Things The Left Can't Rationally Explain.

19 relies and none, not even one gives a serious response to the questions.......zilch, zero, nada, zip......

Thats gotta tell you all something......

The only real attempt, lame as it was, is Howey the Homo C..S' er......and he just refuses to believe the whole post......

Can't refute anything ?...just say it ain't true and move on.............................

No different than the crazy evangelist that insists the world is 5000 years old.....same kind of mentality.....but with a lower IQ.

Really? Howie's wrong? How? Did you do the research to refute his link? just called the article false.
Well, maybe Switzerlanderlings understand that since the Government mandates every male have a gun and the Government issues those guns, that the government will know who to come for when a crime is committed using a gun.

Nope. Registration isn't a thing over there.
Well, maybe Switzerlanderlings understand that since the Government mandates every male have a gun and the Government issues those guns, that the government will know who to come for when a crime is committed using a gun.

So then we should petition our government to supply every adult male with a pistol and a rifle and ammo for them and get Barbra Boxer to write the legislation and we’ll soon have the same gun crime rate as Switzerland, right?
So then we should petition our government to supply every adult male with a pistol and a rifle and ammo for them and get Barbra Boxer to write the legislation and we’ll soon have the same gun crime rate as Switzerland, right?

That seems to be the point you were trying to make...

Your flawed presentation ignores the fact that Switzerland has had its gun policy for decades “gun ownership in the home” and has also had one of the world’s lowest gun crime rates during that same period, proving beyond any reasonable doubt that GUNS DON’T CAUSE GUN CRIME How Switzerland’s gun policy might be evolving today because of an alleged suicide rate is totally irrelevant to the issue of guns causing gun crime.

Once again the left proves the validity of the title of this thread! You have no [/b]rational[/b] explanation!
I already have.

Oh really? You made three distinct accusations in your following post.

Mainly because half of your statements lack the rationality you ask for. A few more have been proven to be outright lies, and a couple of others are fabrications and/or misrepresentations

Your only response so far proves none of those accusations. The only thing you’ve presented so far is that some people commit suicide with guns and Switzerland has somewhat changed its ”decades long home ownership” of guns policy. It makes no attempt to dispute the fact that Switzerland’s ”decades long home ownership of guns policy” caused a high gun crime rate because it didn’t. Switzerland’s gun crime rate has always been one of the lowest on planet earth.

Thus, you have not shown that my statements in the OP ”lacked rationality.”

You have made ZERO attempts to show any of my OP insinuations were ”outright lies”.

You have totally failed to show where any of my OP insinuations were ”fabrications or misrepresentations”

Would you care to make another feeble attempt?
That seems to be the point you were trying to make...

NO! The point I’m actually making is that “guns don’t cause gun crime, people cause gun crime and all crimes.”

I’m making the point that guns are inanimate objects and have no ability in and of themselves to cause crime or injury to anybody, only people can do that. I’m making the point that banning a valuable tool of self defense only banns the right of the law-abiding to self defend because criminals don’t give a fuck about laws and banns.

“outlaw guns and only the government and other outlaws will have guns.”