Third explanation, gold star moms fault!

In truth, presidents do not walk in blind. There are people on staff who inform the president of protocols every place he goes. You can be sure he was told. Trump does not listen. He blusters through. Trump points fingers in every direction but his.
In truth, presidents do not walk in blind. There are people on staff who inform the president of protocols every place he goes. You can be sure he was told. Trump does not listen. He blusters through wherever he goes. Trump points fingers in every direction but his.
what are you talking about?.......lib'ruls walk in blind every day........
trump is always blaming the Gold Star Parents. Everyone remember the Khans?

Well, you have to figure that if he thinks the soldiers who gave their lives for this country are suckers, he must think the people that raised a sucker are equally suckers.

He was raised right by good people. Slum Lord Fred and Creepy Store Mannequin Mary.
Well, you have to figure that if he thinks the soldiers who gave their lives for this country are suckers, he must think the people that raised a sucker are equally suckers.

He was raised right by good people. Slum Lord Fred and Creepy Store Mannequin Mary.
trump speaks of himself as a racehorse that was bred to be perfect. he claims that he should not have to work, much less have his life risked for this country. It is bizarre.
are any of the parents, the lame stream media is objecting.........

Don't forget the US Military. Oh yeah and the Law in the US.

But definitely his followers will lap it up. Because they too believe America's fallen soldiers are only good for ONE THING: Photo ops.

I mean you GOTTA love the goofy grin and the thumb's up while you stand next to the grave of someone who gave their life for America. Because apparently it's funny?

trump speaks of himself as a racehorse that was bred to be perfect.

His daddy definitely "bred" him to be the man he is today. Fred apparently preferred Donald over his older brother because his older brother was insufficiently sociopathic. Donald was the REAL Fred Jr.

he claims that he should not have to work,

I think he actually considers doing what he does (primarily being a TV personality and licensing his name to things) is what he considers "work". And I think he might actually be of the opinion that it is hard work and he is a hard worker.

much less have his life risked for this country. It is bizarre.

Yeah, his disrespect for those who served and died on our behalf is interesting, espcially when you couple it with his draft dodging. There is absolutely ZERO percent chance that if any Dem ever did even 1/10th of what DJT has done to insult the military they would be run out of town on a rail by the very same folks who are cheering Donny on as he smears shit on the sacrifices made on our behalf.

He hates AMerica. He loves American TV which is where he lives. But as for the country that makes that TV? It can go to hell as far as he is concerned. So long as he gets his payday
One thing I admire Trump Supporters for is their BRAVERY. They are the only people I know that openly support the mockery and hatred of our men and women in uniform.

I would think that takes some balls.