Third explanation, gold star moms fault!

Don't forget the US Military. Oh yeah and the Law in the US.

But definitely his followers will lap it up. Because they too believe America's fallen soldiers are only good for ONE THING: Photo ops.

I mean you GOTTA love the goofy grin and the thumb's up while you stand next to the grave of someone who gave their life for America. Because apparently it's funny?

Looks like a lot of the family is giving the thumbs up. Which do you think they feel is worse. Harris getting their son/brother/etc killed in a disgraceful chaotic withdrawal or taking a picture at his grave site. I bet I know.
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Looks like a lot of the family is giving the thumbs up. Which do you think they feel is worse. Harris getting their son/brother/etc killed in a disgraceful chaotic withdrawal or taking a picture at his grave site. I bet I know. that even MORE whataboutism and deflection?

I'm surprised to see this. I thought you never did this.
Lovin' the trolls clutching their pearls. Hope there is room for all of them on the fainting couch.
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trump keeps extending this, and coming up with mutually contradictory excuses. It is just painful to watch.