's about time it was settled once and for all.
Personally, i've always held a controversial theory revolving around the innate pacifying effect of cuckoo clocks.

Still, i hope you manage to persuade the anti-gun lobby that you're correct (or they provide such a compelling argument that you relinquish your own views). It's about time it was settled once and for all.

A “compelling argument” from the left? That could only be their admission of their Cuckoo-clock-ness!!!!
Where are you "the left"?

Surely you'd jump at the chance to engage this erudite chap? It's not as if a gun control argument comes along everyday.
Where are you "the left"?

Surely you'd jump at the chance to engage this erudite chap? It's not as if a gun control argument comes along everyday.

They ebb and flow. This is the high tide. By July it'll be low tide again and hopefully the market will settle and I can buy more surplus stuff.
They ebb and flow. This is the high tide. By July it'll be low tide again and hopefully the market will settle and I can buy more surplus stuff.

I don't know where you put it all, Billy.

I have the distinct impression that you possess more fire-power than several medium-sized central European countries.
I don't know where you put it all, Billy.

I have the distinct impression that you possess more fire-power than several medium-sized central European countries.

I keep them in various places through the house, as well as in my man cave. Interestingly (at least to me) most of my collection came from those European countries. Probably one of the easiest pieces of history to own actually.
Is that your definition of a “debate?”

That was my definition of me saying something to someone else which happened to be in this thread, which nobody has engaged with.

Apparently i'm the only one who's bothered to come along. This is a little unfortunate as i'm not really that bothered with gun-rights in America, not living in America. Do what you like, i say.

I do hope someone comes along and chats with you. Hate to see a chap on his own. I have made your thread look a little more active though (no need to thank me). Maybe that'll do the trick, eh?
I do hope someone comes along and chats with you. Hate to see a chap on his own. I have made your thread look a little more active though (no need to thank me). Maybe that'll do the trick, eh?

But I never intended the thread to be “active” since “the left” are incapable of active rational debate on the inalienable right of self-protection, it’s even the title of the thread and proving the point nicely.
But I never intended the thread to be “active” since “the left” are incapable of active rational debate on the inalienable right of self-protection, it’s even the title of the thread and proving the point nicely.

Er...yeah, ok.

Well done on this stunningly successful thread.
The “resounding success” herewith is the deafening sound of proof that the left has no rational response.

Mainly because half of your statements lack the rationality you ask for. A few more have been proven to be outright lies, and a couple of others are fabrications and/or misrepresentations.
Is there such a thing as a leftist that can rationally explain why Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world when the government there mandates that every adult male own a pistol and a rifle and ammunition for both and the government actually supplies them

What’s your opinion?

Well, maybe Switzerlanderlings understand that since the Government mandates every male have a gun and the Government issues those guns, that the government will know who to come for when a crime is committed using a gun.
They ebb and flow. This is the high tide. By July it'll be low tide again and hopefully the market will settle and I can buy more surplus stuff.
Watch for Obama issuing an Executive order to tax Ammo/guns by declaring some sort of National Emergency. Obama is pissed off about his gun control defeat and Davey Axelroot is controlling him now politically, telling him how to get his way by hook and crook. Libs will stop at nothing to get their way, the Commie Manifesto spells all this out. Obama will somehow try for a third term, mark my words.
Well, maybe Switzerlanderlings understand that since the Government mandates every male have a gun and the Government issues those guns, that the government will know who to come for when a crime is committed using a gun.

That's one of the misconception in his post, Zappa

Ezra Klein: Israel and Switzerland are often mentioned as countries that prove that high rates of gun ownership don’t necessarily lead to high rates of gun crime. In fact, I wrote that on Friday. But you say your research shows that’s not true.
Janet Rosenbaum: First of all, because they don’t have high levels of gun ownership. The gun ownership in Israel and Switzerland has decreased.
For instance, in Israel, they’re very limited in who is able to own a gun. There are only a few tens of thousands of legal guns in Israel, and the only people allowed to own them legally live in the settlements, do business in the settlements, or are in professions at risk of violence.
Both countries require you to have a reason to have a gun. There isn’t this idea that you have a right to a gun. You need a reason. And then you need to go back to the permitting authority every six months or so to assure them the reason is still valid.
The second thing is that there’s this widespread misunderstanding that Israel and Switzerland promote gun ownership. They don’t. Ten years ago, when Israel had the outbreak of violence, there was an expansion of gun ownership, but only to people above a certain rank in the military. There was no sense that having ordinary citizens [carry guns] would make anything safer.

Switzerland has also been moving away from having widespread guns. The laws are done canton by canton, which is like a province. Everyone in Switzerland serves in the army, and the cantons used to let you have the guns at home. They’ve been moving to keeping the guns in depots. That means they’re not in the household, which makes sense because the literature shows us that if the gun is in the household, the risk goes up for everyone in the household.
EK: As I understand it, there’s a stronger link between guns and suicide than between guns and homicide. And one of the really interesting parts of your paper is your recounting of the Israeli military’s effort to cut suicides among soldiers by restricting access to guns.
19 relies and none, not even one gives a serious response to the questions.......zilch, zero, nada, zip......

Thats gotta tell you all something......

The only real attempt, lame as it was, is Howey the Homo C..S' er......and he just refuses to believe the whole post......

Can't refute anything ?...just say it ain't true and move on.............................

No different than the crazy evangelist that insists the world is 5000 years old.....same kind of mentality.....but with a lower IQ.