Things you have not heard from the people in Iowa


Eagle, Globe, and Anchor
This ought to shake things up. Compare the attitudes of the people in Iowa to the people of New Orleans.


Things you haven't heard from Iowans:

"Why hasn't the feds come and pick me up?"

"Bush hates black people and wants them to die."

"Where my damned debit card?"

"Des Moines cops are looting the Wal-Mart."

"Our National Guard should be here helping, but they're all in Iraq."

"Bush had the CIA dynamite the levees in our black neighborhoods."

"I can't drive no bus."

"Trailer? I pacifically axed for a suite on a cruise ship."
All of the right-wing bigots following Limbaugh's lead, I see.

Really bad comparison, on every level- from dense urban vs. rural to scope of disaster.

I hope you guys keep following Rush's marching orders, though; he's really lost his touch...
AP-GULFPORT, Ill. - Juli Parks didn't worry when water began creeping up the levee that shields this town of about 750 from the Mississippi River — not even when volunteers began piling on sandbags.

After all, FEMA and local officials had assured townspeople in 1999 that the levee was sturdy enough to withstand a historic flood. In fact, some relieved homeowners dropped their flood insurance, and others applied for permits to build new houses and businesses.

Then on Tuesday, the worst happened: The levee burst and Gulfport was submerged in 10 feet of water. Only 28 property owners were insured against the damage.

"They all told us, `The levees are good. You can go ahead and build,'" said Parks, who did not buy flood coverage because her bank no longer required it. "We had so much confidence in those levees."

Around the country, thousands of residents who relied on the assurances of the Federal Emergency Management Agency may unknowingly face similar risks.

"People put all their hopes in those levees, and when they do fail, the damage is catastrophic," said Paul Osman, the National Flood Insurance Program coordinator for Illinois. "New Orleans is the epitome; a lot of those people didn't even realize they were in a floodplain until the water was up to their roofs."

Now — amid the disastrous flooding across Iowa, Illinois and Missouri — some policymakers are demanding the government come up with more accurate, up-to-date flood-risk assessments, inform the public better of the dangers, and require nearly all homeowners to buy coverage if they live near dams or levees.

Currently, if FEMA agrees that a levee can withstand a 100-year flood — that is, a flood so big that it has only a 1 percent chance of happening in any given year — then the homes and businesses protected by the levee are not considered to be in a floodplain. That means homeowners living there do not have to buy federal flood insurance.

some complaints are starting to roll in.....

the State of Iowa's estimate on Damage was $2 billion so far.....

Katrina's was $100 billion and counting.....the devastation was much worse, in a heavily populated area Porter and hopefully FEMA and Homeland security have gotten better since Katrina, though I am not counting on it....

"...said Paul Osman, the National Flood Insurance Program coordinator for Illinois. "New Orleans is the epitome; a lot of those people didn't even realize they were in a floodplain until the water was up to their roofs."

How can you live in a below sea-level bowl, and not think you are in a floodplain?
well after the Katrina fiasco I don't think any smart people are counting much on the gummit to bail them out unless they are a big corp.
This ought to shake things up. Compare the attitudes of the people in Iowa to the people of New Orleans.


Things you haven't heard from Iowans:

"Why hasn't the feds come and pick me up?"

"Bush hates black people and wants them to die."

"Where my damned debit card?"

"Des Moines cops are looting the Wal-Mart."

"Our National Guard should be here helping, but they're all in Iraq."

"Bush had the CIA dynamite the levees in our black neighborhoods."

"I can't drive no bus."

"Trailer? I pacifically axed for a suite on a cruise ship."
Porter come on and quit being a fucking wimp. Quit pussyfooting around and say what you mean. You think we are stupid and don't know. Just say it and quit being a poorly closeted racist.
Those fabricated quotes were supposedly from black people? How could you tell?
And you are the fucking second cowardly racist that wants to play dumb, though from what I have seen it is not much of a stretch.
You wanna pretend that "Trailer? I pacifically axed for a suite on a cruise ship." isn't supposed to be a black person. You should quit being a coward too and tell us how you really feel there adolph, Come on and man the fuck up. If you say it in your cracker ass english I will even translate it into german for you so you can feel even more superior.
"They came here looking for trouble, and they got it."

Non-racist southerner talking about the murder of the 1964 civil rights workers in Mississippi. Since she didn't mention black people she's not racist.
"They came here looking for trouble, and they got it."

Non-racist southerner talking about the murder of the 1964 civil rights workers in Mississippi. Since she didn't mention black people she's not racist.
Damn! How can someone that annoys me so much of the time have such brief flashes of genius?
With all due respect everyone that posted here is an idiot. What you do not hear from Iowa is 'the Iowa Hawkeyes beat the Ohio State Buckeyes'.

Prove me wrong. Thought not unless you go way back. Center of the universe, Columbus, Ohio.

And screw you if you are old and bring up Hayden Frye.

(Actually I would have a lot of respect for that but just having fun otherwise).
And you are the fucking second cowardly racist that wants to play dumb, though from what I have seen it is not much of a stretch.
You wanna pretend that "Trailer? I pacifically axed for a suite on a cruise ship." isn't supposed to be a black person. You should quit being a coward too and tell us how you really feel there adolph, Come on and man the fuck up. If you say it in your cracker ass english I will even translate it into german for you so you can feel even more superior.

And you are the fucking second cowardly racist that wants to play dumb, though from what I have seen it is not much of a stretch.
You wanna pretend that "Trailer? I pacifically axed for a suite on a cruise ship." isn't supposed to be a black person. You should quit being a coward too and tell us how you really feel there adolph, Come on and man the fuck up. If you say it in your cracker ass english I will even translate it into german for you so you can feel even more superior.

No--I'm more of a realist. I've dealt with thousands of Katricians. The only way one would deduce that someone who said " I pacifically axed----" was a black person is because a whole lot of them who were rescued REALLY speak that way. Many are still looking for any handout they can get including cars. Many still live in apts paid for by tax money. Can I give them your phone number ?